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Everything posted by Spud2nique

  1. We are the 5th worst team in the league after tonight. Dang. 26th best 26/30.
  2. Why? To watch him go 3-16. I’m good on PG13, wait a couple months.
  3. See not looking at +/- I thought Cap fought more tonight. I don’t rely on +/- bs u either fight and get buckets and stop the opposition or you don’t. Analytics is annoying there I said it.
  4. A JC dunks tonight got me hyped, he fought all night and played hard give him credit. These young dudes gotta understand they can’t take turns being good each night, we need everyone giving 110% EVERY NIGHT. Until then, they are keeping my ATL squawker friends up late and not get rewarded by watching good basketball. Comon guys.
  5. Tough to put a finger on it. Well, Hunter, Cam and Gallo were horrible.. lol..
  6. He got 22 FG attempts tonight making half of them. That’s more like it. I mean it didn’t result in a win but at least we are getting his engine going. 26/9/2 blocks
  7. Well it doesn’t get any easier, the Bucks at home on Sunday. Still staying patient. Kind of stunk that Gordon has his best game of the year and their rookie Bones player. He reminded me of Keyon Dooling a bit, annoying lil pg 4-9, let’s get the Bucks on Sunday. We at home, but need to play with more consistency and hit some shots.
  8. Ya, 4-9, we lost to a tough Denver team. JC played well and Capela. Hunter, Cam, Gallo, Bogi, all asleep for the most part. Cant win with 2 or 3 guys showing up.
  9. Agreed that would be really nice we’ve played well in spurts but never put 4 quarters together. Also agree that it’s not a must win, wait, did you call it one? Lol.it would just be really really nice. Only game 13 though so technically (and legally) I’m not allowed to panic just yet. That’s what they’ve told me and that’s what I know. Yup. Get a win though..
  10. I think I get the theme of these.. You forgot one..
  11. Yes it would. Awesome as always lw3! This 5 game skid is over tonight baby! We need to get one and remember how good it feels. Keep it simple and swing it.
  12. (Ya, still) Ooooh that’s right Smoove my mind immediately went to Iverson when I saw it.
  13. I went from laughing to reminiscing when my nephew was 2 I rolled an ankle on a lego no joke. My ankle has given out 2,374 times, it’s scar tissue now but sometimes it gives out like that and my gf wants to contain laughter I’m like hell no, funny is funny . Thats Haslem’s body retiring in a nano second. Odd on him finishing the season?
  14. Huh? Unnecessary? They need to add @kg01 to the next President ballot. (Not even squawk but the )! Hell I’d vote 🗳 you and stuff the ballots like I do for Trae in an all star game. Im just surprised I haven’t run into Sliver in one capacity or another. I should just be happy our paths never cross on the Bay, I know he’s got friends here in medium level place, ya Adam you ain’t high here. Keep rubbin Lacob’s …I digress
  15. Now him vs Jake Paul.. that’d be a hoot
  16. Can somebody answer what seems to be a straight forward and simple question to answer but I’m not getting it. Why do players today deal with more injuries if the nutrition and training is much more advanced? Or is it because players didn’t talk about injuries back then? I don’t remember hearing a quarter of the injuries I hear in today’s game. I mean, you even got guys that were “built” for it and would have been beasts even in the 80’s like a Donovan Mitchell having “DNP’s” for like a broken finger nail. I’m not trying to act tough or anything (we’ll because I don’t really have to try , I kid) but I’m tougher than these new age cats. Maybe it has to do with load management? But even dudes in the 80’s played through crap during the regular season and still limped through the playoffs and dominated. Here’s lookin at you Zeke! 1988 game 7. Again, I understand an Achilles or something major like Nique back in the day or Klay, but these lil buttercup nagging ones players are sitting out for are starting to get in my nerves. Again, I am all for player empowerment but this is their jobs, I mean, how many sick days? ISE! ISE!
  17. Is Rich Paul the devil ? This cat may not be going to hell but he’s gonna run into some bad dudes… https://basketball.realgm.com/wiretap/264693/Rich-Paul-76ers-Have-Exacerbated-Mental-Health-Issues-For-Ben-Simmons Oh Morey too though don’t get me wrong. They are both real pieces of work.
  18. But you stayed at a Holiday Inn last night? kg made me do it. His exact words were.. “ do it”…
  19. Don’t tease me!!! Don’t you tease me! I look forward to your gifs very much. Your work is impeccable! lw3 read this and is now genuinely scared.. and..
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