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Everything posted by deester11

  1. I can appreciate that Supes thinks he's the smartest person in the room no matter how wrong he is on that. To each his/her own though. I'm a Hawk's fan which means I'm a fan of the team. I like certain players more than others, that's Fandom. Maybe you've stated it a million times as to why you think the best option is Hunter, I'm just not getting it. And yes...I know basketball.
  2. Possibly. I'm trying to...but it's just maddening knowing he's just a guy. Truth is, I didn't expect MJ..but I did think he'd be above average in a lot of ways. He's always been..a guy. That's not good imho.
  3. Meh...they are interchangeable but as stated above, Bey plays with more energy. That's not all there is to it but yeah. I'm probably down on Hunter more then most but he's here. Btw...did I see that JJ has 16 less assists than Hunter in a 1000 less minutes? Ugh
  4. Lack of Player Development was amongst my biggest pet peeves previously. Seeing these young guys gain confidence, seem more aware...and lastly, their energy makes it a blessing that Coach Q is here. I see their mistakes being coached up, their good plays celebrated and overall...their heads are not hanging due to a bad play. JJ in particular is now showing an "I belong" attitude. He and AJ are integral to the future I say....and I'm ecstatic about that.
  5. Nah. I've been on the no train. A few hot 3's made everyone think he's a better fit. I'm not one of them. He's Hunter 2.0 with less defense and I can't stomach watching hunter on offense..yuck. I mean if both could stand in the corner and shoot...maybe. Meh to them both. And Bey is gonna want Hunter money. Puke
  6. I'm not a.."the refs screwed us" type of guy, but that game was so hard to watch. I've seen AAU games officiated this way and it absolutely causes the outcome to be in doubt. The Hawk's do a good job of screwing themselves over without the refs help. That JC call...Smh. Can anyone tell me WTH the relay booth actually does?
  7. Well that's all well and good. I'm born, bred and raised in the A. I get what you're saying but as others have stated, transient fans are a thing.
  8. And yet...as a JC fan...have a bad game consistently..should he be boo'ed louder?? Fickle is..as Fickle does
  9. Lmao at the Bogi defense sarcasm...(Graymule/Spud), he still sucks on defense but that effort last night was good. Blind squirrel....blind squirrel. I'll shut up about it when I want to.
  10. You could give Bogi 12 knees and his defense would be horrific. But I digress...just don't know what the vision is. First questionable (imho) move the "new" FO has made.
  11. Meh to his market value then. I mean good for him..but I'm not high on it. I'm glad Jayhawk clarified his trade status. Lol
  12. I guess. I just think that he won't improve defensively and unless he hot, he's tough to watch. I think the resources should have been allocated elsewhere while thinking you're right about the cost benefit. Meh I guess is what I'm saying.
  13. Ok Supes. Why? Just curious. I think this move is...curious. If only because I think the team is better served getting younger (AJ), and unloading his contract to focus on another big acquisition. I'm not sure I buy that this team will acquire the name(s) I've seen thrown around.
  14. I'm sorry, but I'm here with this. Nate was a problem. I don't know what to tell people who don't or couldn't see this team, flawed personnel or not, completely shut down with Nate. In short order Quinn has their ear, but the good lord himself wasn't curing the short sighted assembly of bad "fits.". There is no," I told yall," with this team. BBIQ fans and armchair GMS like myself can easily say, I knew this or that, but it started up top..including the previous coach.
  15. Can someone tell me..I may have missed it in another thread..but BS sports..I mean CBS..says that Fields didn't really want Synder? I half read it and lost the article. Had the board addressed this?
  16. Its good as long as they are winning...lol. Then they'll be angry if they lose..so there's that. I'm too damn excited about this mighty Quinn hire tho..
  17. He will...I just don't ever want to hear fast and physical again ..ever !
  18. That's a great question and I can honestly see him wanting what Hunter got considering he's almost identical career wise in points, rebounds and assists. My question is if you think Hunter is worth his contract would Bey be worth the same? I'm not inclined to give him that money but I guess you could argue he's worth it. He's a 36% career 3pt shooter....OK. I know I'll get hate for it, but Hunter is just ok to me. Sometimey at every damn thing. I haven't seen Bey a lot but Meh to a Hunter level contract. In other words Jay...h3ll if I know
  19. We're all happy for Huerter, but realistically, no one was taking Bogi and Velvet got the runner up treatment. I think long term we will be more than happy with AJ as a fall back prize. Bey...he's ok to me. Versatility a plus. But signing him...he's gonna want Hunter money, then Hunter gone. I ain't paying for Hunter twice.
  20. New Plan. Keep Prunty. Then fire him next year at the All-Star Break. Hire next man up. Repeat annually.
  21. I honestly believe AJ can fill it even better. Of course I'd have sent out Bogi, but can't imagine anyone wanted them knees.
  22. Good luck with that. I wouldn't but maybe someone can convince me he's worth that type of contact? I don't even want Hunter at that price
  23. I love this post so much! I parallel it to Tua on the Miami Dolphins (I know football). While everyone was outraged they got rid of Flores, he intentionally sabotaged his own QB, talked to grown men like they weren't ish, then sued the team for integrity even though he said the incident happened a year and a half prior. What an a**! LP is in the same boat.
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