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Posts posted by LamarHampton

  1. Sorry, the language is "not openly shopping" Sap instead of "not actively shopping" ... they're "taking calls" which doesn't necessarily mean that ATL is the one that initiated the calls. Just trying to keep the correct perspective here; if we do move him I want it to be a great deal for ATL just like everyone else here. (And I hope they can find a taker for Baze while they're at it.)

    The Atlanta Hawks have begun listening to trade pitches for All-Star forward Paul Millsap in recent days, according to league sources. S‎ources told ESPN.com that the Hawks, fearful of losing Millsap in free agency without compensation in the summer, are not openly shopping him but are taking calls on the 31-year-old and other pending free agents, notably sharpshooter Kyle Korver and swingman Thabo Sefolosha.
    via ESPN
  2. 1 hour ago, NBASupes said:

    His PP makes him extremely hard

    Funny. @Dolfan23 said the same thing... But because he couldn't keep it to himself while at the playground, he's "indisposed" for awhile *ahem*awaiting trail*ahem*


    1 hour ago, Sothron said:

    Why would we want Okafor in Atlanta? He can't play with Howard. He also has no defensive or rebounding ability.

    I am prepared for the Celtics to offer us some crap like Zeller, Amir Johnson and some mid range picks for Millsap.

    I think that's a lot better than what they'd really offer. I figured it'd be more like Olynyk (a/k/a Oh-Licky per Nique) and a 2nd rounder in 2022. F Ainge.


    1 hour ago, BigDog90 said:

    I highly doubt it. If anything he'd excercise it. He'd be the top FA PF since Blake will stay with LAC.

    He's going to want that 30+ mil a year max. With the cap rise, somebody will have the money for him if ATL doesn't want to pay it.

    It's totally possible but I'm still not going to be surprised if he sticks around and comes up with a halfway tolerable deal. He's given us a break in the past - not a huge break, but notable - and he might do something like that this go 'round. I know that it's his last chance at a big deal, and I wouldn't blame him for getting as much as he can. I still think that he might realize he has a good situation and the teams that might offer him the most in FA might not be so good, and there's nothing worse than being on a crummy team year after year. Especially if this team finally gets it together and the chemistry starts clicking; we've already seen glimpses of what they can do and accomplish. Plus, Bud may foresee a full-on collapse w/o Sap and ownership likely wants to avoid that at all costs, and it's possible we won't get offered anything decent for a him, so Bud may just want to ride it out and hope for the best.  I understand both sides of it and I could see really anything happening. Not trying to pull a Supes with a "this team will win between 30-60 games" thing; I just don't think it's as easy as "We let Al walk and got nothing so we have to move Sap." I think Bud likes him a lot and probably wants him to stay, there's a lot at risk, the chemistry may be slowly gelling which could appeal to Sap, and we may not get offered enough to pull the trigger.  And the reports say that they are "not actively" trying to move him but have agreed to listen to offers, so ... could be anything. Just sayin.

    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    Melo tried taking out Thabo like the NYPD. Wow.

    Still too soon.

    46 minutes ago, Sothron said:

    It never fails to amaze me how little this team looks to Dwight. He gets great position so many times down the court but we'd rather have the ENTIRE TEAM EXCEPT DENNIS toss up brick after brick after brick. All of that horrible shooting rather than simply TRY to get Dwight going in the middle.

    I am glad we won but this is a disgrace. Dwight had an insanely great game again and doesn't get hardly any looks or touches DESPITE the ENTIRE TEAM playing like three day old dog crap. Unreal.


    Preach it, and hell, even post about it on your new Xmas cell phone. This man speaks The Troof. 

    And I know I shouldn't keep bringing him up, but seriously, when was the last time Alice even sniffed 20 rebounds??? Dwight makes it looks so easy. Had several games like that this year, and tonight he had five rebounds in the first 3 minutes. Sheesh. Getting all tingly just thinking about it...

    34 minutes ago, Sarcatic1 said:

    It was an ugly game to watch but at least they won

    Yeah, very ugly. I was at the game and it didn't look any better from there either.

    speaking of ugly, two things about Milsap: his past two games have been just that:ugly. I give him a pass though, specifically because ... His face is f'ing ugly. Did yall see it? Maybe they werent allowed to show it as much on t.v. because of young audiences or whatever, but from a few rows back I could see the horror pretty clearly. He got that elbow in the eye so bad he looked like a black version of Sloth from The Goonies. Or like Glen from The Walking Dead after his date with Lucille. Damn, I don't blame Sap for missing all those shots, his eyes don't point in the same direction now, so give the man a damn break. I'm surprised he can make his way from the locker room to the court.

    oh, and it was funny seeing all the Knicks fans get so upset about losing this one. They were complaining about all the bad calls, which in my eyes seemed to go both ways, but whatever, we had Bazemore playing extended minutes so we had our own handicaps on top of bad officiating. 

    Gooooo Hawks! 

