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Everything posted by bballfan

  1. Carter is trying to repair his image. He must be losing endorsements since he admitted to quitting on his team this year. Sorry but I don't think he should live that down EVER
  2. I don't see any Hawk getting a chance as much as I think Walker deserves it. Everyone loves Jamison's numbers but IMO the real reason that team is winning isn't him it is the otehr guy who's name I can't think of right now.lol The reason I think Walker deserves it is because for 7 years in Boston he put up these exact same stats (lower rebounds but higher assists) He would be getting these stats on any team where he was a top 3 player.
  3. Quote: CTFU @ Glorified Ken Norman. I think Toine is a great Player personally, but he isnt going to lead us to the promised land., Lets trade him and get some value before he signs with Miami next year. I wouldn't mind him playing for Miami with Shaq.lol Actually Pat Riley has always gone out of his way to say nice things about Walker so I can see it hapenning. Dakin, Fair enough with your opinion though I don't agree that he doesn't fit here.
  4. Quote: Oh. So tell me were the fans cheering for the Hawks or the Magic? There were def cheers for Howard but when the game was on the line and Walker hit that shot it was all Hawks. The loudest I have heard it in awhile. At least since the Boston game.
  5. Quote: Pretty bad coaching toward the end of the game and the shot that Antoine made to win the game was absolutely terrible. It the kind of one on one play that has lost many a game this year for the Hawks. Up until that point, they had played beautiful team basketball with the exception an occasional Walker ball-hog offensive trip. Walker need to go period. He disrupts the flow of the offense too much with his instincts to hold the ball and try to beat his man so much. Hate to tell you this but Walker's game winning shots are always crazy ones like that , off of one foot, leaning back like he is falling and they usually go in. As for your opinion about Walker's shot selection I have to laugh. He is not the only player who tried to dive into a shot last night. Heck the night Childress shot 1 for 8 he did that 4 times himself. Harrington did it last night several times too.
  6. Bias, I use it because it fits. You obviously hate him and will not give him credit. PERIOD! You pop up everytime he has a bad game but are rarely around when he has a good one. As for Collier, I was talking about my opinion of him playing and unlike you I don't think him worthless. He obviously isn't worthless. He does some bad things but he also does some good things. If you want to be known as balenced you would acknowledge that. I know what Walker can't do but unlike you I don't see the need to nitpick every detail. Why should I talk about the bad when you do it ten fold. Maybe if you were more balenced I would be but when someone hates on a player as much as you do then I don't feel the need to bring up the bad too. Half glass full kind of person I guess. Quote: do u even know what the word bias means? cause u keep using it. If anybodys biased its the guy who refuses to admit that walker isn't perfect (you). and wtf are u talking about? collier's the most critisized player in the NBA. Ive already proclaimed him worthless.
  7. Brady gets no respect at all. Yes some might admire his coolness under presure but for a guy who has 2 rings and is in a game for a third who has never lost a playoff game (knock on wood) he never gets mentioned with Manning or Mcnabb. There isn't a QB in the league I would wnat on my team over Brady, How mnay rings does he need to win to have his name mentioned before evryones?
  8. Just remember with the exception of Walker and Harrington none of these guys have been on a team where they have been the guys to have the ball in crunch time. I agree with you 100% about your best players having the ball when you need a shot to win it (I didn't understand why Lue took the shot myself) Diaw is going to take some time to learn. He needs and deserves some time.
  9. Below is a quote that made me ask my question. It makes it seem like these teams have been the ones asking about Antoine and implies they won't give up a first rounder However, so far, none of the teams have been willing, or able, to kick in the first-round pick it's going to take to convince the Hawks to make a change.
  10. Quote: and yea he passes the ball. if he didnt he couldn't be the point forward he fancies himself as. As soon as you stop criticizing everything from his finger nails to his hair I will. Really you prove your bias everytime you open your mouth and say things like the above and ugh, I can't wait till he is gone. Jason Collier drives me nuts most of the time he play's but I make a point to bring his good with his bad. If I criticized him for every tiny detail then I would be, well you.
