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Everything posted by Teeareess

  1. Teeareess


    http://www.nba.com/hawks/news/Hawks_Sign_R...d-55425-33.html pretty interesting signing.
  2. I think for the Hawks, 25 assists off of 35 baskets is amazing! 3 steals, 4 assists and one T.O. in limited minutes for Terry ain't bad either. I hope he doesn't just stick to threes during the season. His Jay's good, but his quickness is better.
  3. Terry plays 40 minutes a night. I think DDD will be develop into a quality backup, and Davis will be an adequate emergency combo guard.
  4. Teeareess


    Does the fact that they've obviously gotten past these problems mean anything to you? You look kinda desperate trying to pass this old & opinionated article as news.
  5. Buy you are being subjective and prejudiced by your decision to only look at some of the numbers. You can't take one or two stats from games you didn't watch and pretend that you can properly disect a game.
  6. I'm a little confused too. This has got to be one of the most ridiculous arguments in the history of the internet. (And that's saying a lot!)
  7. Teeareess


    March of what year? Definatly not 2002. Since they've one atleast 2 championships after this was written, I think there is some reason to believe it got better. Keep trying.
  8. You can analyze boxscores all you want. I'll stick to watching games. There isn't really a question. The major difference between the first half, where we lost most of our games, and the second half, where we played much better, was our defense.
  9. And my point is, since Kobe is so much better than Wells, you can't find a team where he won't be one of the best two players on it. Kobe is one of the most talented players in the league. If you can get a player like that, you can work out the chemistry problems. Wells, is a pretty good player, but he isn't in Kobe's class. If Wells came here, since he isn't a better player than any of our big three, he would have problems here getting what he thinks is his proper share of shots.
  10. Sorry, but Kobe is so much better than Wells that that comparison is just plain silly. As one of the top shooting guards in the game, he wouldn't have to spit time with Derrick Anderson. Pippen and Stoudamire would become strictly passers with a target like Kobe on the team. Right now, Kobe plays a content 2nd bannana to the best, most dominant player in the game. In Portland, Wallace would have to get used to playing in Kobe's shadow. Why on earth wouldn't he be the focus of the offense?
  11. Where did he mention anything about opponents fg%? Opponents rebounding? How about fast break points, caused by good defense? Anything that would have anything to do with defense?
  12. Why do restricted free agents always tend to sign long term offer sheets? Is there some rule that says that Redd, or to take an example from earlier this year, Ricky Davis, can't sign a one year offer sheet? That way, if the offer is matched you're not stuck someplace you'd rather not be long term.
  13. I'm no big fan of Nazr's either, but he is the only backup center we have. Even if Theo was coming off of an injury free career, I wouldn't want to go into a season without an NBA quality backup.
  14. I agree. I also think Duncan would completley screw up our power forward/center rotations.
  15. Between this post, and your Ira can't shoot statements, I'm starting to wonder did you watch the Hawks at all post allstar break? Ira's success had very little to do with gambling. He played smart hard nosed D. He worked hard to deny the ball to our opponents top perimeter scorer and bothered him all over the court.
  16. And I know that the offense flowed much better when Ira was on the floor. He did not allow the defense to dictate his shots. He took nothing but high percentage shots. He moved well without the ball, made himself a target when double teams came, and finnished well. Please tell me what is Ty Corbin-like about that? Ira put up what? 7 threes last year? There were games when Corbin put up that many. He's living proof that having someone who is not a great shooter putting up long range shots does not help. Do you actually think Davis heaving up 3's will actually help the offense? Unless he becomes a remarkably better shooter, teams would much rather have him throwing up prayers from outside then have our big three touch the ball. As for Dion, he's nowhere near as good moving without the ball. He needs a lot of clearout type plays in order to be successful. He's not going to get that in the starting 5. That added with his lack of intensity on defense make him more suited to be a 6th man. IMO as a fifth option starter (who by the way, is not a great entry passer), Dion would probably become Ty Corbin Jr. He's probably be sent to camp on the weak side behind the three point line.
  17. Me too, but I just think of how bad it could've been. Did you see his car? When you think about it, loosing a season of basketball isn't too bad.
  18. They're saying 4-6 Months. I doubt he plays any this season.
  19. Actually, last season, Newble was never a liability on offense. He might not have 3pt range, but he moves well without the ball and takes good shots. That makes teams pay for leaving him alone. I'd much rather have that then someone who is not a great shooter heaving up threes.
  20. Just reported on 11alive. DJ seriously injured in one car accident.
  21. I guess my problem was that you were posting about what is wrong with basketball, and you felt it necessary to mention that the players who you were playing with, who were not according to you, fundamentally sound, were black. I'm not calling you a racist or anything, (I don't like to quick label people), but you did ask, and that's how your statement came off to me.
  22. I hate to jump in on such a silly thread, but if you weren't making a racial statement, why'd you mention the players race? I'm not defending or siding with BHD, (he's obviously posted some racial comments that offended me), but when I read your post, I did feel that you were doing your own bit of stereotyping. In reply to: I played a pick up game with 4 black guys on my team (no disrespect to blacks out there)... these guys are VERY GOOD DUNKERS and VERY ATHLETIC.
  23. I agree, I don't think Horry has ever hit a shot when everyone in the gym knew he was going to shoot it. He doesn't make his own shots, but takes the shots the defense gives. Nothing wrong with that, but it's not on the same level with guys like Miller or Pierce who take over games late despite double teams.
  24. In reply to: Most of his success there is a result of being so much bigger than everyone else. He's also quicker and more explosive then any center anywhere near his size. People complain about him getting calls seem to convenietly forget that every star player from Jordan to Stockton to Nique, gets the benifet of friendly refs. But they only get those calls after seasons of great play. Shaq's first season or two he had his share of offensive fouls, just like every young quick guard gets a lot of carrying turnovers. It's part of the game.
  25. I think Desiel's reading too much into this one. They traded a future pick, to get the last pick in the first round to pick DD. That doesn't sound like urgency to me. If they were so urgent, to replace JT at point, why did Babcock fail to even make a contract offer to Vaughn? Isn't he closer to being the true point guard that Babs is supposedly looking for? Why no attempts to bring in any Vet point guards in free agency? They must've been pretty comfortable about the thought of JT at point to make no moves before the draft.
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