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Everything posted by bballfan

  1. Why does everyone want to tarde for a guy who was having his best game yet last year and aksed to be taken out because he was tired? My God I don't know why anyone would want that type of guy on this team.
  2. Antoine gets to make the decisions correct? If he doesn't want to do a sign and trade he can do what he wants and go anywhere. Isn't it all up to him?
  3. Quote: Melo is a younger, immature Antoine Walker. I don't agree. Melo is nothing like Antoine. Antoine is a gamer who even when mad never quits on his team. Melo refusing to go back into a game last year is nothing Antoine ever would have done. he is nothing like him.
  4. He is just a kid and now he has all this money. He needs to tell his gnaster friends to take a hike and hang out with better people.
  5. Walker took so many 3's because Jim O'Brien was the coach. Has anyone here seen the Sixers play? well O'Briens game plan was and is this, shoot whatever you want but get back on defense. Walker did what his coach told him to do. His bad reputation comes from vrap that happened back in his first year in the league the problem is the stupid obnoxious Boston media never let him forget it.
  6. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2005/writ...ants/index.html Covering the NBA can be frustrating. It's not that I don't salivate at the thought of a late-night Bulls-Warriors match up, because I do. It's just once in a while over the course of an 82-game season I get fired up about a trade I think is ridiculous or a criticism I think is unwarranted. How can they do that, I'll say to myself, or is this guy even watching the game? Fortunately for me, I have a forum with which to address these issues, which I present to you in this week's edition of the Daily Rant, er, Blog. Get off Antoine Walker's Back For the last nine years Antoine Walker has been the poster child for what's wrong with the NBA: He shoots too many 3s. He doesn't rebound enough. He's too soft. When Walker came to Boston in 1996 the Celtics were a certifiable disaster. You remember Brett Szabo? Todd Day? Acie Earl? These were just a few of the names that Boston fans were subjected to in the mid '90's. Walker brought them back, made the C's respectable again, and when Paul Pierce fell into the Celtics' laps in '98, the two of them became the most formidable duo this side of Shaq and Kobe. What did he get for his troubles? A one way ticket out of town, courtesy of GM Danny Ainge, who if not for the ill-fated acquisition of Vin Baker in '02 might not have been brought on board in the first place. Pierce College Apartments - Rent.com Rent.com has millions of free apartment listings nationwide. Get $100 when you sign a... Pierce College Apartments - Rent.com Pierce Colleges Advance your career. Get the information you need to make the right choice. We've... Pierce Colleges MAILBAG Submit a comment or question for Chris. Your name: Your e-mail address: Your home town: Enter your question: So Walker goes to Dallas -- who already had 27 power forwards -- and, not surprisingly, struggles to find a role. After a season, the Mavs ship him to Atlanta, not exactly the Xanadu of the NBA, and what does he do? He immediately asks -- not demands, but asks -- Hawks GM Billy Knight for an extension. He requests the chance to be a part of the rebuilding process. He doesn't whine; he doesn't beg to go to a contender; he asks to stay. Meanwhile critics continue to harp on a man who has averaged more than 80 games a season in his career and plays with more heart than anyone in the league. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/story/280191p-240110c.html (PLEASE NOT NEW YORK:( Antoine Hawks a return BOSTON - Antoine Walker, a player the Knicks covet, said recently that if he isn't traded by the Feb. 24 deadline, he would want to re-sign with the Atlanta Hawks. "I like the building blocks we have," Walker told Atlanta reporters. "In two weeks we'll see if I'm a part of it. And even then, if I'm here then, it doesn't mean I'm going to be a here (beyond this season) and be a part of what's being built around here. "Hopefully, management believes I can be a big piece of the puzzle. I guess truth will be told in two weeks, so we'll see." Knicks president Isiah Thomas has tried on several occasions to acquire Walker, but the Hawks refuse to take back Tim Thomas, whose contract expires after the 2005-06 season. Walker could get a lucrative contract from the Hawks, which is probably why he has gone public with his hopes of re-signing with the club. If he is on the free agent market, the Knicks believe they could lure Walker to New York with their mid-level exception. Not only does Thomas have a relationship with Walker, but Knicks center Nazr Mohammed is one of Walker's best friends and Mohammed said he will do everything he can to recruit Walker to the Knicks. The Knicks like the 6-8 Walker because he can handle the ball and he has range. He is fourth in the NBA in field goal attempts and turnovers.
  7. employee8, I don't think that was as much of a dig as you do. Maybe he is saying that the team has heart which is why they are not giving up. E-MAIL him and ask him. I have given up on e-mailing the losers at that site. You criticize them one bit they call you names.lol It was fun but this one guy was crazy because I told him IMO he wasn't being fair and he called me all kinds of names because I refused to agree with him and I was beyond polite. His name was Jim something, I love the other comments in a different post about how the Hawks should shock the world. It sounds like someone thinks this team has a future in what we have.
  8. Melo would be a much better player in the East.
  9. I agree with you there. People want him to be great so they act like he is the next great player but IMO he has potential to be a very good player.
  10. This team consists of only one player who has ever helped carry a team in a playoff series. That is Antoine Walker. Then we have the injured Al Harrington who is a sixth man on last years second best Eastern Conference team. He made some big plays against the Celtics in the playoffs last year. Then we have 2 rookies and a bunch of guys who are throw aways from other teams that wanted to play more so they came to the Hawks. NO ONE should be ripping this team for any reason at this point. The next time you feel like ragging on anyone from this team then check out the roster we have. We have some talent but we don't have a team that it takes to make the playoffs but these guys are such hard workers. They give 110% in every game and I really like every member of this team. Any other team with all this losing would have 12 selfish guys fighting to shoot the ball. We have 12 guys who care about each other and if you ever watch them leave the court they are talking to each other. There not slamming off and pouting they are trying to get better. I am proud of this team and what they have accomplished and it is about time we gave them the respect they deserve. Lets face the facts here they might not be a team full of T-Mac's but I wouldn't question the characters of any guy on this team. Can you say that about T-Mac? Vince Carter? No you can't.
  11. Smith can shoot the problem is all we see from him are dunks. He is a rookie.
  12. IMO at times he is but for the most part he is just very agressive. He never backs down to anyone.
  13. Read the last line. I hope someone show's this to the team. Regardless of if it is true or not.lol I believe we beat them last time so what a stupid comment to make. http://www.orlandosentinel.com/sports/bask...ut10021005feb10,1,1280968.story?coll=orl-magic&ctrack=3&cset=true
  14. Perkins is fine in a limited role but he has not talent except using his body to attack people. This is the Celtic way of doing things the last two years. Between his crap on the floor and Pierce spitting at the Cavs bench the Celtics have become a classless organization. Antoine is not being traded to Boston. No one should have to play in that situation especially not twice.
  15. I disagree. Miami deserves 2 all stars because they are winning the East. The Wizards are not even close and Arenas is the reason that team is winning. He is the guy who puts the game winners in the basket. jamsion is just getting all the credit. Quote: Jamison is more valuable right now because Washington is winning and Atlanta is not. Walker hasn't turned this franchise into a winning franchise, Jamison has. Walker doesn't hit his freethrows pretty much the entire game and definately not during crunch time....Jamison does hit his freethrows. Jamison deserves to go to the All-Star game more than Walker.
  16. Apparently they didn't see Lamar at the foul line every time he coughed. I have never seen such babies in my life. They got more gifts by the refs then any other team as a whole and see things through yellow colored glasses. Granted we got a call or two tonight but IMO that was the refs fixing the cheating they did for LA through the whole game.
  17. bballfan

