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Everything posted by Final_quest

  1. Every business wants to retain their best employee. You actually want input from them, and at times you want them to challenge and push you. They make mistakes too.
  2. I don't believe anyone thinks Trae was our shadow GM who called all the shots. I do think there is a potential for a nuanced conversation on Trae's influence. Something more than zero impact on several of our moves. To label him as a teenager who drinks mountain dew and is like an annoying kid to ignore in the back of the car doesn't respect his actual position. He is the box office draw. He is also the engine of the team. If someone is acquired or cut, it impacts what Trae has to do on the court to make it work. There are a lot of reasons to include him in conversations if you want to have success. However, if all you have to say is Trae should have zero influence and has had zero influence, there really isn't a conversation. Point taken and that's your perspective. Many others see it differently.
  3. Jalen is on target to meet basic requirements, but not on a trajectory where anyone thinks of him as a shooter.
  4. I think assuming JJ, Sarr, and OO will meet the shooting requirements of a modern NBA front court is a concept built on hope. None of them have demonstrated they are reliable volume shooters. They can make open set shots. Could one of them develop to be a shooter? Yes, but none are even on that trajectory path.
  5. I think we’re so focused on improving defense that people are not being realistic about the poor fit on offense. It could work at times, but we need an option where a better shooter is on the front court.
  6. If there is a world we can get Mitchell without giving up Sarr or JJ, we need to make that effort.
  7. OK. You claimed people are saying Trae forced the front office to pay JC against their wishes. You said people think it’s a good idea to give a 22 year old whatever they want. If it’s not a straw man show me where people are making those statements. That you are fairly and accurately framing what people on here are saying with regards to Trae’s influence. No one ever said Trae should get whatever he wants or that he forced them to overpay for JC. They are saying Trae put pressure on the front office and it was one of many factors that went into a decision. You are distorting that view and attacking your misstated version of what no one actually thinks which is a definition of a straw man.
  8. I like any option where we keep Trae, JJ, and Sarr. I think on defense this lineup makes a lot of sense with OO at center. Can they generate enough offense, enough spacing? Trae, Bogi, Ingram, JJ, Sarr/OO as a lineup might be more successful at times. The big rotation with JJ, Sarr, and OO definitely sounds nice.
  9. Another person demonstrating you can be a huge Trae fan, and still see that Trae has flaws. I get it. We don’t know the degree to which he leverages his power as the main gate draw for our franchise. And let’s be clear, without Trae fan interest pretty much returns to die hard fans only. If you assert that he has misused or even that he appropriately uses his status to influence the roster, you are labeled a Trae hater and a bunch of other nonsense. Yes, he uses his power, and I actually think he should at times, but it’s not always a good outcome either. That’s reality, but it also doesn’t mean he is the shadow GM.
  10. This is way too melodramatic. No room for nuance.
  11. This is a straw man and not what anyone thinks.
  12. Trae having influence in our roster moves turns out to a huge trigger for some people. No one is saying he called all the shots and is the only guy responsible for every move we've made. He's had influence. It's completely obvious, and he wants to push his influence more so now it seems. It doesn't mean they did everything he wanted.
  13. If we trade for Giannis with the #1 pick, would that trade need to go down after the pick is made? Would Sarr's salary count as part of the salary needed to match Giannis?
  14. We'll easily know by follow up moves. Don't see how he convinces Trae to stay and Giannis to come without this being understood. From a business stand point it actually makes sense to go all in with these guys, that has never been the case before. With Giannis and Trae you would be on national TV all the time, deep playoff runs, tons of jersey sales, and the value of the franchise goes way up. Keeping Kevin Huerter as a guy who's nice to have around, but completely redundant, doesn't have the same gravity as bringing a two time MVP on board.
  15. San Antonio doesn't have Trae Young to feed Giannis lobs all day. Giannis has a say in this, too. Also, Milwaukee might prefer getting Sarr and Jalen over anything San Antonio has to offer. We have an expiring contract in Capela as well. All parties have to want to do the deal. You have to think from Giannis perspective.
  16. My understanding of the rumor was trade the pick for a star or trade me to San Antonio. In Trae's public interview he said "I want to win." Behind closed doors he seems to be saying something more aggressive.
  17. Yes, and giving up on Trae is not something I’m ready to do. Our defense was in shambles, and he was the fall guy. We’ve never paired him with another star either.
  18. Amazing to have this intel. I put most of the clues together already, and made my case for Giannis. Especially if we get a pick from New Orleans. Our draft capital is replenished for the most part after the 2027 draft plus we’d still have Trae and Giannis. Any gaps on the roster are covered by ring chasers until then. It would be the first time I can remember where we would consistently be in contender status. Although I get the fear that we risk becoming Phoenix if chemistry is totally off. A valid attempt at a ring is the whole point, let’s take the shot. I like the other two options as well as I’ve kind of bought into Sarr. Just hope Ressler isn’t the devil everyone thinks he is and makes a mess of whichever direction we go.
  19. We did get an insider report indicating he gave the FO an ultimatum. But I guess there is no Woj report.
  20. Similarly, if we traded Trae to SA for 4 picks and had a bunch of guys like Jalen, Sarr, and Reed Sheppard I would be excited and support. I also like the Trae, JJ, and Sarr trio if we go that route. Huge decisions in the next few weeks.
  21. I actually think we'll still have enough assets to contend. Again this is assuming Giannis is the guy. Potential starters: Trae, Bogi, Hunter, Giannis, OO. We still have Bufkin, AJ, Mo Gueye, and Bey (who could be back by end of season). Additionally we can add other pieces from trading Murray, Collins TPE, and the MLE. Plus with Giannis you would have vet min ring chasers filling gaps on the roster like backup PG and backup C. We have up to three first round picks we can trade plus the #1 this year. Sacramento, 2029, and 2031. So at least one pick left over after the deal. But let's say you keep this team together for title runs the next three years. By the time the 2028 draft rolls around we'd have most of our draft capital moving forward, only down one pick. Then you can trade all your player assets for rebuilding pieces and draft picks if it didn't work. This is a three year trial. Why not give this a shot?
  22. So, there was a reason to read into Trae’s lack of reaction… If I had to say, I would go for Giannis. We would be a top 4 team in the east for many years. If it’s some other superstar, probably not. Give Trae a real star that fits with him. Give them a chance.
  23. Hoping this #1 pick and some moves this offseason can ease the player's confidence in what we are doing. I am nervous about where Trae is at, or where the FO is with Trae. Hoping everything calms down and we commit to at least Trae, Sarr, and JJ.
  24. Hope you’re right. Can’t believe Mark Bradley is still there. Never liked that dude going back to the days when print media was all we could read.
  25. Do not like this story. The idea of trading Trae is stupid, but I look at the media differently than a lot of people. That’s why this story worries me. At times the media reports what has already been decided, or does the bidding of the local franchise. They tell you what you should think about their plans. Whether this is Trae asking out or Tony wanting him out. They call the local staff reporter and tell them to write a story like this. Or it could be to gauge fan reaction. I would hate losing Trae. Worried this could mean they had a meeting with him that didn’t go well.
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