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Posts posted by LamarHampton

  1. 33 minutes ago, sturt said:

    Meanwhile... Kyle feeling very goat-like tonight based on what I just saw on Sportscenter.

    Feel for the guy.

    Yeah he really ate it on that one. Bron is going to put him in the corner for lagging that far off of Afflalo. That clip is all over BSPN. Poor Kial.


    23 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    Cavs are 2-8 since the trade? (I think).

    Crazy that's how it played out. They definitely have bigger issues than Kial, but I think they will learn that they cant give him 34 minutes like they did tonight. 

    (shhhh.... Kial is stealth tanking the Cavs for us y'all! Look how much ground we've gained already!)

    Meanwhile, Dunleavy has been very acceptable, if not better than Kial for us. Wow. Before he got knocked out by Dwight he was looking decent.

    • Like 4
  2. On January 23, 2017 at 4:08 PM, Dnice said:

    I saw where the young lady in front has been making the rounds...


    Yea I have had my eye on that chick for a while. She's at all the games sitting court side directly below the section 115/116 aisle. She is not always dressed quite that provocatively but she always looks good. She sits basically between the Hawks bench and the media announcers. Her husband/boyfriend has been nicknamed "Muscles" by my wife and I; he is probably fifty-something, very muscular, always wearing skin tight clothing and has a serious tan that I can only assume is the result of years of bathing in tanning solution. Dude has to be rich as hell to have court side season tickets like that AND a fine ass woman like that. Look for Muscles and Mrs. Muscles next time you are at a game. I'm glad she's finally getting the attention she deserves.

  3. 1 hour ago, AHF said:

    End the insults @DS17Fanboy.  Your post was fine until the "you suck as a fan" bit.  

    @AHF you obviously just don't see that @DS17Fanboy is the Michael Jordan of this message board. You suck as a mod. :stirthepot: :saythat: :doublefinger:

    just kidding !


    Love you all very much, let's hug it out!

    but back on topic, it is astonishing that Prince being picked where he was still can't get halfway consistent minutes, but I tend to think like others have mentioned that his defense is keeping him off the court. I do believe that there is a pattern with newcomers 'getting it' a lot more in their second year in this particular program, so I am still hopeful. He has the tools.

    and Dennis had a great game in NYC. Rarely ever saw games like that from Teague, but I feel like we are seeing them a lot more with Dennis and he's a good bit younger than Teague, so I am hopeful on that front as well. But MJ? Naw, son. 'Specially not after he put up a couple stinkers like he did. Much praise to the whippersnapper and all that jazz, but much work to be done before we start talking HOF or MJ's second coming. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    I've proposed in Splitter trade thread:

    Baze,Splitter,Scott for Deng and Mozgov. ($34 mil in combined salary - that's a ton of salary to take on for the next 3 years).  If we aren't trading Millsap - this is an 'all-in move' .

    Splitter and Scott for Mozgov also works.


    (covers head)

    how about Melo?

    dont hit me! don't taze me, bro!

    22/6/3/1, reliable offense , currently leading Nix in steals and scoring, played all but one game this season, and rumours that "big changes are coming" with the group

    • Like 1
  5. It was pretty crazy seeing him finish out the Celtics game the other night. Got major minutes this afternoon, too. One of the first off the bench. That's a lot of trust Bud is showing this guy, and so far it seems to be paying off. I hope it's true that we have a team option of ~$5m next year, could be a great steal if he keeps this up. Dynamic Dunleavy seems to fit this system like a glove. We still need more shooters around Dwight, but so far this seems like a great pick up. Y'all think they have Dunleavy jerseys in stock yet over at the Hawks Shop? Maybe a bit premature, ... But my wife says I'm just that kind of guy.  :-/

  6. 4 hours ago, Spud2Nique said:

    but I draw the line at spotted d*ck..

    Cause that's how you got that weird rash last time, eh?

    anyway, anyone know how the hell Denver got 140 points??? Was it agreed upon beforehand that since it was in England they just weren't going to play and defense or what? It's really rare to see tht kind of score outside of an All Star Game.

    • Like 1
  7. Yup. I look more for guys who can pass, make smart unselfish plays, and move without the ball and defend a lot more than just one-sided offensive players.

    i still remember when Bud came in Kyle was being interviewed and said something about how Buds system was not so much about running plays as it was learning principles, and the way he said it, you could tell he hadn't really bought it yet and thought that approach was kind of goofy. I saw that interview and I was like, "Oh brother, what is this crap? What kind of weirdo hippy dippy stuff is this Bud guy trying to pull?" But now I'm a believer. Seeing tht reaction from Kyle made me think that the new guys that come in must all have the same kind of thought process, which also is indicative of a pretty steep learning curve. It's why I am optimistic about these guys getting better with time to gel and get on the same page and learn the system. Mos def.

    • Like 4
  8. 2 hours ago, DS17Fanboy said:

    Hump whas really impressive. Running like a littel girl still, but more like a really fast and strong little girl. The whole team also looks in a much bette physical state. Also Moose looks like he's building some smart muscles around the neck and shoulders, but I had that impression of him from the start of the season. I guess that new training-fascility is already paying of greatly. These Hawks will be the defensive superpower of the NBA.

    Hump was great but on that fast break I could've sworn he was going to pass out after running the floor like that. For a former swim champ I didn't expect him to be so gassed, but I suppose he has put on a few pounds over the years. Loved the strong finish though.

    Oh, and thx @Spud2Nique - "cunning and subtle" is much better than what I normally get, which is "weird" and "pervey" and "offputting"

  9. 1 minute ago, Spud2Nique said:

    I'll try and keep it shorter and straight to the point next time Mein Fuhrer...:-)

    Um ... You ever had to explain a joke so it wasn't funny, and then you got paranoid that it wasn't funny in the first place even though it had you giggling for a hot minute? Well that's where I'm at right now. All I've got to say is, read that particular part I quoted from you a few times and see if you can get the real joke, because I wasn't ragging on you about the extra info in your post.

    Dammit Spud, you're killing me here!

    harrumph, go hawks, harrumph

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