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Posts posted by Mikey

  1. 1 minute ago, NBASupes said:

    We got 14 spots, we gotta cut someone. I guess it's Rudy Gay and Bruno. Since we still gotta sign Bufkin and Gueye and Lundy will be on two way contracts 

    4 bigs as it stands. bruno definitely gone. likely gay too at some point cause he and quin don't get along apparently.

  2. 12 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    That's the player Atlanta is targeting but the issue is Miami is his priority. 

    Just got word that Dame does NOT want to go to Philly and Brooklyn doesn't have the assets. 

    Miami is in the driver's seat. They just gotta find a 3rd team who's willing to fund the deal for Portland. 

    Brooklyn has the best assets lol. Miami heat reporters even said they don’t want Tyler herro. They have Dariq, clowney, cam, plus a boatload of picks 

    20 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    @LarsV8 is on point with Lopez. Houston is putting the full court press on him and Milwaukee has put players on the block Pat M and Grayson A on the block to free up cap space. So it's gonna be difficult. 

    Pat will be a hawk

  3. 6 hours ago, Sothron said:

    I could see it. I can't believe he's not going back to Houston. I have distant family that live there (this is not insider stuff just talking) and they say he's like a god out there. Everyone loves him. Guy can do whatever he wants there. I don't know why, forget the most bang for your back, if you have that level of investment into YOU as a person...why the hell would you not want to go back to that? 

    Makes no sense to me. Look at Harden's age and his game. Is he really the best or 2nd best player on a contender? We know the answer is no because they have do this thing called the playoffs and Harden is the biggest playoff choker in the history of the NBA. 

    So why not go back to Houston? There's less than zero pressure on him. I mean why not just take the money and ride it in Houston, get your jersey hanging from the rafters and then go into the HOF? Who cares if you don't win a ring in a team sport as an individual? 


    Biggest playoff choker is so wrong LOL. Yall should be looking at the other sixer for that

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  4. 27 minutes ago, Sothron said:

    The names I'm hearing for a potential KAT deal from us are Hunter, OO and Bey. It sounds like the TPE would be used as well in  a possible three team deal to move Capela as well.

    The more teams get involved the less likely a trade is to happen. I'm just passing along what I am hearing. 

    The team wants to keep DJM. This isn't lip service. They really do believe he has "Hawks DNA" (this should already be a meme frankly) and he's the kind of high character/in love with the game type player the team wants. Another reason on a personal level ie not from insider just my two cents that I can't see us trading for Ayton. He has all the tools to be great but there seems to be character/maturity issues there.

    Trading OO for KAT makes no sense. Let alone trading both OO and Clint and running KAT at the 5. A defense of Trae and KAT would be 30th in the league. They would win absolutely nothing 

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  5. 28 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    Luka wanted to come to Atlanta. Tony was the one who wanted Luka. Travis wanted Trae. And Peterson wanted JJJ. Travis convinced them that this trade plus Trae was the best move. 

    Lol this just isn’t true whatsoever. Tony wanted the guy people hyped in college for ticket sales. Travis wanted luka he even said he was gonna draft him in the opening presser. Luka had a list… Phoenix was on it, Dallas was on it. Sac Memphis atl weren’t on it. 

  6. 1 hour ago, NBASupes said:

    Most of his picks were the best on the board or close in the 1st round. His only obvious 1st round miss was Spellnan at 30 which is like an early 2nd. 

    He missed on every 2nd round pick. 

    Trae over Luka is will forever be his undoing. He could have literally did everything else the same and he would be likely a world champion executive still in Atlanta but he bet on the wrong horse. Trae seems to be falling back in his class as well when he was the clear #2 a couple of years ago. 

    The Hunter pick will always make sense, big wings are like 2000s centers, you over draft them because they are damn near impossible to find. 

    Cam was a great gamble but a clear miss. Luckily, we got a 1st for him which we used to get an all star via trade in Murray. We bet that we can turn a bad college player into a great NBA player who had the tools and abilities and he just never got much better. 

    We hit it out the park with most picks even though and even Trae was a great franchise face which has brought us a massive fanbase. 

    Free Agency: Bogi and Gallo worked. 

    Trades: Delon, Clint, cap space Trades and all of pre Trae contract worked. Kevin trade was a disaster and ultimately the reason why he has an A than an A+ but he never really wanted to trade Kevin. It was his best value. Luckily, Landry realize you trade your worse value for a low amount so it don't hurt you but TS is smart. He knows trading low will ultimately get you deals from GMs that don't make sense. 

    His undoing when the owner wanted Trae and luka had a list of teams he wanted to go too??? Come on man y’all just get on here and misplace blame all the time 

  7. Anybody that is on here saying Schlenk is terrible has barely followed the hawks and has very little knowledge of what went on behind the scenes. 

    He hired an excellent developmental coach (who Trae has even said on his most recent pod was great for his development). Once it became time to win he made some great veteran signings that played a key part in the cf run. Unfortunately for him he got stuck in hiring a coach he never wanted because of the success and that run made ownership very impatient and they began taking control of moves. He drafted extremely very well and turned the hawks roster completely around in just 3 years. Nick ressler is who you guys should be blaming for doing moves that Travis never wanted like trading for DJ 

    • Like 1
  8. 17 minutes ago, Sothron said:

    Yes. One source said Lauri and one FRP, another said Lauri and two FRP. This was BEFORE last season when the general feeling was Lauri was a bad contract and needed sweeteners to take it off the Jazz hands.

