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Posts posted by LamarHampton

  1. 2 hours ago, pimp said:

    If they want to win big , then they need to move Splitter ,Baze , and Scott , and bring in some guys that can help us compete.
    Let Splitter come back and play 1 game so teams can see that he's healthy, then trade him before he gets hurt again.

    I like the way this guy thinks. Good call @pimp.

    Hell, even if we have to pull a Weekend at Bernie's with Splitter, let's give it a whirl to try and get some takers.

    • Like 3
  2. 2 hours ago, JayBirdHawk said:

    And he's ours for the rest of the season. Doesn't look like he is eligible to be traded until March 7th, which would be after the trade deadline. I'm hoping I'm wrong - gotta research it.

    Wait. What, March 7th? Pardon my stupidity, but would you please feed this baby bird and explain why that is? It just seems weird that there was all sorts of chatter about us trading him before, or at least that's how I understood it, but now that's off the table. Dagnabbit.

  3. Honestly, IDGAF. At this point it is hard to imagine him bringing anything great to the team. I really like what we have with our backups and I worry he might mess up some chemistry unnecessarily. 

    All he is to me now is a tradeable expiring contract. If he comes back and surprises me and balls out, great. I feel like for a second rounder he was worth the gamble and I don't have any ill will towards him or the trade for him generally; for a second rounder any team in the league would have made that trade if they could. He just hasn't panned out and I am fine moving on. But I would certainly welcome him back if he can show he has some value in a limited role for the remainder of the season, but I just have no faith in that happening.

  4. 2 hours ago, Thomas said:

    Dynamic game. And I thought I was a warm and fuzzy Hawk's fan. If he does indeed stay I'll hope for the best and maybe his back improves or has improved enough to help us. 

    By dynamic I Simply mean that he can score in more ways than Kyle. Like THJ, he can handle, drive, shoot, and move without the ball. Kyle can shoot better than THJ, but Tim and his more diverse skill set seems to have a better, more positive, impact on the game than Kyle. Maybe it hasn't always been that way, but the last twenty games or so (or maybe even the whole season) I think we could all agree that has been the case.

    still doesn't seem like he will play a ton, but I think he will surprise many with what he can produce in limited minutes. (If he stays, of course) Just a hunch.

  5. 6 minutes ago, anxietyreigns said:

    Buddy, I agree with you. I was asking why HE would want revenge.

    Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk

    For not giving him the five yr max and disagreeing he was worth anything near that kind of money or commitment? Having such bad fan support for so long? 

    • Like 1
  6. 4 hours ago, anxietyreigns said:

    Revenge for what? He left.

    Sent from my SM-G930R4 using Tapatalk

    Revenge for how he left. 

    Demanding max money like a diva when his production was moving in the wrong direction after tearing two titties, during and after which most of the city stood by him and still wanted him here even though he was arguably broken and never the same. Him leaving for what most on here would describe as marginal $ for someone who has made as much money as he has. Him and his family complaining that he needed a real center to play alongside, then we get one and he bolts. Him saying he left to join a better contender, when we just beat that same team last year and we're adding an elite rebounder.   And he left for the Celtics of all teams, ... I mean, really? Did he think we wouldn't hate him after all that?

    all of that was basically like a big F U to the city of Atlanta and Hawks fans. He could have had his number retired here, but he left for the enemy. I know for me personally, I would have given him a good deal of deference in his decision for going to OKC or GsW or SAN. But the freakin Celtics?!? Blech. Bye, Felicia!

    • Like 4
  7. 1 hour ago, hazer said:

    I think Thabo, Blaze, and Prince will defend 3zus just fine. He won't be knocking down 40% from deep against the Hawks in the playoffs.

    It is interesting the think that if we meet the Cavs in the playoffs, the guys we would put on Kyle have the most experience of anyone in the league guarding him (in practice, scrimmages). So I wouldn't be too worried about him in a face off with Cleveland, which presents numerous other bigger issues a la LeBron, KLove, and TThompson, not to mention Kyrie.

    i don't like losing Kyle to the Cavs either, but I don't know we are in that much worse of a position, and we get another pick, which means years more of player control that could be very valuable with the right first round pick (even if a high twenties pick). And Dunleavy may turn out to be a better fit with his more dynamic game; people have been showing all sorts of evidence that the Hawks were better without Kyle, so... I think the trade makes sense, even though I am sad to see Kyle go.

    • Like 1
  8. 18 minutes ago, Dolfan23 said:

    I watched the Hawks feed and thought their was obvious tension between Dwight and Dennis. First I've ever heard of any bad stuff between them but based on body language tonight I don't doubt it. Reminded me of Teague and Smoove.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    So I watched the game delayed and after I read comments about the riff on here, so I was looking for stuff ... But I still didn't really notice much of anything. Maybe a pass from Dwight to Dennis that was slightly hard/aggressive, but I just chalked that up to Dwight being a giant monster beast of a man who doesn't know his own "strenf"- Nique. what did I miss? Dirty looks? Pg-13 language?

