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Everything posted by JJFAN4LF

  1. Hahaha thats funny. I'm having some home cooked meal my grandma is making...yes im young. I'm 16 years old. I cannot wait though!!!
  2. Joe Johnson is better than Ray Allen but if Joe is gonna guard Ray Allen all game long, Joe Johnson is bound to get tired. I think the PG situation is better for us too. Bibby is a streaky shooter but it's better than a guy that can't shoot the ball (referring to Rondo). I'm not including Cassell here because I think that Rondo will get more minutes than him.
  3. I think it's safe to say hawksfan23 is the youngest member here. I am 16 years old. I've been a Hawks fan since the 04-05 season. I don't like bandwagoners, that is why I will hate Philips Arena for game 3 and game 4 because all those Boston Celtic Fans weren't fans until this year. I make Youtube videos to boost the popularity of our team. I think it works.....kind of. I've been to 20+ home games this season. I plan to go to DevRy University in Duluth and I plan to be a season ticket holder for life.
  4. The only advantage I can see is the PG spot. We got a guy that's been to the playoffs many times (Bibby) facing a sophomore that hasn't experienced one minute of playoffs (Rondo).
  5. Quote: Great video - now who is going to submit something to the Hawks video contest? http://www.nba.com/hawks/promotions/Get_Fi..._Home_Page.html Check it out, you can win playoff tickets and the chance to have your video shown on the jumbotron at Game 3 at Philips Arena... I know I am. Me and my friend are.
  6. JsmooveFemaleFan....which Marvin dunk are you talking about? Thanks again for all the feedback guys. Tough loss tonight, but don't worry we MADE PLAYOFFS!!
  7. Thank you for all the feedback. It did take me a long time to do it, I could have made it better but I wanted to upload it as soon as the Hawks clinched a playoff spot.
  8. I've made a mix about the Hawks to celebrate our first playoff appearance since 99. Atlanta Hawks Playoff Preview Mix [made by me] Please rate and comment. Subscribe if you have a youtube account.
  9. Anybody have any? for the Hawks side?
  10. kills us. I'm not sure if I'm the only one that noticed this but whenever they ran a pick and roll, we struggle to defend the guy rolling or the guy that has the ball. The pick and roll of Kirk and Gooden hurt us in the fourth quarter especially. Hawks need to communicate if they should switch or stick to their player when they get picked.
  11. scoring too!! and trying on defense.
  12. I was searching online for a Joe Johnson signature, and the first thing that came out was an online petition asking for signatures for Joe Johnson to stay in Phoenix. Obviously it didn't work, but if we create a petition doing so, it might work, seeing as how many people want Woody gone. It's free so anybody can make it. I for one don't want to, because I don't want to be the person that starts the petition of firing a person. I'm not into people getting fired and losing their jobs, so I'm not gonna start it. Will I sign it? Yes. I just won't start it. The site is: www.petitiononline.com
  13. [censor] you all salim haters! Salim is probably our best shooter....wait, he is. He is instant offense. Yes, I know he can't play defense, but its not like teams take advantage of him every single second Salim is on the floor. Salim would help our team's floor spread. Whenever Joe is doubled, he can pass to Salim and Salim can shoot or pass to another open man in the basket or at the 3. He isn't a PG but I think he can run and dish the ball in the break. He makes good decisions with the ball during transition. Giving Salim inconsistent minutes only hurts our team. He can never get hot and our floor spread is always crappy.
  14. First I have to say, great game tonight. Smoove played under control but had some bad decision making in a couple of plays. I think the key to winning this game is exactly what we did to Philadelphia, DEFENSE. We're also gonna have to share the ball more than we usually do. Stopping Chauncey Billups is gonna be a tough one. We don't really have a PG that can stop him all game long, Speedy would be good matching Chauncey in defense but obviously, that won't happen. Someone is gonna have to switch guarding Richard Hamilton. Joe can't be guarding him all game long, we don't want to wear Joe out. We need his offense. Put Smoove on Rasheed. Rasheed can post or shoot the ball, Josh Smith is the only one capable of guarding a big man that can post and shoot. Our bench needs to step up big time. Mario West hopefully will get some minutes guarding Hamilton. Hopefully he just won't foul too much. Salim probably won't play much, but if he does, he can't be chucking up the ball. It's gonna be a tough game. We're gonna have to play 48 minutes of HARD basketball.
