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Everything posted by Teeareess

  1. I wish I could share your optimism. If these free agents are just using the Hawks cap space to create bidding wars to get max deals out of other teams, I'll see it as just another crappy offseason.
  2. Very weird. I had just posted that I could see one and a red x for the other, and when I went back to veiw my post, I could see both, so I deleted.
  3. Me too. I seriously doubt one person would by into that campaign.
  4. I would. The Clips however...
  5. I agree with KB. Jaric would'nt be a terrible option, but he just doens't have the athletiscm and lateral quickness to compete with JJ.
  6. But Phoenix is not going to declare that they won't match until about a week after he's signed to an offer sheet. So if we can come up with a fair trade, it's in our best interest to do so.
  7. Chillz hasn't impressed me anywhere near as much as he has you. I like his atheltisicm, but not his J, and I'm concerned about what position he'll develop into. Also, JJ and Kwame are both restricted, so it's not a guarantee that we could sign either of them straight up.
  8. Because Walter, he's easy to use. Agents have an agenda, and Ford will print what they want.
  9. I'm glad you asked. I've been wondering. I post here for the first time in a while, and it's just gone. I didn't know if it was a normal glitch, or just me or what.
  10. The first three, I'd love to have. Even Kwame, with his desire to be an underachiever would look great in a Hawks uniform for the right price. The second 3, not so much.
  11. Yeah, I don't see much reason for that one either.
  12. Quote: marty? darko? Either Darko or Tskitishvili
  13. Quote: I would love to take #2 and #13 for #1 this yr.. That would be ideal, but I don't see it happening. Trading down from one to two would be tough. We'd need a bidding war to make that happen, and I don't know if Bogut, or anybody else is strong enough of a prospect to generate one.
  14. one word answer. Agents. They will always want more. They'll want every cent you can give plus 10 or 12 &1/2 percent raises each year. Take your example of Kidd. New Jersey paid him a contract starting out at the highest amount they could give him under the cap. They couldn't offer more early to front load the contract because of the CBA and they couldn't lower the last few years of the deal because his agent would balk. You can work out something with players with smaller deals, (isn't JT's contract front loaded? And if I remember correctly D. Fisher's contract with the Lakers didn't increase at all.) but for the big boys, the first year starts at MAX and goes up from there.
  15. I disagree. Smith's a lot more raw than Zach was coming out. He's gonna have to get out there and make mistakes before he can really contribute.
  16. I'd pick up Gooden. I think he'll do well taking Boozer's minutes and shots. Wallace is a great athelete, but I haven't seen anything that tells me he can consistantly score in a half court offense.
  17. Give suggestions. I'm a big Jolie fan. Her, Salma, & Hallie constantly battle for top place on my own personal list.
  18. Quote: ...Despite what many think, Walker does have a post-game. Despite what many think, including Walker. If he wasn't so in love with 3's his post-up game would get a lot more respect. It looks kinda ugly at times, but he's very effective and hard to block from down low.
  19. That's how I see it too. Gund never says they had agreed to a contract, just that they would negotiate a contract. Finding out they're offering 28 million below market value might change the scope of negotiations.
  20. I just think there would be a lot more people here who, like me, would be willing to see Boozer's side if he were joining the Hawks.
  21. With Denver getting Kmart, who else is left to give Damp a deal over the exception? It might turn into a buyers market.
  22. Maybe so, but this debate would have a whole different flavor if Boozer'd signed an offer sheet with Atlanta instead of Utah.
  23. Which we were going to use to sign who??? I think it was a great move. We still have loads of capspace, what we need is players, especially front line guys with talent and potential.
  24. Yeah, but its just as feasible that if either of those players choose to sign our offer sheet, that after 14 or so days of holding our capspace hostage, their teams will match, leaving us out in the cold. Sorry, but I'm just not too optimistic when it comes to RFA's.
  25. Whether or not she could kick has nothing to do with whether or not she should be raped. Although I'm sure he didn't mean it that way, Barnett's comments seemed to justify whatever treatment she got because she couldn't kick field goals. That, on top of a half dozen football player related rape investigations should be enough to show him the door.
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