    Keep Walker

    Antoine is a warrior. He just refuses to give up regardless of his surroundings. A lot of times I think he gets labled a bad player because of the money he makes. If he didn't make 14 million a year no one would or could argue about him.
  18. Brady doesn'r run but he never sits in the pocket. If he does he gets sacked. He moves around and runs some and gets a better look. The Brady bashing but some bitter Falcon fans is getting ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  19. FYI that is called a pass and a blocked shot.
  20. Quote: What happened to the Hawks playing "horrible" when Walker is in, Dakin? Seems like your theory didn't hold water in the 3rd quarter.....OOPS! and look he isn't around to talk about it. Seriously this Walker bashing is finally being brought to light and to think I called him a Celtic troll, I wonder why, he acts just like them. JUST AN FYI, During this scoring problem of the last 5 minutes Walker has attempted 1 shot and made it so try and blame him for this lead dissapearing.
  21. times did you. The first half it looked like we had a shot but then the Pistons remembered us killing them before and woke up.
  22. No one new who Vince was til that slam dunk contest. Believe me I am sure a player like Smith will get an invite. I hope he doesn't do it if he is still hurt.
  23. Quote: Quote: Quote: As for your opinion about Walker's shot selection I have to laugh. He is not the only player who tried to dive into a shot last night. Heck the night Childress shot 1 for 8 he did that 4 times himself. Harrington did it last night several times too. [/indent] I know you are not comparing an 8 year veteran's shot selection to a rookie's shot selection. Usually a player's shooting percentage as they learn to play the game. Walker and Childress probably have the same shooting percentage. Harrington is still learning and played a lot better last night. Walker on the other hand is who will be for the rest of his career... A terrific talent who is a one on one player which will forever limit his potential as a player in this league. Indivial minded players create stats, team minded players win championships. [/indent] and like I said, Unless you watch the Hawk's everytime they are on then you don't know what you are talking about because you keep saying stuff that isn't true. Try watching a game then come back and say something because not once have you talked about teh Antoine that has played for the Hawk's this year.
  24. Quote: employee8 is fine, he even critisizes walker sometimes. tip is far worse. at least employee8 doesnt accuse people who bash walker of being celtics fans. But i dont see either one as being spammers. the hawks need all the fans they can get. It has been proven time and time again that you only show up here to insult Antoine so what you think doesn't matter. I have been a Hawks fan all my life something most people can't say because a lot of fans like you only show up to criticize everyone. It is obvious to me that certain people at this board are here only to start triouble and I can almost guarentee you they are Celtics fans because these same people showed up at the Dallas boards only to insult Walker. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz You can always not read my posts if your going to whine so much because everyone doesn't agree with you.
  25. You obviously do not watch this team play because Walker has rarely if never been a ball hog since he got in town. To say he isn't playing defense is not true either. He has been working his butt off at both ALL season. Even the Daken like fans of this team will tell you he hasn't been a ball hog more then anyone else on this team. Quote: Quote: He maybe deserves it statistically, but he won't get it because our team has the 2nd worst record in the league. You mean he may deserve it statistically but if you saw how he played to get those stats, there is no way he is even considered. Although Allen Iverson gets voted To the all star team each year eventhough he doesn't help his team win consistenly either because of the way he hogs the ball, takes all of the shots and plays no defense just like Walker.
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