    • Like 4
  4. What are the chances we can actually unload Baze? Are there really teams that would take him for garbage? He just seems like such a negative, it is hard to imagine someone wanting him at all. I thought his contract was ok, but now that he can't hit the broad side of a fat lady with the ball, I dunno. It's been such a long stretch of games where he's been bad, and that's not a small contract... Ugh

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, Spud2Nique said:

    Trying to find some positives...Bembry had a mini breakout of 7 points and 3 boards in 17 min on 3/4 fg so that's something

    Not sure I agree here. I am all about trying to find a silver lining but Bembry didn't really seem like it. He was out of control for a good portion of his time on the floor. Just trying too hard. Not crazy bad like Baze has been or whatever, but if I wasn't familiar with the team and I'd watched the game, I would have assumed he was the rookie on the floor is all. Wasn't impressed, 7 pts or not.

    only positive i could find in the game was Howard, and that was at least slightly tarnished by that ugly turnover on the inbounds pass that was stolen for a dunk. But 9/9 and double digit rebounds is always welcome in my book. *ahem*Alice*ahem* I wonder if Howard is having signing regrets... Like Bud is almost certainly having about Baze

  6. 3 hours ago, kg01 said:

    Dang Soth, you got a cool wifey.  Can you ask her if she'll marry me?

    Nah I'm kidding.  I can't deal with another MIL. #FriendsDontLetFriendsHaveMotherInLaws

    As an aside to the original post but related to the above, at first glance it seems cool, but when you really think about it, how awful is it for those Mormon guys with multiple wives like on that show Sister Wives?!? Those guys have to be crazy. Sure you get a bit of variety, but they're almost all chubby and ugly mamas. Get a bunch of sassy, tubby women together and their cycles get all synced up, throw in all their crazy mother-in-laws, and those poor guys are seriously in for it. They must use that PMS Buddy app to plan their monthly week-long "hunting trips." No. Thank. You. One crazy chick is enough for me. Can't imagine a herd of them. (can you imagine how much those big bovine ladies eat???)

    • Like 1
  7. I was four. I never watched the hawks with Dominique, except for the game my uncle took me to right before they traded him when I wasn't really even aware. But I am thankful for what he brought to the team and franchise. EABOD bulls and Celtics!!!

    • Like 1
  8. 1 minute ago, Spud2Nique said:


    BTW, kudos on having a thought on the weekend that didn't include football or boobies!

    Let's just say I'm a multi tasker. I can watch t.v, the Internet on one screen, and type on the other screen with one hand.

    so many people seem to be of the opinion that we only succeed if we win the 'ship or at least make it to the ecf. Its not that simple for me.

    beating the living s*** out of the Celtics would also be considered a success, regardless of most everything else. Not just because of Al either.

    • Like 2
  9. Was thinking about this earlier to myself and thought I would gauge the Hawksfolk.

    If the Hawks only accomplishment this year was knocking Cleveland out of the playoffs, would you consider that a success?

    e.g., the Hawks face Cleveland in the first or second round, knock Cleveland out, but subsequently lose themselves, would you still feel good about this season and / or consider this season a success?

    To be entirely clear, I am not saying I think the Hawks can or will beat Cleveland in the playoffs. I am just posing a 'what if?'

    Personally, I would. Given it is the first year integrating Dwight and Schröder into the starting unit, both of which are major changes, and Cleveland has been our primary stumbling block these last couple years, I would consider that a huge success knowing that we found a way to answer the Cleveland question. Even if the Hawks continued their up and down play, stumbled into the playoffs as an 8 seed, and managed to knock out Cleveland, only to be subsequently be swept by whomever, I would still walk away from the season happy. Not thrilled, but overall positive and happy. Not only because we would have an answer for CLE, but because I would expect Dwight and Dennis to fit much better next season and have even more potential. (Still, I recognize we have a lot of FAs this offseason, which is another issue, but still.)

    Again, not saying it will happen. But if it did, how would you view the season?

    • Like 1
  10. What was the Dennis tech for in the third? Somehow I missed what that was all about.

    And I am glad Timmy is alright but I was sort of thinking it might be a silver lining that we may get to see a good bit more Prince with THJ out for the knee issue. At least we will see him in the rotation more with Baze sitting another one out with his hurt knee.

  11. I started watching closely right after Nique left, so I really became a fan with the Mookie, Smitty, Laettner, Deke teams.

    Had to go with Mookie - have a general slant towards solid PGs; he was crazy good in steals and pushing the pace and setting the tone. Smitty is a very close second.

    Fave backups (for no real quantifiable reason) during that period were Craig Ehlo, Eldridge Recasner, Henry James, Priest Lauderdale.

    • Like 2
  12. 15 hours ago, JayBirdHawk said:

     size is intriguing but it has to be more than just size.

    Thank you. Been trying to get ladies to believe me on this for years.

    Anyway, with as good as Moose has been playing and an impending logjam in the front court, I am smelling a possible trade, even if it is just for picks (or the dreaded and much less intriguing "cash considerations").

  13. Um, do you guys not see what is happening here!?!

    Al is a Hawk FOR LIFE! 

    He's stealth-tanking the Celts for us! We don't even have to pay him AND he's eating up TONS of their cap!!!

    Al is a subversive ninja Hawk, bent on killing the C's from within.

    This "concussion" is a front. Next it will be a splinter in his pinky on his non-shooting hand, and then it will be a reeeally really bad case of the squirts. Then he'll be out for a sore pu.... Well, "female reasons" and accompanying monthly migraines and cramps.

    Say what you want, but Bud and Al planned this sh!t front the jump. Don't talk smack about Al, he's helping take down the biggest Hawks rival team. He should be given a medal.


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  14. Something else worth watching that effects the Hawks in the SE division is the descent of the Wizards into the abyss. I think currently they are 2-7, Gortat is publicly talking trash about his bench is the worst in the league, and all those predictions about how the Zards are going to be a contender are looking more and more ridiculous.

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