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Everything posted by deester11

  1. Makes sense. I see what you're saying.
  2. Wait...Jordan was difficult scheme wise to build around? Not sure I read that right or you're making a longer point. As for personnel and scheme fit, we THINK or KNOW that this team is severely flawed. Since the Hawks didn't..couldn't..or wouldn't address at least a portion of this at the trade deadline, are you confident that this will get addressed during the summer? Or do we get more pie on the sky, "almost" traded for, "were close to.."hypothetical fixings? How confident are you with this FO?
  3. Should take that dudes Playstation away! Freaking joke.
  4. Landry is no word smith that's for sure. Even if you believe that to be the case, you frame your words to indicate it's a work in progress with ups and downs. That's true and sounds better without relegating yourself to sounding like a whipped puppy. Laundry's interview or whatever stunk. It was putrid.
  5. I agree with Supes and I feel dirty because of it.
  6. The problem is not that they didn't trade to trade. It's that this team is flawed and if you have a chance to correct just a few, you do it. I don't know the conversations, but a few of the deals would have been plausible for this team.
  7. That stinks . But I get it. Inept. That's this franchise. Oh well...summer.
  8. But..wait. Yall don't leave. We get to hear about deals we won't make this summer. Lmao
  9. Soth...much respect, but how much bs is going to be piled on before we realize this set up as is...is below average? The competency level is questionable to us because of the information you and others have shared. It's like they've fumbled the bag over and over. If Ressler is meddling what gives you confidence that the FO will be able to come to life this summer?
  10. 30 minutes...something big is coming.
  11. Yall do know this happens every year. It is the Hawks way right? Insider sources leak bs(fed to them I reckon)..and we fall for it. The FO is sitting around like :
  12. I'm convinced you're the Resslers step son.
  13. Say what you want. There are at least 2 deals I've seen we could have done. Smart FO's didn't settle for trash and made smart moves. We're dumb.
  14. So also for clarification...don't name names or don't call people names? Attack the post. I think that's it right?
  15. Anybody believing half the smoldering pile of steamy crap coming from the FO is severely loving this comedy sitcom.
  16. Maybe the insiders know, but I just don't see Murray and OO moving on the same deal without the likes of Zion or Ingram who I don't think they would move for either of these assets. The build up is great. But I don't see NO as viable without inclusion of the former or latter player. I hear a lot of "wait till the summer," and I think I'm resigned to that. Until then...I'll wait for more smoke around the Hawks
  17. [We aren't talking about other posters. - AHF] Hunter is not the player you think. He's mid af. That is my issue with him. [ ]
  18. Like it or not, it's somewhere in between with Hunter. He's not as good or bad as I think I guess. I acknowledge the big wing..yada yada, but IF and I know it's a big IF, the Hawks find decent wing replacements I'm all in on trading Hunter. Now the reality is, it's not easy. If the mods don't care, you can come after me Supes. I'm all in for it.
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