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Everything posted by Final_quest

  1. I feel petty this year. Hard to find teams I can cheer for. Boston vs Heat. Knicks vs Sixers. I want all of them to lose. Getting a little satisfaction watching Halliburton get routed. Minnesota is at the top of my list followed by Denver. Milwaukee a distant third. After that it’s hard for me to like anyone. Clippers a little…
  2. Heard it this way: Whatever you look at is the only thing you will see.
  3. The Murray deal is pretty volatile. It could end up being good for us, or devastatingly bad. Good result would be if we get the Kings pick next year as a mid first round pick higher than our own. No swap happens in 2026. Then only give up a late first rounder in 2027. Bad result would be the Spurs getting 2-3 high lottery picks. We tend to focus on the most negative outcome out of fear, but the Murray deal could end up really positive.
  4. The Spurs deal has nothing to do with the terms of the Kings pick. The Spurs get the Hawks pick next year, even if the Kings pick is better.
  5. Elite offense with low turnovers allows you to reduce transition baskets. Even a below average defensive unit performs better when it is set. A poor offense with high turnovers helps the other team get easy buckets. So yes, elite offense helps defense. Significantly helps.
  6. If we kept Huerter, Bogi, and Murray we’d have three SGs making $14M+. Most teams only have six total players making over 14M. One of them had to go.
  7. Well, hope this works in our favor next year.
  8. Just glad Murray got to establish that he is a top PG while Trae was out. If we can get close to equal value back that fits our roster back, I'm down for trading Murray.
  9. I don’t want him to make a bad trade either. People get fired for circumstances outside their control all the time, which is what could happen to Landry. We’ll have to see what actually happens this offseason. It could be something really good.
  10. I want us to land a top 3 pick. Why not us?
  11. I’m still willing to work with Trae. Getting a nice/fair return for Murray could go a long way. We got a few nice young players on the rise as well.
  12. Not our problem. GM’s are judged on what actually happens whether it is their fault or not. But yes, making stuff happen is his job. I’m not pointing fingers yet, but stating reality. Another year with no deals will look really bad for him.
  13. I agree but eventually an executive has to make something happen. No NBA GM can go two years straight saying there was no one willing to trade.
  14. Landry needs to deliver. He tried to make moves last offseason and trade deadline. He can’t strike out again this summer.
  15. Capela, Hunter, or Bogi. But I think it could look differently than cutting Collins as a straight dump. A trade for actual player in return. I do think our issue is more where we’ve spent on our top 6 guys vs an unwillingness to pay a seventh guy $10M+. We have a bunch of young guys to work in the rotation as well.
  16. Signs that both Kobe Bufkin and MoGee are viable NBA rotation players.
  17. Every move they tried to pull off failed. No point in tanking when another team controls your picks. You have to trade for a better player/fit. When your plan A and plan B fail then other plans could be desperation moves that make you worse off like trading Murray for scraps.
  18. Annoyed. We got teased in the off season with a possible huge acquisition. The midseason trade market was also a bust, but we may have avoided some terrible trades. Soooooo many hours on offseason and midseason trade threads. Every time it looked like we might get some rhythm going it never sustained. Personnel questions are still unsettled. Mainly how do we upgrade our core and which parts of our core do we keep? I'm still hopeful for what's next.
  19. Just hoping we get to 100 pages on this topic by the draft. #EdeySquawk
  20. Last night looked like they waived the white flag on trying to catch Chicago.
  21. I’m talking about just with regards to our win total. We can win or lose the final two regular season games and still be 10th. The only thing that can change our draft position is winning the Play In. The Sacramento pick is also on the line.
  22. We’re locked in to 10th in the east and #10 draft slot in the league. Not really anything to play for in the final two games at this point. Quin can treat these games as practice.
  23. Probably true, but all these guys get consideration for the roster. A lot of factors come into what we should do in the draft. Everything depends on who falls, if there is a team willing to make a trade, and who we think fits our system. You have to prepare for every scenario.
  24. I’m not set on a particular draft strategy, but we’re running out of slots to develop players. AJ, Lundy, Bufkin, and Gueye along with our picks in the next draft. The draft always depends on who is available when you pick. If a guy falls to you, pick him.
  25. I think it’s as simple as they make the playoffs and pick is ours. If not, we have to hope for next year.
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