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Everything posted by Teeareess

  1. Quote: ...big man. We need a BU that can provide us with physical, intimidating play and be efficient doing so. What a coup. He was worth it just for our players to proctice against and with play like tonight it seems he may become our primary C BU. W I'm with you. I hope he keeps it up. I was really just hoping he'd provide rebounds, interior defense, and garbage points, but if he can get himself to the line, that's gravy.
  2. Quote: Aside from each players play which I wouldn't judge on this one game... I'm concerned about Chillz. He played 40 minutes and only took 8 shots. He also went to the line a lot, so I'm not as concerned yet.
  3. The lack of rebounds, and the high opponents shot percentage do worry me a little.
  4. Marvin got to the line a lot. They shot an insanely high FG percentage. We played our starters a lot, but we still lost.
  5. I'm not a Van Exel or a Fisher fan, but I'd take the rest over Lue in a heartbeat.
  6. I'm a huge Lost fan. I've seen every episode (including last night's) at least twice.
  7. Quote: In fact, if we had drafted Paul and not picked up JJ, you wouldn't dare speak of Smoove as a PF. I don't know if that's true. Wasn't there talk of Smith being a Shawn Kemp like player even before he played his first NBA minute?
  8. I think it probably was 06. Remember, X360 comes out in just a couple of months. They're supposed to have NBA Live and Madden as launch titles, so even though they're next gen, they'll still be 06. PS3 versions might be better, but that's just because they'll come out so much later.
  9. Quote: So I dont really worry abou that part, but what I am disappointed in is that I heard they wont be making a version for the X360 or the PS3. I hope thats just a rumor because I will be getting one of the new systems within the next year. Might have to wait until Live 2007 to enjoy the insane graphics capabilities. Where did you hear that? I don't know about the PS3, but I'm pretty sure that NBA Live and NBA 2K6 will be launch titles for the X360.
  10. Well, you obviously like Mash a lot more than I do. I think he's a very good all around player, but I'd never consider him a point forward. I don't like his handles anywhere near as much as the two players you mentioned. But, we'll see.
  11. Quote: You guys are fooling yourselves is you think that Marvin = Mash. Mash had great skills. Even at UK.. He carried a bunch of nobodies and he did it better than anybody could have. He could score inside/Outside and he could handle the ball. Mash was another one of those guys who was a threat just being on the court. Marvin never showed up against Big competition. I don't think anyone said Marvin = Mash. I just think that physically and skillset wise, Mash is a much more valid comparison than Bosh. I think that Marvin has a chance to develop into a Mash type player.
  12. Interesting. This's the first I've heard of it.
  13. That's exactly how I see him KB21. Mashburn is a much better comparison than Bosh.
  14. Quote: Wouldn't Marv's Game be similar to Bosh's? I know a lot of talk here about him as a SF or PF. If they think Bosh is going to be an elite PF, then I see no problem with Marv reaching that too. I haven't seen as much of Marvin as I'd like, but I wouldn't have compared his game with Bosh's. Would anyone else? As to the rankings, I think it's pretty fair for where we are right now. I think we'll be atheletic and strong on defence, but I'm curious to see where the points will come from once the season starts.
  15. That's mine as well Vol4ever. I think it's a non issue, because I don't see him wanting to come back here.
  16. I really hope you're right. I'd love to be wrong about him.
  17. We'll see about that. I want him to do well, but Chill's game just hasn't impressed me yet.
  18. Thanks for the heads up. I'm checking it out now.
  19. Quote: That could be the case, or it could have been Chad Ford making things up When in doubt, I usually blame the agent. Being linked to a team everybody thinks is desperate to spend money, doesn't hurt your client's value. trs
  20. The Hawks have made a bunch of mistakes, but I don't think this was one of them.
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