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Everything posted by Bawse

  1. This is hit and miss. I've seen plenty of games where we come out after the half, other team goes on a run, LD calls timeout. You know this has happened. Only time it doesn't is when we are playing scrub *ss teams, and even then we have trouble against teams like the aging Suns so you can't tell me the Hawks make proper adjustments after the half. LD may do a better job at "coaching" than Woody did, but remember who the original coach was that got us this far.
  2. No adjustments are ever made. Simple as.
  3. Joe was at his peak right before we resigned him to the albatross contract. Hes been at a steady decline ever since. I hate this guy.
  4. Now, I do hate Smoove at times but this is a complete snub. How does Deng makes it over Smoove... Smoove has carried our team in some games with Horford being down. Without Smoove our team is meat. He is an emotional leader and the only one that SHOULD be an all-star as a Hawk IMO. Really unbelievable. Snubbed again, just like last season.... and the year prior.... SMH
  5. Boy, that Kirk Hinrich guy sure is something.
  6. Bawse

    MEM vs ATL

    That's been the problem, no discipline, and no leadership. Nothing new. Jekyll and Hyde team.
  7. Bawse

    Joe's shoes

    man.... you know... i'm just uhh.... yeah man it's just my shoes, man....
  8. You see what Dallas is doing this season without him right? Yeah. That's right. Chandler was more valuable to that team that many believe.
  9. Oh Joe.... there it is again. Inconsistency.
  10. Huh??? 9 Assists. We do not need a scoring PG, we need a PG that can set our other guys up. Why? Kirk is not a primary scorer. Putting Pargo at the point and Hinrich at the 2 defeats the purpose of Hinrich being on the floor altogether. Again, Kirk is not a scorer, he is a defender and a set up man. Sure he can hit the spot up threes, but scoring isn't his main asset. Kirk can set Joe, Josh and Marvin up a lot better than Teague can... also has more experience. I'm not saying abandon Teague all together, still give him 20 minutes a night, but Kirk needs to be starting. Don't even dare say Teague is a better defender either.
  11. 1st half, Joe was 1-9. 2nd half, Joe was 10-14, with Hinrich on the floor. Coincidence? Maybe. But you can't help but recognize Kirk was creating and making perfect passes. The shot at the end of the 4th was pure clutch though. Regardless it was good to see us come back and win these type of trap games, I think last season these games are the ones we would've just conceded the loss. In the end I just ask for consistency, 1-9 shooting in the first half was bad and I was thinking it was going to be another dreadful night for Joe... but he caught fire, and this is the Joe Johnson we need in order to win playoff games.
  12. Hinrich needs to be starting bottom line. Teague needs his minutes but he isn't a starter. Kirk sets our guys up perfectly and plays serious D. Dude comes in and almost has 10 dimes in this game.
  13. I will say that that is the Joe Johnson we should expect in crunch time. Max money. Just imagine if he played consistently throughout the season the way he did in the 2nd half of that game..... murder. Props to Marvin too. Big shots.
  14. Why oh why did we get trapped with Blow Johnson... 10 pts, 5 out of 12 attempts... why does Teague and Smoove have more shot attempts, rather than our "star" that got over 120 mill in a contract. Man I love this guy. He is an inspiration to all who want to come to the NBA and money dig. Who cares about rings when you got 120 millie!!!!!
  15. That's the thing, he might just have high-functioning autism or aspergers syndrome. Not talking out of my *ss or BSing. People are too sensitive when it comes to talking about Money-Bags Joe.
  16. And you continue to think i'm talking out of my *ss when I post symptoms of high-functioning autism which clearly matches Joe Johnson. The last thread got locked because YOU baited me into an argument and insults, which this thread is slowly turning into. You come out of the woodwork and have done a good-job derailing this one again, good job! Do you contribute anything to this board except "100% agree with you ______." Be original please and stop being a Robin to Batman. Again.... not joking. Why is this such a sensitive topic? Good lord. MODS/Admins, just lock the damn thread. Obviously making an assumption that Joe Johnson might have a highly-functioning version of autism or aspergers is too much for people to discuss. Goodness. You people need a chill pill.
  17. You mad dude? Clearly you are the one that doesn't know the symptoms of high-functioning autism. There are plenty of people in the world who have jobs, contribute to society, and are actually somewhat social. Aspergers syndrome or high-functioning autism is very common in adults, to quote the symptoms: Please stop, This is not a troll thread this is a legitimate question. No need for cursing either, we all know what happened the last time you tried to derail my thread.
  18. So go with a big lineup? I can see where you're going with this. Moving Smoove to the 3 spot would only give him more excuses to shoot the J though. If he could gain discipline this would work.
  19. So he shoots more jumpers? No thanks.
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