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Everything posted by anxietyreigns

  1. I actually am not surprised. The rest of America is finding out what we already knew about this team and system.
  2. Let's spread around the good feels. Hawks, b****!!
  3. Smart play, dumbass We are now playing like utter dog chit.
  4. Could have much worse for Indiana. Of course that damn 3 falls.... ugh
  5. Also did not realize how good DMC and PM were until this year.
  6. I forgot to mention: Mike Scott has been my favorite this year. Dennis probably biggest disappointment but still have some hope for him.
  7. Extremely impressed w/ the coaching and ball movement. At times this year the roster looked like something you'd see @ 11am on a Saturday on NBA TV, but still they were able to somehow compete w/ and even beat top teams in the league. A lot of injuries but they persevered. We just need some better talent. Interested to see who we bring in this summer.
  8. Uuugh. Oh well. I was hoping Lou would run it down and shoot a 3 at the horn instead of the 2 to tie.
  9. I was saying? Loooouuuu I'll carry this game thread to the end by myself if I have to.
  10. I know it's a throw away game but anyone have a clue what we are doing offensively here in the 4th?
  11. This could be a preview of a 2nd round playoff series.
  12. Well, we beat them twice at home and got absolutley F'd in Miami by the officials early in the year. Were up by 3 and Ray Allen got "fouled" on a 3pt attempt. Honestly do not think he was even touched. So, 3 wins vs them this year the way I see it.
  13. Cant stand That Thornton bastard. Pierce whining the whole game. Take that, Nets, in your stupid gray scrubs.
  14. Nets dressed like a bunch of male nurses tonight. Gray scrubs.
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