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Everything posted by hawkman

  1. Ok Cap that's how you do it. Dunk that thing!
  2. Keep going to JJ while GSW is playing small.
  3. How hard is it to just pass the ball back out after getting the rebound?
  4. I honestly believe he can contribute right now even though he is a Rookie. His ability to knock down threes, catch lobs, and block shots while still being mobile enough to defend on the perimeter at 6'11 would be huge for the Hawks.
  5. This team looks different. I don't want to jinx it, but these past few games remind me of a previous Hawks run after a certain Hawks player got an All Star snub. Eerily similar circumstances.
  6. The execution! Am I dreaming????
  7. Good job refs! You guys are good with me.
  8. C'mon clock. I need to see 0:00.
  9. THE MITTEN!!!!! COOKIES!!!!!
  10. Pull the trigger Landry. It's time to go shopping for another big.
  11. That HAS to be continuation.
  12. Quin needs to stop being stubborn and put AJ in. There's nothing to lose at this point.
  13. We may see AJ tonight with Bey out.
  14. Get Claxton if he's available Landry.
  15. I have lost confidence in Cap finishing around the basket at this point. Those misses were infuriating.
  16. No backcourt violation???
  17. Good challenge and good D by Trae.
  18. Broken nose for Beal again. Ouch!
  19. Phoenix looking like ATL on defense. Love to see it.
  20. Multiple injuries. I think he had ACL surgeries on both knees before college.
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