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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. 4 bigs as it stands. bruno definitely gone. likely gay too at some point cause he and quin don't get along apparently.
  2. remember when i said watch out for houston on draft night... if cam didn't fall this would have happened sooner
  3. Brooklyn has the best assets lol. Miami heat reporters even said they don’t want Tyler herro. They have Dariq, clowney, cam, plus a boatload of picks Pat will be a hawk
  4. You guys think hawks make any moves today? Personally I would be shocked if the hawks are in the news today for any signing, maybe 1 if that. think we will be in more headlines next week
  5. Biggest playoff choker is so wrong LOL. Yall should be looking at the other sixer for that
  6. Trading OO for KAT makes no sense. Let alone trading both OO and Clint and running KAT at the 5. A defense of Trae and KAT would be 30th in the league. They would win absolutely nothing
  7. Lol this just isn’t true whatsoever. Tony wanted the guy people hyped in college for ticket sales. Travis wanted luka he even said he was gonna draft him in the opening presser. Luka had a list… Phoenix was on it, Dallas was on it. Sac Memphis atl weren’t on it.
  8. His undoing when the owner wanted Trae and luka had a list of teams he wanted to go too??? Come on man y’all just get on here and misplace blame all the time
  9. Anybody that is on here saying Schlenk is terrible has barely followed the hawks and has very little knowledge of what went on behind the scenes. He hired an excellent developmental coach (who Trae has even said on his most recent pod was great for his development). Once it became time to win he made some great veteran signings that played a key part in the cf run. Unfortunately for him he got stuck in hiring a coach he never wanted because of the success and that run made ownership very impatient and they began taking control of moves. He drafted extremely very well and turned the hawks roster completely around in just 3 years. Nick ressler is who you guys should be blaming for doing moves that Travis never wanted like trading for DJ
  10. I’m gonna call cap on this lol. Lauri had a resurgence in Cleveland. Was he what he is now absolutely not but the contract wasn’t viewed badly at all. The hawks had a deal on the table and ownership vetoed it like they did with many of schlenks moves and that’s why he is gone. He was fired for having drastically different views then the two idiots running the show at the time and now we are in a much more aligned structure where he is less hands on
  11. Aye man whoever it is im all for it. Bey would certainly give the shooting that Quin is looking for at the forward spot. though as roster currently stands they are a small starting group.
  12. 20/10 on a team that wins 33 games
  13. That man stinks bruh. Jalen johnson as a starter will be way better than him in year 1 than collins ever was since we started winning. We needed to get rid of money to give bey oneyka and possible DJ extensions anyways and this allows us to do it without losing an additional asset
  14. Brian Windhorst on his pod that released today said "I dont want to get aggregated but this player is going to get traded and there is a 4 out there that I have heard that they are interest in who could get traded". This was about the Utah jazz... for the person on here that said windy doesn't know anything... he knows a lot
  15. Where in my point did I say trae was void of any criticism or fault. If we want to reach the end goal of winning a championship then trae will have to grow immensely as a player. Better shot selection, eliminate the careless turnovers, move a ton more off ball, don't be a cone off the ball or cone, don't take nights off on the defensive end... the list goes on Trae has his faults and needs to fix things but god damn stop writing bs hypotheticals to try to prove a point. Prove your point with actual stats or film or whatever but don't say "if we had this..." and when comparing us to other teams hmm maybe lets factor in context like them having a hall of fame coach and not one of the worst coaches for modern basketball ever. Barring injury, when the hawks win 50 games next szn you will be like "Wow Quin is really good unlike the two bums we had before" who mind you nobody has even interviewed for a job since...
  16. Man talking about kevin huerter like he did anything in the playoffs. Wide open threes left and right bricked them all. 9 PPG on 34% FROM THE FIELD 30% FROM 3. Yup thats why sac is where they are currently.... not sabonis and fox being a great duo. Must be trae fault kevin couldn't thit shots in the playoffs too right. If they had any other player out there they would have whooped the warriors but kevin is a specialist and unplayable in the playoffs
  17. this is all hypothetical... you know why miami has made it to two finals... a couple injuries broke their way and they are the best coached team in the league. Put nate mcmillain bum self on that team they getting bounced round 1 like majority of years nate is the coach... If we had luka we probably beat the bucks thats it but who knows if we don't beat them without trae getting hurt. Hypothetical takes are dumb
  18. Can confirm this. Thats why I said watch out for houston yesterday. They were debating cam and amen at 4 when he fell to 20 it was all she wrote on that deal
  19. He said on a stream he intends to play a couple games. Will be very high on the "plays 1-2 games" then shut down guy
  20. Mikey

    2023 Draft Thread

    I said it for you LMAOO. It was the worst kept secret.
  21. Mikey

    2023 Draft Thread

    I told y’all it was Bufkin or cam in the other thread. Stop playing with me might get back in for cam. Talk soon
  22. Mikey

    2023 Draft Thread

    Watch out for the rockets
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