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Everything posted by deester11

  1. I'm going to try to move on because for me, LP exhibited no signs of being nothing more than a developmental coach for which I give him plausible credit for. Nate..it's been beat to death. Rock..meet hard place. Old coaching philosophies and rigid principles were ultimately his undoing. The players own a level of accountability, but I'm ready for a coach who can fuse accountability and professionalism along with establishing a winning culture.
  2. However true that is, his soft skills were /are not relatable to being head coach? He wasn't good from my non professional coaching view. I could care less how the other coaches view him.
  3. Not speaking for Diesel, but I'm sure third party "what if's" could be given to potential candidates. Not saying they are speaking, but something along the lines of, "any thoughts of jobs that would be attractive to you if they were open?" - anonymous dude who knows somebody.
  4. Someone (Diesel perhaps), tell me how I'm supposed to feel considering the same issues rear their ugly head time and time again. Lethargic and archaic and stoic...OK, awful basketball does not spark enthusiasm with me. Am I supposed to be happy with a play-in game, first round exit....just getting to the playoffs? I'm freaking not, nor will I ever be. Should I bank on the offseason for the umpteenth hundred time? We get a big FA right? Always good to dream I guess. IMHO, the coach or players have to go. No way the players go, so coach it is. Don't sell me on the Nate is doing ok crap. Ain't happening and I ain't buying. I'm not even getting to the FO bs, but what the hell can I surmise that gives me confidence that this team will be a juggernaut before Armageddon?
  5. And do what? Lol...are we happy with playoffs or deep playoffs? I do agree with health though.
  6. Can someone tell me when the "we're happy with our team" statement comes out?
  7. Nah Quest..I mean at the deadline. The Cam trade wasn't team altering other than morale. The offseason seems to be where the fun is.
  8. Always the bridesmaid..never the bride? Does that apply to every trade deadline with regards to the Hawk's? Every team wants to minimize every trade with Atlanta. If a package is not right...just stand pat. IMHO, this team has shown life but not enough to go deep into the playoffs. The names thrown around range from Meh...to..eh. I want a Bogi trade to free up more AJ...money...but I want a contributor too. 24 or less hours can't come soon enough.
  9. Don't have to be a Trae Stan to figure he won't be traded. I am though..so what do I know.
  10. They pulled you all back in again didn't they?
  11. Not to keep poking Shakes, but did he shut up and dribble? Btw..plenty of articles from ex-players who played with Tony Parker. They make DJM'S comments look tame. We got a dog in the A. Keep doing ya thing DJM.
  12. Maybe not, but shouldn't Cam do something to salvage his career, show that he belongs instead of venting his frustrations ALL the time? It got out in Atlanta and now NY, screams of Cam's Camp is putting out info? No?
  13. Yeah..it was brutal for sure. I looked back on the quotes from his firing. It ranges from, he got screwed over, to his style was too much for younger guys. Have we heard that somewhere?
  14. He really was. I think his failure was he didn't know what he was as a head Coach. That Nugget team was Isocentric and the players didn't mesh with his tough love, cool dad style. I think he was set up to be unsuccessful though. There was a myriad of issues there.
  15. Oh I'm definitely with you on that. I also think it's vitally important to have a coach that can "up" Trae's game and maturity level. I think Shaw could do that.
  16. My friend repeatedly keeps saying Vince Carter....
  17. I'm in the minority on Hunter. Gotta know when to say when. I have no idea what a package around him looks like, but if we can keep JC, deal Hunter and Bogi..I'm in. I just don't think the defense would collapse and what he brings offensively is inconsistent. There after times, I fall for him. Other times, I want Taurean Prince back for less cost. Flame away. I'm good.
  18. Your trigger or moving thought is STFU and dribble? He's got a voice like anybody else. That phrase is about as dumb and trigger worthy as "woke."
  19. Hard to imagine a worse take. The shut up and dribble part....outright azzinine. As a mentor myself, I couldn't fathom not giving the mentee the tools to be successful. I want that person to want to take my place. He/she would have to work for it, but that's what it is. I'm not running off because of him/her. Smh
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