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Everything posted by NekiEcko

  1. This might be the best draft ever!!!!!!!!! for rumors :Talking Ear Off:
  2. MVP23, dont be all negative and stuff, its draft day and we thought it was going to be quiet.
  3. I dont see it on FOXSports yet but somebody had comment on that in the blog section.
  4. less than 4 hours left and oh, lord it is going to be storm of rumors beyond rumors.
  5. Yes, you are a uber optimist I never remember a All star type FA that want to come to Atlanta unless they want to bump up the cost of their contract from the other team. (that reminds me when Falcons went through that during their horrible years, but now they want to come here).
  6. But that cost of that will be still no true 5, hope that Howard comes here(and he wont if that trade does happens) and still be very close to LT and cant resigned Craw..
  7. But the question will be, if you do those trades, would any big-time FA would come to Atlanta to play for the Hawks. It will be like the Nets, when they didnt get any of the big FA, they just waited and trade for Dwill during the season. This is a very very dangerous situation, this can be much worst than Nique to Clippers deal, so much worst.
  8. I dont think that is going to work while they just exercise Teague contract just yesterday. That will put him back on the bench, still with no True 5 and giving Orlando ammo to beat us up for next 7 - 9 years. ASG, would be boo forever.
  9. But we are dealing with the ASG, and they are complain about losing money even after selling the Trashers, so anything is possible but they will have to live with the aftermath of this.
  10. I swear i wish that Arthur Blank can buy this team. I have a very bad feeling about tonight. I just got that feeling about it.
  11. You are right, I got a feeling it is going to be us as the third team but I just try to figure out, if we going to give up Smith for a DP and money, they just put up JJ on the block as well.
  12. You know that is right. This is getting just painfully looking at these trade rumors and ppl need to remember. This team went to second round again for the third time and actually played hard versus top seeded team with a back-up PG at the helm. If the ASG does this, that means they dont have money and they are going to lose fans and their money faster than the Thrashers did(we all know what happened to them). In my heart of hearts, we should be trading Johnson and Marvin before going after Smith. ASG better pray that this deal doesnt happen.
  13. It looks like that this rumor is false as well. http://twitter.com/#!/zachkleinwsb Dang, lip service again.
  14. But you cant really compare Baseball and Basketball when it comes down to sales and stuff like that. In Baseball, it is a much larger system to buy for against a basketball team that is smaller. I want to find out who much that Pistons was sold for, then we can use that as a baselane for our deal. if I remember the deal was aroun 350 - 400 mil to buy the Hawks/Thrasher/Phillps, when ASG first brought the team (I am just guessing here).
  15. True, i hope so but we dont know what is going to happen next year. But we need a change and the players need to complete all the games not only the playoffs. But the bottom line is that they have to set their goals higher than the second round, period.
  16. Diesel, I am thinking that you are missing the point all together. Let me ask you a question: With present squad that Hawks have, do you think we can get to the ECF? Right now, Heck NO I know that you want to throw out stats, then let me throw some to you. 0-17 in the second round since Hawks coming to Atlanta 0 ECF App 2-16 in the last three second round contest with this current squad With no cap room, new CBA, no 1st round picks and might lose J. Craw to FA. We are close alright, close to the middle section, good enough to get the playoff but can get to the ECF/Finals We Hawks fans are tired and want to go the ECF just one time (i hope to you think that too, Diesel) East is getting stronger every year and cant be taken lightly (Phil, NY, Cha, and NJ-because of cap room), we need a change because right now, we wont be the Heat/Bulls/C's in 7 game series. Plus Orlando was way weaker this year than last year so that doesn't count at all. Changes need to happen, no matter what. Standing pat might cost us spots in the playoffs picture or maybe out of the playoffs.
