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Everything posted by deester11

  1. We gonna be in every rumor known to man. Flip those rumors to reality and trade for 5 2nd rounders and a bowl of Gumbo. Screw this front office until they actually make a move worth a Damn. I said it. The sky is falling. I'm here for the smoke. The FO stinks until further notice...
  2. Been a fan of this team since I took Polaroids with Tree, Dan and Charlie Chriss. We've had fun teams. Decent teams. Terrible teams. Just like the Falcons..for once I want a championship. Nothing has been done yet, but the confidence meter for this FO to execute a forward thinking success plan is utterly questionable at best. I'm also not convinced that the Summer will be any different than adding middling contributors and the usual contrived statements about wanting to win a 'Ship. I'll reserve judgement until the DJ trade, but this is again looking like inept management at its best.
  3. The mismanagement of assets is truly astounding to me. DJM was sunk cost as soon as you traded for him. Even with depreciation, you mean to tell me the best we could do is essential another addition of a mediocre player and future first? Explain to me like I'm 10, why the summer will make other teams decide to make us a good deal and how this new assortment of assets will magically get you KAT or Zion per se. I don't see it.
  4. Understood. Thanks for clarifying. I don't want the mods on us. Lol..
  5. Peoria....you use "they," "individuals," and other descriptive words for the differences of opinions we see here. Is it against the rules to name said individuals? Are those individuals in the room right now?
  6. I've been trying to figure out "they" for some time now. Your post is spot on.
  7. You breaking nothing. Lol...no rose colored glasses here.
  8. You haven't been looking. I understand. I'm not a Trae hater. I hate some of the things he does yes. You don't seem to comprehend my disdain is not reserved for Hunter. However, you think he's the difference maker and it's easy. Bey sucks as do most of our wings...so by natural selection...Hunter makes the team better. There. How does that sound?
  9. Who is THEY? LMAO. I don't think Hunter is the one player we just can't be without. Lmao. This team is terrible. If the data says he impacts the team..that's rather irrefutable. OK..we win 3 more games. That's soothing? If I've blamed Hunter..I've blamed..Bey, Capela, OO, Trae. I am equal opportunity blamer.
  10. You arguing with yourself or what? I didn't...perhaps someone else did...blame Hunter for us sucking. That's a separate argument. To better clarify....WITH..OR WITHOUT HIM, this team is middling. Terribly constructed. That's what I said. If you interpret that as me blaming Hunter...that's on you. Not me.
  11. I'm admittedly anti Hunter. I acknowledge he is the best we have defensively on the wing. I don't subscribe to the theory that this team would be infinitely better with him. .500 would make us all feel better? Not me. I try not to attack our players...but this core has been flawed for 2 years. Maybe it's because he's a symptom...not THE problem.
  12. And you can add some more to it smart guy. He's a middling player on a bad team. Your feels don't mean much.
  13. I'm alone. I don't miss him. I do acknowledge he's the only capable wing defender we have. I'll give him that. What I don't like..Bey...Capela(fit..not him)...OO is slipping. Garrison..wtaf..., MIA AJ irritates me. Pay me no attention. I'm an angry ol man.
  14. Addition by subtraction. Clint...Hunter..Bey. We hardly knew ye. Get gone.
  15. Once I removed inappropriate material off my phone...the gifs were plenty. Lol. Thanks Jaybird
  16. Perhaps the insiders can get into their sources ears and whisper to them to whisper to their people to whisper to Landry that these trades are complete azzhattery at its finest and he MUST, no SHALL do better. OR ELSE....
  17. Are we ever prepared for what's going to happen?
  18. Just ugh. Somebody on that nose candy...
  19. I agree with a lot of this but (hear me out). The underachieving after that run was almost immediate. You can fool yourself up to a point but contingency plans should have been in place for injuries, underperforming personnel, coaching, and altering projections based on need. I agreed with the Huerter trade for the need, not the execution or reasoning. But the same FO decided that 3 years of dangling JC was the thing to do as well. The construction of the team perhaps could been fixed by Travis but he missed in a few areas too. I'm just saying for ONCE..please...be the bride and not the bridesmaid.
  20. This team is always going to fool themselves into thinking a player can be kept one year or more longer than the vision calls for. If that's the case, you have no vision. Clint should have been jettisoned last year, Hunter last year, JC peak value was the year before. When does it ever end?
  21. Ouch. We getting at it. If only the Hawks had this same energy
  22. And listening to these sorry azz rumors is enough to storm the...I mean send an angry letter. If this FO engages in any of the proposed dookie trades, they should be fired. Pitchforks my arse, I'm talking heavy artillery! It's the Hawks fault the fans are expecting doom. So get on the d@mn train and be pre-emptive. When they exhibit a mere bit of competence like Jaybird said...I'll whine about something else.
  23. Straight up wrong. Or right depending on the circumstances.
  24. It's what we do. At least me. Let me have this.
  25. The Simpsons always predict things that wind up happening. In light of that here is where they correctly tell us what to get ready for with Landry:
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