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Posts posted by LamarHampton

  1. 6 minutes ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    Salaries have to come close to matching since both teams are over the cap.

    This is Mo's last year no need to  stretch, Hawks received cash from Cleveland to cover the remainder of  his contract.

    Dunleavy  can be stretched if they  wanted to.


    So we just cut Mo?

    So we basically swap Kyle for Dunleavy for half a season and get a first round pick in a few years is the deal?

  2. 2 minutes ago, sturt said:

    hehe... just some tongue in cheek, LH.

    It's not been all that long ago that my man was considered a potential casualty of his partially-guaranteed deal.

    Ah, missed the obvious. Mea culpa.

    • Like 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, sturt said:

    So, whaddayathink... are we cutting Moose?

    I don't think so. Perhaps part of a trade, but I imagine Bud likes his size and shooting. Why do you raise the question? I haven't heard him mentioned in any trade rumors.

  4. Just doesn't sound right. Makes me think this is to facilitate something bigger. Only way it makes sense. Even a salary dump or concern about his upcoming salary doesn't really make sense because you just don't match or agree to pay anything more than you are comfortable with. Cross that bridge when you get there, he is just starting to show signs of reaching his potential.

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  5. 50 minutes ago, andpau said:

    Just logged in because of that..

    "The latest NBA trade rumors are pointing toward a possible blockbuster deal between the Cleveland Cavaliers, New York Knicks, and Atlanta Hawks. The hypothetical trade scenario that is being shared and discussed online is structured as follows: the Cavs would receive Carmelo Anthony and shooting guard Kyle Korver. The Knicks would acquire Paul Millsap, Iman Shumpert, point guard Dennis Schröder, and center Tiago Splitter. Finally, the Hawks would come out of this swap with Kevin Love and point guard Derrick Rose."


    This is straight garbage. I would almost certainly bail on watching this team for at least the rest of the season.

    41 minutes ago, ViewsFromTheSquawk said:

    The deal I read was something on a smaller scale.... 


    NYK gets-Tiago/Dunleavy+multiple draft picks

    ATL gets-Multiple draft picks 

    CLE gets-Rose/Korver

    This sounds much more reasonable to me. But who would run point in NYK? Seems like something is still missing here, but much more tolerable for me than that other ish

  6. 2 hours ago, Kimsey said:

    Can't imagine trading a hometown kid 6 months into his first season. Can't be the best pr move the franchise could make.  

    Exactly. Think of how hard BudCox has worked to make his players happy when he has traded them. Teague to his hometown. Kyle to a contender. Shelvin (in a deal I thought was dumb generally ) to a place where he could actually get playtime and show off his abilities. 

    They really care about the culture of this team and having a good rep among the players around the league. No way they intentionally tank with Dwight in the roster because that would piss him off, and Dennis as well since he just signed a very reasonable deal to stay with this team. And no way they ship Dwight off (without his prior approval) after all the fanfare about his great homecoming and him crying in the presser about coming home etc. 

    why undo all that work in building up the rep of this team around the league about being a franchise that takes care of its guys?

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, ViewsFromTheSquawk said:

     Thus explaining why we're in talks with teams like Denver,Philadelphia,New Orleans and Sacramento for the services of ... Tiago Splitter (yes Tiago has received a few looks from certain teams). 

    I agree with the general sentiment of your post that we are not tanking or doing any sort of major rebuild, since that is the most likely goal of the trades we have kicked off. 

    But as to the point you made that I quoted above about Splitter, I really hope you're right. I just don't feel like we need him now, and if we can free up cap space and get anything in return, like a second rounder or two, I would be all for it. Do you have any links to sources indicating that we are getting interest in Splitter? Just seems like he is damaged goods with his injury history and since he is expiring. I think given all that and we have Moose and Hump, I am ready to cash out on Splitts. Very interested in what people are saying we might get for him, so please post any links you find about him in particular. Kthxbye

  8. The Great White Hype! The Honkey Hope! 

    You will be missed, good sir.

    As a white guy who can't dribble, you inspired me and countless others to pick up a basketball and practice my threes more than I otherwise would have.