  11. Quote: The Celtics, Cavs, Warriors, Timberwolves, 76ers, Blazers, Sonics and the Clippers are the only teams that have enough expiring contracts to make a deal like that work. However, so far, none of the teams have been willing, or able, to kick in the first-round pick it's going to take to convince the Hawks to make a change. I don't understand this comment. Is he saying these teams are the ones who have asked about him but refuse to give away a number one for him? WOW, If they are that means Kevin Mchale is interested in him? Somehow I don't see that being true.
  12. Quote: he's clearly a guy just playing for a contract right now. If he "hustles" its just to pad his rebounding numbers. Why not take on a contract that expires after next year, since most agree the hawks aren't likely to make much of a "splash" this off season. Antoine does not play tO pad his stats. This comment in itself proves you are just posting BS. How many times does he have to pass the ball to a teammates like he did to Childress and Lue for big shots in the last week before you stop this hatred that is obviously biased. Insider, Isn't this that idiot Ford who we all know just makes stuff up? Please stop posting employee 8's comments like he know's what he is talking about. He doesn't know Walekr so that is HIS opinion not fact. You just proved your bias when you said "ugh I can't wait till he is gone) That says Celtic fan all over it because they refused to give him any credit.
  13. Give me a break. Why don't you just admitt you will never give Walker any kind of credit. We aren't in that game without Walker. I feel bad for Al because next year you will unfailry critize him for every tiny detail. Keep dreaming on about this big free agent coming here because it is not happening. Neither is this trade that Larry Bird already says was not discussed. Quote: Walker's "all star caliber" play isn't winning any games. He's a good player if you ignore the bad shots and the missed free throws and the turnovers and the suspect defense but Artest is probobaly the best small forward in the league. Give me Artest and Rasheed over Harrington and Walker anyday. I want the Hawks to win games not merit badges. Even if the HAwks decide to trade him, I have no doubt he'll bring us more than Walker would in a sign and trade. The thug talk is really silly. Anyway, if anybody should be labeled a thug, its Ben Wallace for inciting the brawl in the first place. The trade's dumb for Indiana becasue there's no way Antoine Walker helps the Pacers enough to merit trading a great and relatively cheap player they'll need next season.
  14. I don't find it funny either. Walker might not be KG but he is a piece to a puzzle and if someone else on this team wanted to take shot's they would, Any time we get any kind of player here someone wants to trade him instead of building onto it. That is the pathetic Atlanta fan and it seem's to be the only kind of fan we get. No wonder the place is empty and everyone is here to see other teams. Quote: 2nd choice...I do not find amusing. And anyway, I'm kind of excited for the Draft 'cause of the possibility of landing Paul, Felton, Gilchrist, and so forth... I'm not that excited about this season(and still won't be) since we are already playing for next year...But watching these kids play is still worth watching.
  15. Quote: Atlanta easily has the worst fans in Basketball. Even when we have good teams they only come out to cheer for opposing teams stars. I feel bad saying this but if these people can't support the team maybe it should be moved to a place that deserves one. I work a lot and can't attened a lot of games but when I am there I cheer loudly for our team.
  16. Quote: Shaq at the line, the PA asks the crowd to get the thundersticks going and you can see all of maybe 5 of them behind the backboard. Other teams all you see is a wall of white but not in Atlanta......sheesh. Do we even have enough people sitting behind the basket.lol In all seriousness I agree. I can't belive how unsupportive the fans have been this year. Except for that Boston game where they were great.
  17. Quote: Yes, Dallas is capped out. Do they even have the mid-level, though. You don't get one 2 years in a row. Cuban will go over the luxery tax for the right player. As for the otehr guy I answered your question. It is a waste of time to comment on what if's that have no chance in happening. Why don't you ask about brining Shaq here when his contract is up? Pointless and listening to the same people act like it could happen over and over again is boring.
