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Everything posted by NBASupes

  1. This team is ass. Honestly, this.
  2. That out of bounds play takes the cake
  3. Bogi saved another horrible defensive possession Then responsible for a bad defensive possession
  4. It really comes down to we can't get much from our bigs outside of alleys to JC. Getting a star big on offense would change a lot for us
  5. Trae been much better defensively but offensively it's been rough. Spoke too soon, his defense is starting to roughed up too.
  6. Yep. NC on his agenda mode right now. We are having issues with their size.
  7. I really think the Clippers are just shooting extremely well. The Hawks should win this once the Clippers go back to reality shooting wise.
  8. It's one thing when that's the Sixers and Embiid but the Clippers want to shoot 3s The one thing we miss without Clint
  9. I was about to smash on Bogi for that 3 but he had no choice. Someone missed their assignment
  10. So far we are playing much better.
  11. One quarter doesn't speak for a season. The defense looks a lot better this quarter.
  12. Our recovery on digs has been off of late. Notice it against Chicago. Today its not so far. The game just started.
  13. He was out of position on just one. He was covering for a missed assignment. That muddy was on him as well. He didn't fight through the screen Trae defense being WOAT isn't trolling.
  14. You don't have to troll. His defense has been bad so far. But the Coffey three wasn't his man. The Batum 3 was 100% Cam
  15. He can, we saw in in the first three games of this season and last season as well as the playoffs. He just realizes he too tired and that's the end till the games matter again to him
  16. With the exception of Trae and Cam, how often do we take contested threes this year? The percentage is likely the worst in the NBA.
  17. Consistently? They would be all stars and stars if they were consistent.
  18. We were trending in that direction the minute we hired Nate last year.
  19. Honestly, they have. Cam has. Kev has. They have. I dont see how you can say otherwise in that.
  20. This is why the data is wrong. You want to know what stops people in the RS from getting open looks. A lack of dribble penetration from others to create spacing. Do you know what tends to cause it, paint protectors. Gobert is the best in the NBA at it. While I dont always agree with @Plainview1981. He was right when he said Atlanta doesn't have great shooters. Just good ones. Most of our guys struggle with contested threes. We played to get high volume threes in LP system and our 3pt percentages sucked as a unit. We moved to the all 3 levels scoring and our offense has been near the top of the league since. I can't say it was a bad call when it was a great call. Utah system works because even without Rudy. That's a very good offense which excels at player movement and ball movement but especially player movement. They set more 2 for 4 screens, and 3 for 1 screens than our 60 win Hawks. They play the same exact style as them. Add Gobert and that's an elite offense. Nothing is surprising about that. Their offense is legit. 100%.
  21. It's not any of these wings, as much I as I want it to be Cam once he's developed offensively, I have extreme doubt due to Trae's playing style. I strongly believe that player doesn't exist in terms of defense because you can't cover for you and Trae and maximize your value as a perimeter, its not possible. I personally think Kawhi would find it frustrating to play with Trae. Hell I think every wing in the NBA who's capable of creating their own offense will. He's plays GOAT level Bron ball but with WOAT defensive values. Only players I see liking Trae are extremely talented offensive bigs because they will always be Trae focal point. Trae can carry them to the HOF like Bird did McHale and Parrish. Trae so elite at so many skilled categories. I remember CP3 saying Trae is the most skilled player in the league as a rookie. Trae might be the most skilled player in NBA history right now.
  22. I tried that nonsense with JC and I looked like a fool. With players this young, its always a blurred line between actual and perceived value.
  23. We already agreed and mentioned in the first post in the first paragraph that Trae create extreme variance swing and no, yes, we are clearly better even now with him than without him. You need more than a good defense to win with an offense as bad as ours without Trae.
  24. Its the same thing. I am looking at the bigger picture which is how good are you really.
  25. You aren't getting it. What I am talking about is the ultimate goal. Winning a title. How good your team is when teams naturalize what you do best? You can neutralize Gobert and Trae. Once you do, how good are those teams. When we neutralize Giannis, Milwaukee was still the better team.
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