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Everything posted by Focus

  1. Sorry for interrupt, just want to add my 2cents. Fire sales is not a way to rebuild a team, you can build from Rookie(s) and hope you can get good in FA(see Bull). You have to have at least SOME good player in place like Buck have Redd/TT in order to hope FA will come. We have what? Diaw/CC/Travis/Alan, good luck for them to average 10ppg. Plus 4picks, assume Howard/Livingston/Robert Swift/Anderson Varejao and sign JC/Q. You still going nowhere. And which good coach willing to spend 3-4yrs to develop those rookies for you? For the Portland trade, we have to AT LEAST get Randolph in return. Remember Tmac/Kobe kind of superstar are not coming because we simply don't have the supporting cast for them(at least not ready).
  2. If we break up a team last yr and land King James or Melo kind of rookie he should be GM of the year. But this yrs draft? It is simply not a deep draft to rebuild ur team from. Let assume we trade JT for cap or picks in the summer and cat pick Alan H from us we will have Diaw/CC/Travis/? under contract. With 4 pick you have Diaw/CC/Travis/ + assume Howard/Livingston/Robert Swift/Anderson Varejao. And let say you sign JC/Q, your starting will be JC/Q/Diaw/rookie/rookie. Give it 3-4 yrs and it may do something with this line up.
  3. Have to agree with Hot this time. I don't know where this team is going to and who we plan to sign in the summer. Kobe and other top FA is not going to sign with the hawk(see Jazz/bull..etc) You know what? I guess there will be one more move before the dead line involve JT and Diaw for expiring contacts. This will offically make us a 10 wins team next season, with [censored] load of cap space.
  4. Congrat to the hawks, good win. If we have a bit less TO, I will be even happier. A Little update for u guys, sad but true 6-8seeds is STILL wide open. Too bad the next 5 games is Hou/Dal/NJ/Miami/Hou. East Indiana 37/14 Detroit 33/18 NJ 28/20 NO 27/23 Mil 26/23 Tor 23/25 NY 23/27 Boston 22/29 Phil 21/29 Miami 21/29 Cle 19/31 Atl 17/34 Was 15/33
  5. Big props to Reef/Diaw/DD/Jax/JT, I don't got to see the game but according to the scorebox I am very impress w/ the 0 TO from Reef and Diaw. Reef simply rid KG apart. Like everyone else said, this win may mean nothing but a great gift to all hawks fans.
  6. It is a sorry win after 2 pathetic lost, this team have no hope...
  7. ^^ After the last 2 lost, I don't have any hope any more..
  8. Tell me one thing Phoostal, why is Reef sitting for 7min after scoring 4/5 for 10 points? No say Reef is in KG's class, KG is a A+ player and Reef is a B+/A- kind of guy. But he is the best O player you have, you can't let ur MAN to sit for 7min after scoring 10 points in the 1st, on the same time you letting Jax/JT/Dion shooting stupid 3's. As for you example about the Reef's TO. Send me a tape on ANY KG/Shaq/Duncan's game(they're all better than Reef on passing), and I can pick the same mistake on them.
  9. U steal the word from my month, I am about to post the same thing. If I am Reef I will ask for trade.
  10. Sorry dude, if u read more on this board you will know that we have 2 group of people here. One of them are rooting to trade everyone and go for lottery, the other one is want the hawk to put the best show on the floor. I just want to know the % of each group, I don't know why the [censored] ur so mad. I don't post alot but I have NEVER say anything bad about hawk, I don't know what ur talking about.
  11. Simple poll, just want to know how everyone think. As Playoff and top 5 pick don't co-exist.
  12. I depends on what management want, high pick and 8th seed will not co-exist. If we continus to play .6 ball we have a shoot at playoff since I expect Toronto/Phil/Boston/Detroit to loss more games. If we can put together a 3+ games winning, we have a very good shoot. Yesterday is a very good start for a winning streak as we play Pho/Portland/Mil/LAC the next 4 games, all sub .5 teams.
  13. Hot, ur pain in the a$$. what can satisfy you? A line up with Shaq/Duncan/Vince/Kobe/Kidd? KVH score a basket on Reef and ur acting like the end of the world. If ur that high on KVH, lets trade Reef for KVH. I am sure Thomas will do it and send u a BMW for free. If we put Reef on 3 last nite I am sure Reef will score 30+ and KVH will foul out by 1/2 time. The fact is KVH is a NBA player, [censored] a very good offensive player. Another NBA player should be somehow able to score no matter who is guarding him.
  14. Diaw and Van Horn is the X factor of this game. -If Diaw can somewhat shut down H2O and Penny we win. -Van Horn is not doing very good the last 2 game, hope Jax can somehow manage to slow him down. If I am Scott I will play alot of JT/Diaw/SAR/Narz/Theo -JT -Hope Diaw can shut down H2O/Penny -Lets SAR get Van Horn in the F trouble and SAR don't have to spend the energy to push w/ Thomas -Narz -Theo vs Deke is a wash. We have a good chance, lets get this one.
  15. JT/Theo for Sheed If this is the case, we have Diaw/Jax/Sheed/SAR/Narz? Hensan/JV/Glover/AH/DD This is one [censored] of a turnover lineup with no D. And IF Sheed/SAR work, we get into 8th seed(first round exist), out of lottery and lost Sheed in the off season? I don't like it.
  16. "Davild Aldridge just reported on ESPN news... The Knicks/Blazers/Hawks are discussing a 3 team that would have the knicks recieving Shareef Abdul Raheem and Ruben Patterson...The Hawks recieving Rasheed Wallace and Franks Williams and the Blazers getting Keith Van Horn,Nazr Mohamed, and Mike Sweetney. This isnt the full content of the Report.. more picks are thrown in it..." I don't like it as we give the best player in the trader for Franks Williams(assuming we will let Wallace walk). What about Blazers give us their first? Opinion?
  17. not trying to be a smart a$$, but is very early. SAR is doing a good job on TD BTW. hey play, u want to chat in the chat room?
  18. Focus