  17. I have to agree with CTC about this and I am going to added alittle bit more to this. Also he hasnt demonstrated leadership abilities. When I was in the Navy, we had a Chain of Command, when the worker had to listen to the Leading Petty Officer and in return have to listen to the Leading Chief Petty Officer that was in charge of everybody. When I see the Hawks, I see all the Workers but no LPO, even know that we do have a LCPO (Drew) only some people would listen and other dont (ie. broken plays, stupid decisions, etc, etc), when that happens that LPO has come in and straight them out. I dont see it in Joe at all. He might have all the abilities to be a good player but as long he doesnt have any leadership qualities (toughness as well), he will always be just a good player. He has to be that leader, speak up when Coach Drew does his thing, when Josh does some stupid, Joe has to be the one to tell him these things, that for Al as well plus being a mentor to Teague and Williams(if he isnt doing his wall flower thing).
  18. First of all, nobody on this team is untouchable for the right set of players, even JJ with his contract can be traded (Chicago would love to have him as their SG). I know that people will say that his contract is too much but if you are a team that needs a SG that can get you into the next level. I believe that Joe was letting his contract play him this year then he paying for his contract. When you were getting paid more than Leboy, Wade, Bosh and even Kobe. People is going to look at you as a #1 option but he didnt perform to that level at all. I think it was the contract, injuries, double teams and the new offense that was hurting his production alot. To me, he works better under like a Knicks or old Suns O that is totally chaos and not too many set plays, when he set his feet and double teams comes, he is too stiff and try to hold on to the ball for long periods of time then that will cause alot of trouble. Did he deserve a new contract, Yes but that much money, No. Also I think the landscape of the East is changing as the Bulls(if they get a scoring SG, watch out) and Heat (No Big 3) is going to be the top dogs. Boston is getting older but still dangerous. As long as Dwight is there, Magic is going to be in that fight. New York and 76ers is upcomers with a few more pieces can overtakes the Hawks. RIght now, the only way we are going to get to the ECF is that we bring in a Option #2 for Joe or bring in a Option #1 to turn Joe into Option #2. I think that if Josh and Al played their game then they can be that option. At the end, nobody is untouchable right now, and JJ is in that group until he can provide that he can be that #1 Option
  19. I have to agreed with what Sothron saying, besides the Thrashers was a expensive tax-write off for ASG like the Braves with Libery Media. They didnt tried to bring a competitive team (like another team we all, but they spend more money on the wrong players, etc etc etc) with Bare MINIMUM and they had three young Superstar type players that came in and how many did they keep? None of them at all. Heck, we cant even draft them or trade for those type of players. ASG have already put one foot in the grave, and they know now that attendence is going to drop even further because of this. I say, get out of the game now. **I didnt heard anything about why they even put the Hawks for sell team if they was going to keeping them in the first place. :roulette: ** Those fools
  20. It seems like that Spirit ends exclusivity on Hawks sale talks on Friday with Mr. Moores, so that could have meant that the deal for the hockey team is/almost completed and they will be leave team soo. To me, it feels like that ASG did this, so they can hold on the basketball and arena and Hockey could have been sold to somebody else outside of Atlanta without giving up all three. But this is going to cost ASG alot of fans and hated from so many people(if they didnt like them anyway)
  21. But I think that ASG will get out of it as soon as possible. They are looking like Bad Guys with NHL(after this, never step one foot in Georgia ever again for anything) and I think once the sell of the Thrashers is complete then the Hawks and Phillps will be next.
  22. Until the deal is done and Hawks change ownership then Sund maybe back but he will gone. They just went ahead and did it if the deal didnt go through.
  23. Let's hope that both of the Hawks and/or Thrashers sale is done soon. Sund might not come back but I think ASG did this if they werent going to get a buyer for the team. I know that I been reading AJC and boy , they want him gone.
  24. I think the reason why he didnt spend that much because of the divorce with his ex-wife, he had to sell his house that he had in Calif and he had to sell the team as well to help cover the cost. Lesson of the Day is; If you married, dont never try to a divorce unless it is the last thing you have to do. Because it is very costly these days for that (let not started adding kids to that).
  25. Also when a team is getting sold, it is best to have atleast something there, so when the new owner comes in then he will make his decision about it. Until John Moores comes out with his policies and goals, he can do almost anything, he might replace Sund after he becomes owner. And we cant bring Sund about some of the moves he did, that was the owners forced him to make that deal and also its was the owners idea as well to spend that money for JJ.
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