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Everything posted by Phunkabilly

  1. The candidates with a 23/24 salary in this range and who might reasonably be available looks pretty grim. Maybe Vuc or BLopez in a SnT? Hard to see Milwaukee being motivated to do that though. Maybe the best option is to hold until until the trade deadline in case we need reinforcements at that time.
  2. I'd love to have Delon back. I thought he was great for us. Not sure we have the minutes for him though, and don't think he was real pleased with his limited minutes during his stay here either.
  3. Wasn't Soth saying that it was Ressler that vetoed the past JC trades, though? If that Lauri trade was legit, I don't think anybody's head would roll if it was the boss man himself making the call.
  4. Man, I hope you're right! I would LOVE seeing the Braves have the two best players in baseball!
  5. And while I'm in agreement with most on here that I am disappointed in the return for JC, the fact is that I'll miss the person a lot more than the player. I'm admittedly much more bullish on JJ than most, but I'm extremely excited to see the impact he'll have with increased minutes (assuming we don't sign/trade for another starting caliber PF). I personally felt like JJ was outplaying JC during the second half of the year, so this may even be more of an addition by subtraction type of move. Not because JC was a bad player, but because we may have an even better player ready to take his spot. It's the same reason why I wouldn't mind seeing Capela moved (to give OO more minutes), or to a lesser extent, to see Hunter moved (to give AJ more minutes). The added financial flexibility to make additional moves is icing on the cake.
  6. False. They didn't get rid of either one... both those players left of their own volition when they hit free agency. When those two left, the Braves turned right around and spent that freed up money by trading for Matt Olsen and Sean Murphy and locking them up to long term deals. And both Riley and Acuna are also locked up to long term deals on team friendly contracts, so neither will be leaving anytime soon. The Braves have one of the best front offices in all of sports.
  7. Lol! I knew that was coming!
  8. Do you know which two are their primary targets? I understand if you can't share that info before the draft, but it would be interesting to know whether or not we got our guys once the draft is over.
  9. I take it the news never hit today? Or did Jaybird hit the nail on the head with her earlier post?
  10. I don't really see him as a high ppg guy, but more of a stat sheet stuffer, kinda like what Josh Smith was for us. Maybe in the 12-15 ppg realm, but gets plenty of rebounds, assists, steals and blocks.
  11. I think Capela/#46 for Bertains/#10 is fair, but Dallas fans at RealGM want Capela/#15 instead. They seem to ignore the fact that Bertans is a significantly negative value contract for a one-trick pony, even if that last year is only partially guaranteed. Then again, shame on me for even sniffing around that site.
  12. Damn you and your teasers, Camp!! Now I'm gonna be wearing out the refresh button on this page all day!
  13. I guess there's always the potential of getting hurt in one of those workouts and risking your draft stock plummeting, but I agree with you. I wonder if that's why Cason decided to come work out for the Hawks after all... because there are rumblings that we might trade up.
  14. Has anyone heard why they didn't use his shooting abilities at Duke? That's the part that scares me... doesn't make sense for his college coach to limit him that much if those skills played up in actual games.
  15. I'd jump on that trade, personally. Grab Lively at #10 and our front court is reconstructed in one fell swoop. The value for Dallas and Houston seems about right, but I'm not sure if Washington would go for it either. Maybe tossing our 2nd round pick to the Wizards evens it out a little more.
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