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Everything posted by anxietyreigns

  1. We are sitting around having a damn funeral for BeBe Nigeria.
  2. I'm with the other guy, I've never understood the love for BeBe. You've got to try to win. Enough of this woe is me, they're never gona come to Atl mentality.
  3. No, but we didn't trade Al Horford. We traded a guy that was a turnover machine and an unproven big. Now have enough cap space to make a huge splash. I'm excited. Simple as that. Im happy with it. You're free to be unhappy with it if you like.
  4. 20 mil in cap space and ppl are unhappy. Wth? This is best case scenario.
  5. I really soured on Lou during the playoffs. I cussed him constantly.
  6. I must have a diff sense of humor. That stuff is all fluff and corny IMO. 2nd grade comedy. I will continue to rip @atlantahawks until that guy is replaced.
  7. Ripping your fan base is a great idea. Totally agree. Chances the guy that runs it is even from the south? 0%
  8. Hope it's a bottom 5 team. Need a good start.
  9. Point is, a lot of people were put off by that tweet and responded with their opinions, and the Official Account fired back at the fans. Totally irresponsible.
  10. No, when you attack your own fan base, you are a POS. What happened to the "customer is always right"? There were a ton of Hawks fans and non-Hawks fans that were displeased with that. It basically went like this: Hawks twitter acct: "Here is Allen Iverson scoring 100 points at Phillips against our Hawks!!!" Fan base: "WTF"? Hawks Twitter acct: "if you don't like it, don't follow". Tweeting about an embarrassing moment for your franchise and then getting into it with your own paying customer for not liking it, is just beyond dumb.
  11. he ruined everything with me that day I RT'd some of it and my friends that aren't even Hawks fans were appalled.
  12. The Official Hawks twitter acct is run by some absolute dipshit. Just a slew of dumb tweets that have made the Hawks look stupid. One day they were tweeting about Iverson to wish him well on his retirement, which was fine, but then the dumbass tweeted a pic of Iverson teabagging the Hawks at Phillips with some 50 point performance. Several, including myself, expressed our disgust, and the worst part was the guy tweeted people back, telling them to not follow and a bunch of shit like that. Really Great businesses moves to celebrate your franchise getting 50 hung on them and then telling fans to piss off.
  13. Or anyone else: Follow "Section 119" @TBA119 Vols, Hawks, SEC Basketball
  14. Or anyone else interested. Follow "Section 119" @TBA119 Vol Hoops, SEC, Hawks, and other foolishness. Thanks!!
  15. I just saw the tweet from the official team twitter. Is that definitely all of the new gear that will be released for purchase Tuesday?
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