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Everything posted by kg01

  1. Maybe he was truly being 'poor man's KD' when Durant tanked his last OKC series on his way outta town.
  2. Liami finna fade into that cold, sweet night ain't they? When the goin' gets tough, the tough(sic) get to Cancun I guess. Heat cul-cha tho. On a related note, OO is so far from being what Bam is it's amazing people suggest that as a comp.
  3. Yeah let's not repeat KD x2. Just pack it in. Ain't like GLLLLenn wouldn't eventually lose it for them n. e. ways.
  4. Now he says they need a point guard. Other guy says nobody's gonna take them from swept to title. Johnson says no, he's not taking them. They would be taking him. So they need him ... but they don't need him? Huh? When asked about SVG suggesting the Suns put together names and not a team, he says " well he's right but he's also been wrong on some things". Huh? Ok, I'm done. My head is spinning.
  5. This dude on air saying the Suns season wasnt bad because they could've been fighting for the 6 seed "or even the top seed in the west" if they would've won the 6 games they lost vs bottom teams. Like, whut? Huh? Uh ... so?! It doesn't work that way. Says none of the Suns 3 should be trying to get rebounds or assists. Shld only be scoring. This guy is a clown.
  6. Eddie Johnson on nbaradio being an absolute shill for the suns today. Criticizing Shams for not being balanced in his reporting, only saying the negative. But going on himself to say how great KD's season was because of the number of games he played. Dafuq?
  7. In fairness, dude kinda looks like a cartoon so...
  8. If DEN plays against MIN the way they've played against LAL, they might get sweeped (not swept).
  9. KD isn't worth all that anymore. Give em Hunter and a few 2's.
  10. Ol' JTB went out and got receipts on 'em. Jolly good show, old chap. Wet like I'm Book.... Murray for Book. But don't ask me why the Suns would do that. Haha KD gonna push to get onto whoever wins it all this year.
  11. I think he'll be drafted but is probably closer to a 2nd rounder than a top 10 guy. Like with Jones and Murphy, I can see him being a better pro than a college player. Which means he'll be undervalued come draft time.
  12. Seemed more like a big wing to me. While we're at it, let's pick up that Beekman kid too.
  13. I'm a 5%-er right, hillbilly?
  14. I watched Dunn a good bit being a terror against my Jackets. He's definitely a player type that would be helpful for us. But, as others mention, I prefer we get personnel that could help our POA. Well heck, why not do both I guess.
  15. I'm not Charles but I do have a confession to make. I ... am @benhillboy. No matter how much I protest to the contrary. I am him.
  16. Explain why this makes sense from BKN's perspective though.
  17. The outsiders have eyes on Phoenix 'cause they're obviously gonna make changes. That's an unmitigated failure almost everyone saw coming. But I'm afraid to go fishin for Booker-fish. Mess around and have Beal-apia on the hook.
  18. I've only ever been a Falcons fan so I know the Failcons name is more than earned.
  19. You just hurt a buncha Failcons fans' feelings, bd.
  20. It's why I predicted he'd leave Klutch soon. It seems he's the only one if their high profile clients that gets dragged like this.
  21. My eyes! I think I got the winner of the worst Trae trades possible. This one features the site favorite PeliCan'ts. Dude on bleacher report posited a 'Trae for McCollum, Daniels, and a pick' deal. And wondered if that'd be enough for Atlanta. It's gonna be a long summer, baybee.
  22. I didn't file requisition #1207398-b in the last meeting,so I didn't think I was authorized.
  23. Bite your tongue, burd. That clearly requires multiple picks coming from Atlanta too. In all seriousness though, surely LAL will be looking to make changes. But until they come off AD, it'll just be shifting deck chairs off the titanic. And also coach firings are likely coming. Did yall notice that smooth transition to an outsiders update? Yeah, smooth as a dirt road, kg. Shut up, Kial!
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