    Hearing about your summer training regimen also inspired me to work harder as a mid-30-something guy.

    Thank you for The Streak. Thanks for the clutch threes. Thanks for sparking our offense. Thanks for your very underrated defense. Thank you for your great movement without the ball. Thank you for your BBIQ. Thanks for the time you spent helping our other Hawks getting better at their shooting, whether it was Anthony Morrow or Dennis or THJ. Thank you for all of your love for the city of Atlanta and your time spent on volunteer and charity work here and around the country. A real standup guy if there ever was one.

    Easily one of my Favorite Hawks of the last decade, if not longer.

    Hopefully you will make it back to Atlanta as a player and/or a coach in the near future.

    Best of luck (except against the Hawks) in the rest of your career and life.

    The city of Atlanta really lost a great guy in this trade. 

    • Like 3
  9. I just can't take the tanking talk seriously. Can't imagine ownership would spend so much for the team, commit to major renovations, bring Dwight back with all sorts of fanfare, etc only to tank and have attendance plummet so they lose even more money. Just seems incredibly unlikely that is the plan. And I don't think moving Kyle by himself will result in us accidentally tanking either, so I just think it's off the table all around, in plan or reality.

    • Like 2
  10. I haven't kept up with his production the past couple of years, but I used to really like Dunleavy's game. Seemed like he was only slightly worse of a shooter than Kyle but had more moves, was a good passer, hustled, moved well without the ball, and knew his role. Basically a slightly worse shooter but could create slightly better than Kyle and could pass and handle the ball better than Kyle. Haven't kept up with him basically since the back surgery but I have a general good impression. My opinion could be swayed by better, more recent  information, however. And I haven't even bothered to look up his recent stats since it sounds like he's on the move anyway, but if he stays then I am cautiously optimistic about his production and ability if he actually sees minutes. 

    Again, being lazy because it sounds like the plan is to move him anyway, but is his contract an expiring or does it go beyond this season?

  11. 35 minutes ago, kg01 said:

    Also, was this one of the most poorly-officiated games in a long while?  Man, if I'm a Magix fan, I am royally pizzed at Lauren Holtcamp(sp?).  Some really questionable calls and pretty much all went our way.  After each questionable call, she was soooo confrontational.  As an official, it seems you should be looking to diffuse conflicts not cause them.  At the very least she should've understood the pulse of the game and that she was directly contributing to the Magix being upset.  Instead she just escalated things and ended up having to toss a mofo.  Just smelled like a bad job by an official.

    I've felt like the officiating this year has been strikingly worse than in prior years. I usually would spot a couple or three calls where I said "what the..." but now it's about twice that.

    As for Holtcamp, I think she's actually been pretty good, but like you, my first reaction was like "well, that wasn't called for."  But then they went back and showed the slow motion of her telling Ibaka "that's enough" but he kept running his mouth. On top of that he'd been pretty vocal and critical of their calls, so in light of all that, I can understand the ejection. It didn't affect the outcome of the game, and he sort of had it coming. If an official says "that's enough" and you keep running your mouth (and I think he muttered a couple of obscenities in her direction), a tech is justified. (In his case it happened to be a second because of his stupid ball slamming - a big no no nowadays.)

    But there were some calls that were bad that went in the Hawks favor. There was one where Moose went over the back of somebody and knocked the ball out of bounds but they said it was the Hawks ball. That scramble where Afromop Payton went out of bounds was questionable but went in the Hawks favor (and resulted in an Ibaka tech from the aforementioned ball slamming). All in all, I think there were some questionable, if not poor calls, but it's been that way all season more than any other season I can recall. And this one a lot of the calls went in the Hawks favor, which is a welcome change, since we normally get the crap end of that crap stick.

  12. 2 hours ago, Bankingitbig said:

    Millsap did take less to stay with the Hawks on his last deal..... He had more $ offered from Orlando.

    This is true. Also, being in FL he would have saved more in taxes, but he opted to take a lesser amount in pure contract terms as well to stay in Atlanta. Don't think it was huge, but with the discount coupled with tax benefits, he did lose out on a notable amount of money by not going to Orlando.

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