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Everything posted by Bawse

  1. Sorry, but put your glasses on and watch the game. Teague, Josh, Boss, and Joe were blatantly mugged on numerous occasions and nothing was called. Especially Teague.
  2. Really unbelievable watching this bullsh*t reffing. If they didn't get us in round 1, damn they will get us in round 2. f***ing sickening. This kind of s*** makes me want to boycott basketball.
  3. Those are perfect, especially the Smoove avatar.
  4. Haha, i've been looking for the Magic pic for a long time. I remember seeing that right before the series started.
  5. Bawse

    Is it enough?

    I don't want Smoove gone. I want Smoove playing like he did last night. Physical, underneath the basket. That's his game. That said, we need some pieces moved around for sure.
  6. Just saw the debate between Chuck and C-Webb about Rose taking 30 shots. Actually siding with Chuck on this one.
  7. Yes. He deserves it. He needs to play with this kind of energy EVERY game. Down low = success
  8. Start bigs, and play physical. those are the keys to winning this series. A great game played tonight. Josh realized the he was taking stupid shots and REALLY stepped his game up, big time down in the paint. Without Smoove in this game, we lose. Al Horford MUST step up, he is playing as soft as a pillow. Jeff Teague has impressed me, and Joe played another solid game. Loving the defense on D-Rose, LD has made adjustments and they are clearly working. Stick with this game plan and play at high energy.
  9. Terrible officiating so far. I have noticed it too. Teague has been mugged on multiple occasions.
  10. Good, been saying this since the series began. We need to continue to go big.
  11. Marvin should be traded this off-season, maybe for a 2nd rounder if we get lucky.
  12. No excuses, they are all playing like garbage right now. But Horford is not playing near as bad as Smoove is. There's no way you can justify that. I say we move Horford back to the PF position and go big. Start Collins.
  13. Lol @ you, for being a diehard Smoove fan no matter what. Horford has proven he can knock down the mid range shot, Smoove hasn't, he continues to chuck, chuck, chuck.... That said, Boss has been cold so far. He isn't playing as well as we'd liked him to. But without Horford, we'd have 0 rebounds in a game. Face it, Smooves IQ is that of a 7th grader. LD already said he wants him playing inside, but he continues to chuck. No matter what. Don't care what you say, his defense doesn't make up for his stupid offensive IQ.
  14. Deuces..... I was actually at the game. If you can't take this, you aren't a true Hawks fan. Go find a bandwagon to jump on.
  15. Off to Phillips now :)
  16. Nah, he's just matured. Before he was 18. Take a look at LeBron also.... and D-Howard. Smoove isn't fat by any means.
  17. I agree with staying big, but I don't know about starting both Zaza and Collins. Maybe use the lineup we used against Orlando.
  18. Welcome to the Squawk Nation my friend
  19. :sarcastichand: :sarcastichand:
  20. I read this. Smoove will be Smoove. When he starts getting chuck happy, LD just needs to pull him. Either that or the rest of the guys need to stop feeding him on the perimeter. There's a reason why he's always open out there.
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