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Everything posted by dj_me

  1. I have to disagree with you yet again. Hendu and Newble both are decent bench players. And given the time, I'm sure Dickau will be, at least, an okay backup.
  2. The funny thing about comments like these is that if Coach Stotts did begin to sit the starters, then everyone would start complaining more about how bad a coach he is. Personally, I think he has done a great job. He had to reinstall a basic knowledge of the game and also figure out HOW to play our players. I'm not going to say that he was always right in his choices, but then again, I wasn't at the game or on the bench or in the huddle. We don't know what is going on or what he is trying to do, so cut the guy some slack.
  3. If this trade were to happen, I would more than likely become a Warrior fan. Oh, I'll still route for Atlanta, but Golden State would have all the pieces to the puzzle. I'd rather get Fortson than Sabonis. Or does Fortson have a huge contract? I really can't say much about Anderson. I only hear about him through you.
  4. Kenny, Charles, Bill... These people I can handle being haters because they have never said they were a fan of this team. You're on this board supposedly because you're a Hawk fan, yet all you do is b*tch about how much we suck. I may route for a loser team, but I am proud to say I'm an Atlanta fan, even when they lose. I admit, I hate on certain players at certain times, but this is because at the time they do suck. That doesn't mean they won't do a 180 degree turn and be awesome the following week. Needless to say, we are not the bottom five in the league. We're bad, but we won't be in that group. Why, because we are improving. And yes, three close games like that is enough to hang my hat on. When they lose by just one or three points, I'm going to give them props, because they came [censored] close. It's better than losing by ten points or more.
  5. I read somewhere that in the past 8 games, Theo has averaged 5.3 blocks per game. I'm not positive, but I believe in those 8 games, all of his stats have begun to rise. He is coming back to the form that we traded Deke for. So why the [censored] would we trade him now that he is doing what we brought him here to do. And for your info, minus the last WIN (emphasis on WIN), we lost the last three games by a combined total of five points. Five points, that's a clutch JT three and a couple free-throws for GRod, Reef, or JT. I don't understand your hate for a team that you supposedly route for. What, I don't believe I've heard you say that you route for them. Between you and Hotwhatevera, I don't know who's worse of a hater. We really do need a blocking key on this board. I hate reading such negitive sh*t from such childish gimps. If you want to hate so much stay of the board and stay away from the team. In other words, F*ck-Off!!
  6. The actual rule, as I heard it, was that if you're from a foriegn nation and you will turn 18 "in the year you're drafted," it is okay. Since he turns 18 two months after the draft, it's okay. I don't believe it had anything to do with actually playing in a foriegn league (although, who would draft someone foriegn if they didn't prove themselves in some form of league).
  7. Who ever is going to get traded, it needs to happen. I getting f*cking antsy here. I like the idea of Spreewell or Payton playing alongside Terry, so just do it. Either Reef or Big Dog or both. Payton Terry Spreewell Nazr Theo Dreaming... Please, do something or let us stop hearing these rumors. They are driving me coocoo.
  8. Vince needs a Scottie Pippen on the team. That and role players if he is ever going to be close to Jordan. In my estimates, he will only get close. He will be fun to watch grow though.
  9. I see the lineup more as: Terry Spree GRob Nazr Theo I actually kind of like it.
  10. Theo is beginning to get his numbers again. GRob is being GRob consitently. JT I believe is shouldering the burden of the team. And Reef, well, he's still the same Reef that we got from Vancouver. Honestly, I think we are doing okay. We lost the last couple by a few points. We can still swing around from three losses. But if I were to make a drastic change, it would be a package deal. The more I think about it, the more I like the thought. Trade JT, Reef, and CC for potential players. I think we should be able to get a pretty good deal with JT and Reef. Get at least a potential superstar and hopefully one or two draft picks. If we get two draft picks, we package them and Theo for the first pick of the draft. I'm only going to say this once... GET LEBRON JAMES!!! If the only thing he does is bring fans in to watch games, okay! I don't have a problem with that. If he sucks for the first two or three years, who f*cking cares. It's Lebron f*cking James! Wilks/Dickau James/DJ Robinson/Newble Potential star/Henderson Nazr/potential player It doesn't really sound like the greatest lineup, but this would only be a few steps into the future.
  11. I never really realized it before, even though I have seen the numbers, but Reef and GRob are pretty much identical. Now, I know that GRob can be considered a ball-hog and I don't think that Reef is that, but the reference can be made. Maybe, just maybe, having two big, slower players doesn't work. My friend asked me this question last year: How does Reef get his numbers? My answer was: The numbers just, kind of, happen. So, we all know how GRob gets his points, but really, how does Reef get his numbers? The thing is, a scorer is going to hog the ball at times, but what happens when you get a scorer who's numbers just appear? My answer is... you trade him for someone who is more exciting to watch.
  12. I like this what you have done. You laid out players that we would actually be capable of getting. Two other players that I could realistically see in an ATL uniform are Jeff McInnis or Larry Hughes. Both are taller guards that can handle the ball. If we could package some deal where we are able to get Hughes and Kwame, plus keep Terry, that would be beautiful. The thing is, who would Jordan want. It might be a good place for Reef to be. After the season, who on the Wizards would be a better vet than Reef. I wonder if that would work, Hughes and Kwame for Reef.
  13. Personally, I'd love to see this backcourt. To boys from Arizona who have almost the exact same game. The thing is, I don't think it will ever happen, at least not here in ATL. Really, I don't see Terry here for too much longer. It hurts me to say this, but maybe it is best if we trade Terry. We just don't know, and probably will never know, how to use him. [censored] that sucks.
  14. Difference between Ham and Miles: They're age (29 to 21). They're averages (Miles blows Ham out of the water). Ham can't produce numbers like Miles can (in certain games). Potential. They're equals in: Energy (although Miles would be able to run laps around Ham). uhm...That's about it.
  15. dj_me