  18. Who did Danny Ainge pay to get Tony Allen on this team? NO WAY he deserves to be there. Jefferson deserves it more then Allen does.
  19. Like I said, if he has a choice of Dallas or here where does he go? He isn't a realistic idea unless we plan on offering him a max deal but people have him here already. Think realistically Quote: If we must use the "brain's" [sIC] God gave us to realize that we cannot possibly acquire any average or better players, then what will we spend our time doing? Our team isn't very good, and we must do something to improve it. The truth is, one asset we have is cap-room. We can very reasonably talk about signing a free agent this off-season, since so many of the major players spent their room last year. Sure, we're bad, but money talks. Besides, it's not like Sammy is Kobe Bryant. Kobe you can't overpay for...any team would pay him max. Sammy you can. I think anyone who follows the absolute worst team in the NBA like most of us do has to be a pretty loyal fan. Why can't we talk about our visions of improving the team? Why does it draw such IRE from you when we do? What would you prefer that we talk about, or would you rather we just not talk at all? Please offer some suggestions.
  20. He can let it be known he doesn't want to play here and force anything he wants and that is IF HE GETS TRADED HERE which he isn't. Your deulsionel to think he would want to play here. Quote: Dalembert is a RESTRICTED free agent next year. Meaning that if the Hawks acquire him this year via trade, they can match any offer. So even if Dallas decided they wanted him, then "too bad." Plus, only a few teams will have the cap space that the Hawks have to offer and almost all of those have their own free agents to resign. Atlanta has to be considered the frontrunner for every C & SG free agent out there simply for financial reasons. Dalembert could sign with a capped-out team, but he could only sign a 6 yr., ~$40M deal. With Atlanta (or Philly if he's not traded), he could make significantly more. Show me the money, Jerry.
  21. Walker is not resigning with Philly. Not unless they give him a no trade claus. He seem's very serious about staying in one place. I have followed him for years through Jim O'Brien era (including College) and let me tell you this. He is not happy with Jim O'Brien and what went down in Boston. He really felt he and Jim were real friends and when Jim sold him down the river it didn't sit well with him. For the record Jim didn't apoose the trade, in fact he agreed with it even though he didn't want too. He should have stepped up. Quote: I have basically decided that Philly won't trade Daly for Walker. But, if they do, it's because of: 1. Their gaping hole at PF. Kenny Thomas is undersized and undertalented. 2. They need a second scorer, preferably one with low post skills. 3. They have depth at center, and obviously Jackson fits better with their coaching scheme. 4. They're capped out & heading toward luxury tax land very shortly. 5. Dalembert will want to start & that may have to be done elsewhere. 6. Walker would resign with them, and probably for a decent discount. 7. Walker isn't a championship piece, but he's probably enough to get them into the playoffs. But if, and it's a BIG if, Philly decides that Delembert is in their future plans - all bets are off.
  22. Yes it did merit a whole thread. When people keep talking about getting players that we have no chance of getting. It is time some of you use the brain's God gave you.
  23. Why do people make up these huge trade idea's to get rid of half the team with dreams of signing a big name free agent. It is not happening. You need to start being logical. If for some reason we ended up trading for Dalembert who does he sign with next year when he is offered a contract Dallas or us? Dallas has already asked about him. Please start being realistic.
  24. These threads are getting ridiculous. Every day someone is trying to trade a player. Childress and Smith are learning right now. You can't throw rookies into a game and expect them to take the heat. Having Walker and Al here takes the heat off of both of them. Same reason Howard is doing to so well in Orlando. He has other's to shoulder the load. They certainly are both getting their time on the court and Antoine is helping to lead them off of it.
  25. Quote: 30 point comeback, Tip? This isn't the ECF-Celtics of '01-02, man. I know but I just wanted to make it happen. Al Harrington continue's to get garbage stats. Is woodson doing this to help his coinfidnce? Other wise I don't know why he was in the game so late.
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