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Everything posted by Bawse

  1. I would say we are doomed but this was just a warm-up game, minutes were spread to everyone on the roster. Don't panic.
  2. Joe, those glasses don't fit ya style.
  3. Stern should never have gotten his grubby fingers in a deal that had nothing involving him. The trade was blocked for no good reason. Stern basically is saying "Ehhhh.... if I don't like the trade, YOU CAN'T HAVE IT!!! eheheheh." Seriously, somebody take the guy out back and put him out of his misery. He's been ruining the NBA for years now. EDIT f***in LOL @ that pick of Gord and Kaman. Seriously loling right now.
  4. Well if you look at it THAT way I guess I can agree. BUT look at what B-Roy accomplished in his career. ROTY when he was drafted, three-time all-star in his five year stint, and In only five years of playing, his career average is a little under 20PPG (last year doomed his career PPG%, but even with blown out knees he hit clutch shots in the playoffs). B-Roy has done more in five years than Sheldon can ever hope to do in a lifetime. He basically carried the Blazers for a few years, while Sheldon has always been considered an albatross of a pick. Yeah sure, his knees blew out, but what can he do? I feel for the guy. This post has been promoted to an article
  5. They are still content with status quo, quite obvious with the mid-level signings of T-Mac and the incredible Radmane. This team won't make any drastic changes, but we can all dream. ....yeah, Boss dogg is back
  6. So glad the Heat lost, and so glad JT and Dirk got their ring. Who else saw Bosh crying like a little biatch going to the locker room?? LOL!!!
  7. CP3 and Smoove. Pick and roll dream. Oop city.
  8. Oh , no doubt. Was at that game. Jamal was definitely huge in the series, but Kirk's defense shut Jameer down and also forced numerous turnovers. Craw was just hot and hit mostly everything he chucked.
  9. LD and Kirk. Without Collins helping out, we wouldn't have won the series, and without Hinrich's shut down D we wouldn't have won.
  10. If anything, Joe should be moved to the SF position and we start Monta at the 2, with Teague/Hinrich at the point. That is, assuming Kirk would stay here if the trade went down.
  11. I got someone for them, he wears the jersey #24, some like to call him duck sauce....
  12. Well, Mike Brown isn't going to be coaching this team. Kobe will be obviously. Same scenario as Brown in Cleveland during LeBrons days. Kind of a stupid move....
  13. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/700379-atlanta-hawks-2011-12-preview-what-roster-moves-can-and-will-be-made Another interesting article on Dally and Casspi
  14. dally and casspi? ok.
  15. Lol, how would you propose having a CP3, JJ, Smoove, and Horford all on the same team? One of them would have to go in order for a CP3 trade to happen.
  16. Huh? We never handed Teague anything, he sat on the bench while Bibby was still here. The only few games he did start this season was when the Hinrich trade took place.
  17. Yeah, our leader, superstar, was laughing and smiling after the blowout, talking to the Bulls players. Could you imagine any other team leader doing this?
  18. I agree. Teague needs to be worked in to the starting lineup now. He's earned it.
  19. Blow it up, trade Joe too, I don't care. Trade Horford's soft *ss. Smoove is the only piece I want to keep, if he can be coached into never leaving the paint area. OVERHAUL.
  20. Is smiling and laughing after the 4th quarter buzzer sounded? Giving high fives to the Bulls team, laughing it up, smiling, chatting.... WTF??? YOU are our "superstar" player, our max player. Do you have no shame? Do you even CARE that your squad got blown the f*** out to get eliminated? JESUS CHRIST. There's only so much of this a fan can take. Joe is a talented player by my god, I could swear he doesn't care whether this ship sinks or sails. It's just visibly disgusting to watch. I know, neg me if you want, but f*** it, it's rant time.
  21. Yeah, wtf? There was one transition where he got two blocks in one possession, but the other was removed because of goal-tending.
  22. Bawse

    My Hawks.

    At this point we all know we need a legit center. Someone who can bang down low and is not afraid to get physical. Al Horfords game has changed so much it's unbelievable. Way too finesse for my liking. We should do everything in our power to try and bring D-Howard here, then we have a legit center who will get superstar treatment.
  23. Nothing really to debate. I said watch the game and watch the blatant non-calls against Teague and Smoove. You not being able to see that is your own damn fault, not mine.
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