    I have to apologize for not thoroughly looking at his stats before I stated my opinion. What I meant to say is that I believe those to be his future projections. He will be great. What I love most about him is his energy. He just needs more time as a starter to develop. Plus, who can develop in Cleveland? He needs a high energy team to play with, and it may just be my view point, but I don't see Cleveland as high intensity. With L.A. last year, he'd come of the bench and many times get the numbers I mentioned. He brought a certain something to that team that they have lost with bringing in A. Miller. I think his main problem is consistency, something that comes with time.
  16. dj_me


    I'm afraid I'm going to have to disagree with you. Miles does have talent. He is young, but his stats are sweet. He brings between 10-15 points at least, around 6+ rebounds, a block or two, a steal or two, a few assists. He will do something in the NBA and I'd love to see him do it in ATL. If we had a team as follows, watch the crowd grow, even if we suck... G. Arenas J. Terry D. Miles S. Marion T. Ratliff
  17. I see a little bit of a flaw in getting a lot of draft picks. Didn't we do that the last time we blew up the team. One or two HIGH picks, one between 1-7 and one between 16-22, is all we need for youngsters. We get too many and we'll be in about the same perdicament we're in now. I do believe that if they decide to blow things up, we should wait until after we are sold (hopefully we won't get moved, although that might be a good thing). The restructuring should begin at management level, but I do have a little faith in what Stotts is doing. I think he might be able to draw good players to the team. I mean, look what he's done on picking up the NBDL players. I'll tell you right now, I think that JT is and/or will be a superstar. I think it would be a huge mistake on letting him go. But, if we were to blew up the team, ALL our stars have to go, including JT. We have had too much trouble finding another guard to play along with him. With Grob, he needs someone to play off of. On a rebuilding project, we won't have that. Theo just isn't doing it. He's begining to though, so we might keep him. Reef, well, he might be the only star I keep. The reason I say this is that when he first came to ATL there was so much good talk OF him and FROM him. He could help develop young players. My lineup of players that I would keep: Wilks (sign him) / Dickau Benjamin Newble Reef Nazr Terry Stotts & his crew This is, of course, if we don't finish the season on a high note that changes everyones view. Oh, and somehow, someway, we have to get Lebron James. With him comes excitement/attendance.
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