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Everything posted by sturt

  1. (I won't gloat. I do get some things right every now and then, though... if only out of sheer luck.)
  2. The Ukrainian Sniper intrigues me in the same vein that Garrison Mathews does. Slightly larger frame. There are others I prefer, but these guys are probably the level of talent that we should anticipate having interest, given that our rotation is full.
  3. Can't understand why people keep talking as-if we have a place on the bench for another big. We simply do not, unless there is a trade that removes one of Capela, OO, Dieng, Collins, Gallo or Johnson and/or maybe Hill who plays some PF. Most of those guys we cannot trade for awhile. Gallo is really the only one that has been mentioned to any degree. Maybe there's some trade that will come to light on Friday. But failing that eventuality, we're set on bigs for the start of the season.
  4. That's within the realm of the kind of player that could fit. But WAS can bring him back as an RFA, of course.
  5. You wish someone kept a record of these people's comments in one place where their wisdom or their ignorance could be readily assessed and given grades every year. This has gotten so ridiculous to me that people with no more actual basketball credentials than most of us... and I include all the morning show loudmouths... get paid handsomely for just having an opinion and beyond that a little stage presence. We need a Consumer Reports... a Better Business Bureau... some accountability arm that credentials the ones who actually say things that prove to have substance, while condemning those who can't keep up to their rightful place on the lower end of the proverbial totem pole of respect/regard. (I give away my best ideas. If any one wants to take that and run with it and develop such a site, sell a little advertising, make a few bucks.... please do with my blessing.)
  6. Kind of guy who optimistically might project to be the next 3rd SF/PF (a la Solomon Hill) were he to get a 2-way this season, and impress.
  7. So, we're still well down the priority list for players whose priority is money... thus, makes it somewhat tougher to imagine any of the top FAs remaining will be attracted to take one of our backcourt openings. And that goes for LouWill as well, except that we can sign him with Bird rights if we really want to do that. CHO 13.5 NOP 11 BOS 9.5 CLE 9.5 MIN 9.5 OKC 9.5 POR 9.5 SAC 9.5 TOR 9.5 WAS 9.5 PHI 6.2 GSW 5.9 (T-MLE) LAC 5.9 (T-MLE) MIL 5.9 (T-MLE)
  8. So, barring an unanticipated trade that opens up other slots, we have the #3 PG and #3 SG slots that we still could fill with vets. LouWill, of course, routinely has been thought to be a serious candidate to fill one or the other... except that we also know there's apparently some competition for his services. Makes all the sense in the world to bring him back, imo. Whether we do or we don't, there's going to still be one or the other slots on the depth chart that are open. Two North Americans who've been playing on the other side of the pond might be options. I won't bore anyone any further with my case for the personal pet cat-o-mine to fill the #3 PG role, Kevin Pangos. But then for the #3 SG role, will remind everyone that we just heard this in the last few days from Woj... ... and here's the numbers that maybe should give reason for enthusiasm...
  9. I was told at some point, probably by @thecampster (?) that the 5th year has to be equal to the 4th.
  10. Wonder why Schlenk wanted the discount this season. But/and if it's true that JC's getting 8% raises, that means $135.75m total, if he accepts the 5th year.
  11. Here's one scenario that incorporates Huerter @ $15m, and has Collins at $25m. (Mind you, this is from a few weeks ago.) Importantly, Gallo's guarantee is only $5m. And, the thresholds are going to be higher evidently. We'll likely be in the taxpayer bracket. But it's expected that our contender status will justify that.
  12. Precious is a Raptor now, fwiw.
  13. My mantra to all my Hawks family as we enter the new season.... Take it from someone who might be the most recent Squawker to have experienced the thrill of a championship season. Feel the love. Embrace the beauty. Cherish the moments.
  14. Where, though? PF: Collins | Gallo | Johnson C : Capela | OO | Dieng And then you have Solo and Dre who both have logged minutes at the 4. It's a nice thought, but that ship has sailed... at least, unless another shoe drops.
  15. Depends on your definition of "sooner" and "later." Looking at the 21-22 inventory, we're good. Looking at the 22-23 inventory and assuming we lose Gallo, we're good... but even if we didn't, assuming we win a title in 21-22, Ressler has said he's good with paying tax in that circumstance. So, I'm looking at the 2023 off-season before we really have to get seriously concerned, and even that is only if we find that we've struck gold on both Dre and Cam. The likelihood of that, or even of merely one of them being worth max money is still not something any of us would want to bet a house payment on.
  16. (To be clear, my comment was only to demonstrate that if a guy plays well enough to deserve the money, as long as the team holds rights to him when that happens, it's a net gain for the team. It worked out in MIA. It can work out here.)
  17. Dunno. But I've been persuaded by someone with better insight than I would ever have that it's still plausible. Add to that, Schultz stated outright yesterday in his article that he was aware that there is another shoe that could drop. Is that this? Is that Cam? Is that signing LouWill or other? Only he knows.
  18. I had him at $26m aav. So, on my spreadsheet, we got a deal.
  19. This is the route I'm interested in for Sharife... It's all hands on deck for 21-22 to win a championship. Give me a vet in every cell of the 3rd column of the depth chart grid if I can get it. If the kid earns his way on to the 15-man at some point, great. But let him earn it. Maybe he will. But it's a viable question. Not everyone comes into the NBA w/o a reliable shot, and develops enough of one to stick.
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