    I’m gonna call cap on this lol. Lauri had a resurgence in Cleveland. Was he what he is now absolutely not but the contract wasn’t viewed badly at all. The hawks had a deal on the table and ownership vetoed it like they did with many of schlenks moves and that’s why he is gone. He was fired for having drastically different views then the two idiots running the show at the time and now we are in a much more aligned structure where he is less hands on 

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  9. 2 minutes ago, NBASupes said:

    Possibly but Bey is actually the best fit then again, this is likely not the last move the Hawks make this offseason 

    Aye man whoever it is im all for it. Bey would certainly give the shooting that Quin is looking for at the forward spot. though as roster currently stands they are a small starting group.

    • Thanks 1
  10. Just now, Sothron said:

    This was a straight salary dump. One of my Hawks sources is pretty, um, upset is a mild way to put it.

    This could open us up to taking on another big salary with a Capela trade but right now this was just a pure salary dump.

    As things stand right now unless we make a trade with Capela for a big name we should be upset as Hawks fans. We are flat out a worse team now than we were yesterday. We got back nothing for a guy that already has a 20/10 season on excellent shooting and is only 25 years old. Shameful.

    That man stinks bruh. Jalen johnson as a starter will be way better than him in year 1 than collins ever was since we started winning. We needed to get rid of money to give bey oneyka and possible DJ extensions anyways and this allows us to do it without losing an additional asset

  11. 1 hour ago, NBASupes said:

    Ya'll always blaming everyone but Trae. It's not that Nate don't deserve some blame but it's a religion on here that we must sacrifice everyone on the alter of Saint Traeus.

    I am done on this topic in this thread till @AHF moves the Dre/Trae post into this own offseason chatter thread where we can continue this. As of right now, this is an insiders thread and we are talking about non-insiders topics. No point in doing so. If you got questions for me, just wait till it's moved. I won't be responding. 

    Where in my point did I say trae was void of any criticism or fault. If we want to reach the end goal of winning a championship then trae will have to grow immensely as a player. Better shot selection, eliminate the careless turnovers, move a ton more off ball, don't be a cone off the ball or cone, don't take nights off on the defensive end... the list goes on

    Trae has his faults and needs to fix things but god damn stop writing bs hypotheticals to try to prove a point. Prove your point with actual stats or film or whatever but don't say "if we had this..." and when comparing us to other teams hmm maybe lets factor in context like them having a hall of fame coach and not one of the worst coaches for modern basketball ever. Barring injury, when the hawks win 50 games next szn you will be like "Wow Quin is really good unlike the two bums we had before" who mind you nobody has even interviewed for a job since...

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  12. 10 hours ago, NBASupes said:

    Cam improved in NY. Did he live up to his potential, no and maybe he's not capable. Atlanta realized it and bailed and NY did too. Kevin is the singular reason Sacarmento is what they are currently. Thanks, Atlanta! 

    It's going to continue. It's a lot easier to play in a system that's a system. Where the ball moves. Where players move. Where defensively, you aren't carrying dead f***ing weight. I hate when people talk shit with the idea of benefitting the guy who's the problem in the first place. 


    Man talking about kevin huerter like he did anything in the playoffs. Wide open threes left and right bricked them all. 9 PPG on 34% FROM THE FIELD 30% FROM 3. Yup thats why sac is where they are currently.... not sabonis and fox being a great duo. Must be trae fault kevin couldn't thit shots in the playoffs too right. If they had any other player out there they would have whooped the warriors but kevin is a specialist and unplayable in the playoffs

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  13. 9 hours ago, NBASupes said:

    I don't hate Trae. I actually like him in terms of ability. I just want him to grow the f*** up. He has more talent around him than Luka by a mile. Luka would have taken this squad to its 3rd finals by now and not just Luka, many others would as well. This team is better than Miami but Butler does the shit to win that Trae doesn't do. Miami been to two finals and we are better. Think about shit. If we had Luka, we would be champs already. 

    this is all hypothetical... you know why miami has made it to two finals... a couple injuries broke their way and they are the best coached team in the league. Put nate mcmillain bum self on that team they getting bounced round 1 like majority of years nate is the coach...

    If we had luka we probably beat the bucks thats it but who knows if we don't beat them without trae getting hurt. Hypothetical takes are dumb

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  14. 2 hours ago, NBASupes said:

    Houston and Atlanta actually had a deal for Capela but Cam Whitmore falling was pretty much murder she wrote to that. At the end of the day, these teams will cap space will miss on players and look to trades. 

    Can confirm this. Thats why I said watch out for houston yesterday. They were debating cam and amen at 4 when he fell to 20 it was all she wrote on that deal

  15. 1 hour ago, Sothron said:

    This is the guard I mentioned earlier the team was praying would fall to us.

    I LOVE THIS PICK. This kid plays great defense. He is the lefty version of DJM. Basically the same player, good and bad. Kobe is a good on ball defender, a good creator and can shoot. This is a great pick for us. I was scared we would trade down and miss out on him.

    I was not allowed to say anything about him. The team had a short list of players and were going to take whoever was left to us at 15.

    I said it for you LMAOO. It was the worst kept secret. 

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