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Everything posted by sasuke

  1. I don't care if Sessions can't shoot, i'm done with shooters on this team. He can drive, dish & rebound. Is only 24 years old & cheap. I don't care sending Teage, filler & a 1rst for him. We need to do something & forget about being conservative cuz so far its been killing us. Do it, do it now damn it!!!
  2. How bad a player has to be to get DNP-CD for most of the season behind BB?
  3. sasuke

    Coach Drew

    I think the ASG & Sund are the real problem. Drew is here & this team is as it is cuz of them.
  4. I visit a lot of nba forums and the general opinion on the Hawks is that they're one of the most boring teams to watch with one of the worst fan base.
  5. sasuke

    Coach Drew

    We don't have time for that. Better of trade them for rotational players.
  6. As cheap as ownership is, that may be a viable option. Who's taking JJ's contract??????
  7. sasuke


    That's why we are # 1 in attendance {/sarcasm}
  8. sasuke

    Coach Drew

    This "motion offense" is a joke.
  9. Haywood. I think it would be easier to pry.
  10. NY is looking to improve their frontcourt, not to make it worst. Not happening. I still think Haywood is reachable.
  11. OMG!!!!!! the point is that we have to make the strongest offer as possible & picks will make any package a better one. Our players + our picks are a better offer than just our players, therefor we must include them. It's not rocket science. It isn't debatable, it really isn't!!!!!!!
  12. Wrong, I clearly stated to use them in packages with players, which is rarely mentioned in trade scenarios, specially trading both 2011 & 2013 1rst round draft picks. Is dumb to think we can trade picks for players straight up, how salaries will match? How to use draft picks for Dummies: Pau Gasol for Kwame Brown, guard Javaris Crittenton, guard Aaron McKie , the draft rights to Marc Gasol and first round picks in 2008 and 2010. Antwan Jamison for Zydrunas Ilgauskas & 2010 1rst round pick (Cavs & Wizards side of the trade) Vince Carter, Mickael Pietrus, Marcin Gortat, a 2011 first-round pick and $3 million for Turkoglu, Richardson and Earl Clark. (Magic got raped on this one) Jermaine O'Neal for T.J. Ford, Rasho Nesterovic and the 2008 1rst round pick Kevin Garnett for Ryan Gomes, Gerald Green, Al Jefferson, Theo Ratliff, Sebastian Telfair, a 2009 first round draft pick and a return of Minnesota's conditional first round draft pick & cash Tyrus Thomas for Flip Murray, Acie Law and a 2012 first-round draft pick Do you understand now what this thread is about?
  13. Melo trade is so dumb. :lol6: @ Hollinger
  14. What about Farmar, I prefer him over Bynum by a mile. He might come cheap as well.
  15. Call me crazy but I don't think Melo is going to solve our issues. As a marketing move is great.No more empty seats, lots of merchandise sold, jarajarajara. But basketball wise, prefer a 1 &/or 5.
  16. Denver isn't going to take Zaza's contract, not in a million years unless we take Harrington back.
  17. Every season you see teams trading for picks, most of those picks are outside the lottery & if lottery bound their're protected. They draft players they covet , or they just trade them along with other similar picks/cash/taking on contract to move up in the draft. Giving up a pick in a trade with a rebuilding team is almost a most. to build trough the draft you need more than your own picks, other than that takes you longer. That's how they do it, at least in the NBA that I watch. Not sure if you're watching the same league. Those picks are worth 3 mill at draft night so they have value, don't say the opposite.
  18. Trust me guys, for rebuilding teams, it makes a lot of difference. Most of them build their core trough the draft. And even for non rebuilding teams that are set like to have picks. It's simple math : BB + pick > BB Zaza + pick > Zaza Marvin + pick > Marvin Teague, Jo Crawford +pick > Teague & Jo Crawford Crawford's expiring + 2 1rst round picks = Beast in return. Mo's expiring + pick = decent role player in return.
  19. From sports analysts to Hawks fans are always talking about players for players trades that make our options for improvement look so limited. Can we talk about trading our draft picks to increase the chances of something happening? IMO, contenders & 2nd tier teams(us) shouldn't care about keeping draft picks. The idea is to win now and non lotto picks most of the time can't help their teams to win now. Sometimes they don't even play after a year or 2 or see limited minutes as rookies. Just look @ Teague & Jo. Crawford, doing noting to flip things around. In 2 or 3 years they might help, but this team can't afford to play the waiting game any more. Thats why I'll say screw it!!!! Trade the 2011, 2013 1rst rounders, the 2 extra 2nd rounders on 2012 & 2013 along with any combination of players to make something money wise affordable to happen. After all, our scouting is pathetic. If we had the Spurs scouts will be another story, but we don't.
  20. That my friend will never happen. But I do believe that we can get Haywood from Dallas.
  21. We shouldn't care to much for picks at this point. I'll do it in a heartbeat.
  22. I'm not going to pretend that CP3 & Deron Williams are available cuz they aren't. Nash, for the right deal, will be.
  23. Isn't easier to just let him walk next season if all they want is him out?
  24. I've read multiple articles about Nash linked to the Hawks, but most of them are speculations derived from our black hole at the 1 in which we are the only playoff team besides Orlando with that issue. But just as you, all I do is imagine the pick & roll/pop fest.
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