  15. Allow me to introduce myself, I am a 16 year old fan that is obsessed about the Hawks. Don't take me as a fan that is biased and doesn't really know anything. I am new to this forum and I really don't know how this forum works or what kind of personalities the members have. Well, here is my take on the Atlanta Hawks. Enjoy! First, here is the lineup that I would love to see. PG: Speedy Claxton SG: Joe Johnson SF: Marvin Williams PF: Josh Smith C: Al Horford If Speedy can get healthy, I think he is the right man to play the point. I don't want Tyronn Lue as he isn't a true PG, Anthony Johnson is too slow for the run and gun style we want to play. Acie is a rookie, let him learn the ropes from a veteran like Speedy. I know Speedy isn't that quick and fast anymore, but the very limited games I saw him last season, made me like him. He can pass the ball really well and also play DEFENSE, something our other PGs don't know how to do. The PG spot is the only position that is arguable on who should start or not. The rest are pretty much given. Here's my take on our players. Josh Childress- he's my favorite player for various reasons. He does everything for us. He does all the little things to help us try to get a win. Sometimes he isn't aggressive enough, and that hurts him and our team. I think that he'll leave this team this summer and go to a west coast team. He needs to work on his ball handling skills and his creativity to be a force to be reckon with in this league. Speedy Claxton- He's too injury prone. When healthy, he provides good minutes for us. Has to work on his shot to be a better PG. Has great hands and hustle. One of the best stealers in the NBA. I think our best PG. Al Horford- May very well win Rookie of the Year. Don't get me wrong, Kevin Durant is good and all but he only provides points because of his minutes. Al Horford plays limited minutes and is our best rebounder. He needs to work on catching the ball and slowing down when he gets the ball in the post. Anthony Johnson- If we want to play a halfcourt game instead of a run and gun offense, I think AJ would be the best at running the point. He's too old and too slow to run the point and that also hurts him in the defensive end. He'll be more suited as a "player coach" in my opinion. Joe Johnson- Our best offensive player. His defense is overrated in my opinion. Needs to stop with all the isolation and pass the ball more. Our players are improving, he needs to trust his teammates with their jumpshot, with the exception of Josh Smith. He needs to take it to the hole more, so he can go to the line more often. He needs to demand the ball whenever his teammates are being sloppy or just not making any shots, and he needs to pass the ball to a teammate that is "feeling it" instead of shooting it. Solomon Jones- Needs to get ALOT stronger. Has one of the longest arms I've ever seen. Can block shots when it is "help" defense. Can't block his own man, he's too weak to do so. Acie Law- He seems hesitant when he should pass the ball or shoot the ball. He's young and he'll improve. Not sure if he'll be a Chris Paul talent, but I think he was a good choice. Needs to penetrate and dish the ball more. Will play a big factor for us if Speedy is injured for most of the season. Tyronn Lue- A good shooter. That's all the positive things I can say about him. He can't play the point at all. He's also good at creating his own shots. Takes too many shots during clutch time and he dribbles around too much. Zaza Pachulia- A decent contributor off the bench whenever he plays under control. Needs to STOP flopping, he never gets the calls. Gets too fancy sometimes. The worst defensive center in the NBA. Can give us points whenever he plays under control. Josh Smith- Has one of the lowest basketball IQ I've ever seen. Needs to grow up and stop taking so many shots. His defense is overrated, he gets beat by his man a lot. The best shot blocker in the league. Gambles in the passing lane too much. Needs to stop playing the point. Needs to stop thinking he is Rasheed Wallace with the jumpshots and Kareem with all the hooks he does. Needs to play under control to be effective in offense. He needs to use his athleticism to his advantage in offense. Salim Stoudamire- Don't know why Woody doesn't use him more often. Can flat out shoot the ball. Can light it up at any game. Sometimes takes too many jumpshots, but it looks like he has better decision making this year. Needs to have better floor vision so we can use him at the point. Mario West- Just energy in the court. Loved him during the Bucks game. Has no offensive skills but he's pretty athletic. Marvin Williams- Has one of the prettiest jumpshots I've seen. Has the midrange going for him. I don't see him make 3's often. Needs to be more aggressive and use his athleticism when he drives. Rebounding is a weak point for him. He should be our main 2nd option this year. Shelden Williams- Thought he was a bad pick before and I still think he is still a bad pick. The only thing that translated from his college career is his rebounding. Seems too stiff and can't block any shots. Lorenzen Wright- I think the he is the worst player we have. Doesn't do anything for us. He can be another "player coach" for us. Woody-FIRE HIM! Used to support him, but he does not know anything about basketball. It sounds like he does with his post game interviews, but whenever its game time, his players are making the same mistakes they have before. I'm not sure if the players are stubborn or they just don't respect Woody as a coach. He also doesn't know how to use his players. Also, check out my youtube videos I made. www.youtube.com/hawksno1fan PLEASE SUBSCRIBE IF YOU HAVE A YOUTUBE ACCOUNT!
  16. I talked to Bob Bender after the game, and he said Acie will come back on Monday.
  17. He played great tonight. One of the few players I can say that too. Needs to get better shoes, seems like he was slipping out there and causing turnovers.
  19. Well Woody has confidence with Lue, and I say that I do too. Just not this game, where he was bricking.
  20. Can you guys SUBSCRIBE to my mixes? I make a lot of videos about the Hawks. PLEASE RATE AND COMMENT my videos. Here are my videos: http://youtube.com/watch?v=hGk_CRnz1p0 http://youtube.com/watch?v=WnPly--P9f8
  21. Well I for one think that we played amazing tonight. Positives: Tyronn Lue is still the same and will be a good scorer off the bench. Joe Johnson carried our team when we needed it most. Acie Law had some nice dishes. Josh Smith hustled for plays and played VERY good D against Dirk. Marvin looks to have a breakout year. Negatives: Josh Childress looked sloppy. Josh Smith tried to do too much at times. Calls are still not going our way. Shelden still looks stiff (got some key rebounds though). Loved the energy of the crowd especially at the 2nd half!! By the way, the A Town Dancers look EXTRA nice this year.
  22. Well me and 5 of my friends didn't find that out until we went to the ticket booth and saw the sign "SOLD OUT". We got tickets by buying from the scalpers near the arena.
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