  9. 33 minutes ago, Spud2Nique said:

    Understatement of the year. 2nd rounder huh? Ohhhhh okkkaaayyy..

    Wait wait wait! I thought it was TWO 2nd rounders... Pretty sweet deal there, eh?? Amiright? Sign. Me. Up!

    naw, jk. Timmy is raising his value, that's for sure. He's on a nice streak, I just hope it keeps up. He has been pretty streaky in the past - not this good, but in the back of my mind I do worry about regression to the mean and all of the other mumbo jumbo @AHF throws around when he's ripping on Timmy. But he's been great lately, just keep it up!

    • Like 4
  10. 36 minutes ago, Spud2Nique said:

    Great Hawks win!!!! Just finished watching. Kudos to Dwight, Dennis, Sap and Timmy. Timmy for a second round pick? Pleeeeeaaaseee! One of the hottest shooters in the league.


    Also, I wouldn't bank on what Derek Harper says, he also said that he thinks Teague was a better fit for us than Dennis..just sayin.


    Thats 6 folks you know what time it is!!!!!


    PS I'm an honorary Falcons fan now because Seahawks beat my Lions. Get those bastards next week Matty Ice!



    Bruh, you are seriously pushing the nudie streaking agenda....


    I like it! Let's make it a thang!

    Jk, u weird dewd ... but ur cool

    i hope this Dwight / Dennis friction business cools off, seems like they have really worked on communicating a lot with one another this season and I don't want them to slide or regress in that area. I really want them to figure out how to feed Dwight more honestly.

    and I have to say, I have seen more piss poor ugly lobs this season from the hawks to Dwight than I have ever seen to anyone in my life. 100 mph lobs too fast, too low, too high, way out of reach etc.. Seems like there is one a game at least. And it doesn't seem like it's Dwight, it is just like these guys have never thrown a lob ever before in their life. Truly awful sometimes.

    but glad we got the win, Go Hawks!

    • Like 1
  11. 17 minutes ago, Bonkers said:

    Ok u can stfu cuz this is the dumbest thing I've ever heard and I suggest u never say it to a lack person's face unless u want something bad to happen to u

    yea.... That's funny because this response is actually the dumbest thing that I have ever heard. What are the chances that a racist would choose to marry and have multiple children with someone from the very race they supposedly hate so much? Not at all logical. It is infinitely more likely that he actually is not racist and loves his wife and kids.

    But anyway, apparently having intelligent discussions about sensitive topics is not something you can handle since you resorted to telling me to stfu and calling it dumb without even attempting to explain how I am wrong. I accept that  but it's ashame because this white guy who works for a team that we both support could use your passion defending him and not just blindly calling him a racist with only confusing and muddled comments made while he was on the spot that could go either way to support your position. 

    Btw I have discussions about race all the time with intelligent and thoughtful people of all races, I try and avoid the other sort who just react like you without thinking or being able to explain their positions.

    • Like 2
  12. @TheNorthCydeRises I dont dispute it was confusing, poor subject matter, poor PR, etc.

    but to really think that the guy who is married to a black woman and has interracial kids intended in any way to be racist is absurd. And that is the primary focus of the media attention I have seen. "wes Wilcox makes racist comments" and "hawks Gm makes racially charged comments at fan meeting" and all other kinds of silly stuff I saw on espn and elsewhere. Much more accurate to say "hawks Gm bumbles fan meeting" or "hawks Gm fails at innocent comments about race" or idk what. But nothing like that gets people's attention or creates clickbait headlines, so most attempts to cover the story try to insinuate that he was somehow racist when that is obviously not the case. More like he just pulled a mega fail on the innocently mentioning the topic of race but probably should have been avoided just like politics or religion, or even more so than that with the history with the franchise. So again, I'm not disputing that it was dumb and handled poorly, but all of this stuff (including a lot of the comments here) about Wilcox being racist is just incredibly off base when there is so much evidence that supports the exact opposite conclusion.

    If you are a white guy with a black wife and multiple interracial children, I think it's pretty safe to go ahead and say that there is a pretty solid presumption raised in favor of you not being racist, and that is in no way overcome by some muddled comments when he was put on the spot by angry fans when he was on his heels already. 

  13. So it doesn't sounds like Dwight will be part of any "blockbuster trade"...



    – via ESPN


    Honestly I fnid that  really hard to believe. He has been a beast for us this season. Maybe it's just his rep and people aren't watching the games or even looking at box scores. Either way, I'm fine with other team not wanting him because I want him here.

    • Like 1
  14. 7 minutes ago, GameTime said:

    Wow. Didn't know Dunleavy is 6'9.5 (basically 6'10) with shoes.

    I do like the fact that Dunleavy can attack a close out


    His game is much more dynamic than Kyle's, I will give him that. Not as good of a shooter and not quite as good moving without the ball, but he has decent skills, can handle the ball, and go inside. Looks like we have a team option on him for next year that is pretty cheap, so if he sticks around it won't be the worst thing that's ever happened. I used to really want Dunleavy's to come off the bench behind Korver a year or two ago

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