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Everything posted by Hairydawgz

  1. So you want Olynyk? Weren't you against him this whole time as a draft prospect?
  2. It's my understanding that no trades between clippers/Celtics are allowed until next year, regardless of which players are involved.
  3. If I am the Celts I do that trade and then approach ATL about a sign and trade for Josh that they have planned. Might as well get started on the rebuilding plan while you have the opportunity to get rid of his contract before FA.
  4. It seems as though every other thread ends up as a back and forth of people arguing over tanking... How about sending someone a private message if you have an issue with someone being disrespectful? I'm kind of over reading other people's personal arguments on a public thread. Especially when it's the same argument over and over again. Lets just keep the threads on topic and focused on how the Hawks can move forward as a franchise. That's the one thing we can all agree is our ultimate goal. Go hawks!
  5. You do remember the chaos that ensued when I suggested adding Bynum right? HahaI like this squad but pierce is aging and I'm not sure he will stay at his elite level much longer. To me this team can be good but I don't know if we will be a contender. Unless we draft accordingly to have a SF ready to step in when needed.But I applaud your courage in bringing the name Bynum as a possibility.
  6. I understood the article to say that pierce would go somewhere else (Cleveland) and that the trade exception would be used to acquire Josh. Perhaps they would be willing to draft a player for the Hawks with their later pick and include the draft rights to that player in the sign and trade? I know we can't trade Josh for a pick this year obviously but maybe doing it that way it could work. (Maybe not, I'm no expert on those rules,haha)
  7. Hasn't Cleveland already offered picks for him straight up? I don't recall any players being mentioned in that deal. So apparently Cleveland can make that trade.
  8. Lebron would love that. He'd lead the league in blocks.
  9. My thoughts exactly,get some asserts back like Robinson and picks. I would also add possibly attempting a S&T with Josh Smith to Boston if he's willing to go there to play with Rondo. Get Pierce back maybe then trade him at next years deadline for picks. Boston is looking to move Pierce so maybe use that to our advantage.
  10. So we tank this year and get wiggins, then try our hand at next year's deeper crop of FA's. I'm good with that. In that plan, draft some project guys and give them playing time to develop.
  11. . I'd be for that strategy. Wiggins anyone?
  12.    I think Blake Griffin would be a great fall back option if the dream scenario doesn't happen. Eric Bledsoe could be included and would be a cheaper option than JT. This allows for some star power while also leaving options open for next years FA class.
  13. This article states that they will pursue to sign one or the other. They don't have the cap space for both players unless they make some major moves to free up a ton of cap space. I could see them landing one or the other but not both.
  14. It's possible, although I don't think probable. Fun to speculate however... That would be a great group of players who could match up and defeat any other team in the NBA,I believe. A big lineup for sure that would be a match-up nightmare for defenses. Along with Korver in MLE possibly? (not sure if that would work or not, lol) Would be a fun season to watch.
  15.    I am learning that.. lol.Sad that other alternatives of talented players cannot at least be discussed before being dismissed. The D12/CP3 duo is a longshot at best. I think their will be a lot of disappointed people here come July 1st if that is what they are expecting. It's not impossible mind you but not as likely as some here seem to assume. I feel players are Superstars because they have played well in the past , not necessarily that they will play well together in the future just because they are Superstars. Their are many talented players in this league who can help ATL win. Who's to say that a player with talent won't come here and rise to Superstar status as a result of success in Atlanta? I think it is short sighted to think that our only hope as a franchise rests upon Dwight Howard. Atlanta fans (of which I am one) aren't used to this much optimism tied to their team. We are actually getting some dap on the major networks tied to talented free agents. All of this optimism has clouded the vision of some I think. Let's not assume we know who is a "Danny Ferry" guy or not, he hasn't been here long enough for us to know that yet. I have a feeling that Coach Bud will play a huge role in pursuing free agents which fit the skill sets needed. Let's just enjoy the ride and enjoy the speculation. Their are many different possibilities and I look forward to seeing how it plays out.Go Hawks!
  16. Would you consider Howard an injury prone head case this past season? One season of injuries is not "injury prone". Oden is injury prone. Kobe has had more serious and frequent knee and ankle injuries than Bynum, yet Hawks fans would be ecstatic to sign him. I think the fact that Philly fans and media are so easily ticked off when things don't go well for them contributed heavily to the outcries against Bynum this past year. Bynum was a dominant center in 2012. I think he is just now reaching his potential as an NBA player. I'm not saying Ferry would sign him, but the idea that he is not a valuable commodity who could help ATL win playoff games is naive at best. He was basically a 20/12 guy his last season. I was thinking more in terms of how his skill set matches up with the other two players as a cohesive united thin Coach Bud's system.. Has anyone really asked that question about the Howard/CP3 arrangement? Or are we just going to take the Lakers route of putting big names together on a roster and expecting dominance? (Worked out well there didn't it?) Just putting ideas out there. Lets keep an open mind about who could and could not join us. There are several talented players out there who can help the team win.
  17. Just wondering what the thoughts would be of an alternative "Big 3" of Horford/CP3/Bynum? I know Bynum has had his injury history and could be risky. However, from a talent perspective he is definitely elite when healthy.It is possible that he may not command a max deal with his recent injury history, which could allow for additional funds to build depth in the roster behind the big 3. Do you feel Bynum would be worth the risk?
  18. According to te tweet, he was a Mookie fan. Not necessarily a hawks fan. If he was from Carolina, he may have been a Hornets fan. Dwight is a Dwight fan now..
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