    Would you.....

    if Kmart and Theo works out well, you will have a great def inside but not much scoring(we already lack), I just don't see kmart can score without Kidd. And any real center will destroy us, Theo is really small at center.
  19. Focus

    Would you.....

    From Hawks stand point, this is a cost cutting move. Because I believe Kmart can option out next yr and he will demand near max(of course we will let him walk). The question is HOW you plan to spent those $$? I don't want to be the team like Bull/Jazz with all the cap space but no FA want to sign.
  20. This is a response I post it on the other thread, I guess I can copy and paste in this one as well. "One thing I have to agree w/ Trouble is that even if we have Phil Jackson, Van Gundy, LB...etc we will have another 5W at best. Scott is not that bad, remember we're a .500 team last season after he take over? Part of the reason we're good last season is because everyone know his role, and this season JT got a big contract and don't give a [censored], DG think he is next MJ and SJ just play out of control. NO TEAM can have this 'BIG THREE' on the starting lineup and be a .500 team, not even w/ Shaq. You know why Reef's number is so low this season? Because other teams know all they have to do is double/triple team Reef and let the 'BIG THREE' jack up 3s. What can Scott do when no one care about team work other than Reef "the only offense", Theo "nothing other than block shot" and 2 rookie+DD?"
  21. One thing I have to agree w/ Trouble is that even if we have Phil Jackson, Van Gundy, LB...etc we will have another 5W at best. Scott is not that bad, remember we're a .500 team last season after he take over? Part of the reason we're good last season is because everyone know his role, and this season JT got a big contract and don't give a [censored], DG think he is next MJ and SJ just play out of control. NO TEAM can have this 'BIG THREE' on the starting lineup and be a .500 team, not even w/ Shaq. You know why Reef's number is so low this season? Because other teams know all they have to do is double/triple team Reef and let the 'BIG THREE' jack up 3s. What can Scott do when no one care about team work other than Reef "the only offense", Theo "nothing other than block shot" and 2 rookie+DD?
  22. I having to say that is pathetic!!! How come we always let branch player have career high against us? Medvedenko have 26/11/3? Is Theo and SAR sleeping?
  23. a) Someone order Scott to lose, so the new owner can come in and be savior. b) Scott fool everyone by having a winning record in the 2nd half of the season. But...why? c) We better have big dog. Pick one urself.
  24. How about we take care tonite's game first?
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