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Everything posted by anxietyreigns

  1. Lord, Indiana is getting destroyyyyed. Was looking forward to catching the 4th of that.
  2. When we beat the Heat in 5 games you won't hear anybody whining!!
  3. ...for a playoff spot. I enjoyed that tonight. Was a nice surprising treat to cap off the weekend.
  4. I'll give it a look. Remote in hand, ready to click if it gets out of hand early.
  5. And another thing: I have always felt that a taste of playoff experience can benefit an organization long term. You want your current players to keep playing and get better. Now, if it were possible for us to get a top 5 pick than by all means lose the last few games. Not the case here.
  6. What's the difference really in being 8th or 9th seed in terms of draft pick? Might as well make the playoffs if the best we will do is a doouble digit draft number.
  7. I root for us to win every game and let the picks fall where they may.
  8. Hawks have signed Oliver Miller and Richard Dumas.
  9. I'm here now.It's a better place.
  10. HmmmI will try.If you play a game or 2 online, Im confident you will encounter this or some variation.I don't know what on Earth the holding down "draw charge" and letting the PG run past you does, but it does something.
  11. I have a question related to 2K online play:I have played this game for several years and know the ins and outs of most everything related to gameplay. I have a strong record online year to year.I can not for the life of me figure out what this glitch is that people are doing year after year after year.Here is basically what happens:After a made basket they will bring a player(usually the center) to sort of full court press by himself, but the weird thing is that they will basically allow you to go around them while holding down the "draw charge" button, then after you get around them they will chase you down court.Then when it gets to half court play, they do something with the double team, but I can quite put my finger on what exactly. Basically they will almost triple or quadruple team one player and if you are lucky enough to be able to pass clean out of it, they will be able to run and get to any wide open player extremely quickly, no matter how far away the player is from the triple/quadruple teamed player. And it also seems like if you so much as make contact with any defender, you will lose possession, especially in the post.Anyone have a clue what this is?I have tried everything I can think of to replicate it out of curiosity and cannot figure out what they are doing.Like I said, it is nearly every opponent I play and every single year of 2K this same glitch is used.
  12. because I keep getting notifications and forgetting this thread is shart until opening
  13. Need a slight shake up IMO.Trade Teague or Mack, get a scorer on the wing and let's roll.
  14. I don't know that I have ever seen a run of turnovers like this.WTH?
  15. Ultimately the PS4 is the better piece of hardware, but to each their own.No sense in arguing.Own what you own and enjoy it.
  16. Well there you have it.The definitive opinion on new gen consoles.IheartFerry has spoken.
  17. Noticed this too and had all the same thoughts. What is it?
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