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Everything posted by bballfan

  1. Okay so it won't happen but I did this once before and it worked. Here is to the 4th quarter! Go Hawks! Noe don't burst my bubble just let me have hope.
  2. Brady may not have the numbers that Mcnabb, Peyton etc.. have but there is not a quarterback in the league I'd want over Brady if the game was on the line. Brady gets no respect and this board is proof. No, he isn't the best quarterback in the game but considering he has proven himself year after year your showing him a lot of disrespect. If Vick is so great he would have at leats made a game of it against the Eagles. FYI the Patriots don't throw the ball as much since they got Corey Dillon. Quote: Personally I hope the Eagles destroy the Patriots, so I won't have to hear Brady for the hall of fame until next season again. I could only imagine what Mike Vick could do if he had half of the time to throw the ball that Brady has. New England has good players where it counts. The have a very good offensive line and a defense that plays discipline. Put Brady on the falcons and I gurantee they wouldn't sniff the playoffs. Hopefully the Falcons will try their best to get more difference makers/ playmakers on defense and offense for next season. We need them bad.
  3. Here is the thing, IMO Doc and Danny need to shut their mouths. They claim they don't want Walker fine, then why are they making comments at all. He isn't on their team. Danny is lying through his teeth and Steve Bulpett is printing the lies with no facts and everyone is supposed to believe him because it was put in a paper. Steve writes for the Herald not the Globe but it is just as big of a tabloid as the Globe) Maybe employee number 8 gets Boston and the way they treat their old players but Diesel I don't think you get the way it works. IMO I don't want Antoine back in Boston because he deserves to play for a better organization. I want him here in Atlanta. Since Red Auberbach has gone senial and the Grousbeck's bought the team (and that in turn brought in Ainge) Celtics Pride is a distant thing of the past. I have friends there and you should hear the things they say about Walker now that he isn't in town anymore. They contridict themselves whenever he can possibly catch what he is saying and is in town. Quote: I don't think what Doc was saying is all that negative. I think what Doc was saying is that he'd rather have a conventional team than a three point shooting team. He hasn't watched much of Phoenix who has a nice mix of both. Still, I think Doc is just killing any thoughts of an Antoine comeback. The way he spoke it makes it sound to me that this was something that Ainge had considered and that Doc had to talk him out of. The article is just Doc making his case with the media. I think the media starts to get desparate when you lose to the worse team in the division. Quote: Rivers won't go back in time By Steve Bulpett/ Celtics Notebook Sunday, January 23, 2005 ATLANTA - While talk of Antoine Walker [news] returning to the Celtics won't seem to die - despite repeated denials by your local team - you should understand that Doc Rivers has no intention of going back to the way the Celtics used to play in the days when 'Toine was king. Furthermore, the new Celtics leader again endorsed bringing Raef LaFrentz to the Green (along with Jiri Welsch and a draft pick) in a trade with the Mavericks for Walker and Tony Delk. That move went down a year before Rivers took over, and he wants no part of the 3-point-heavy style the C's played. ``My thought is you're never going to win big that way,'' he said before Walker did a number on his old friends in a 100-96 Hawk win. ``They did get to the Eastern Conference finals, but to be the winner one day I think you've got to play the right way. If you're shooting all those 3's, it's always going to be a question of whether you're hot or not. If you play the way we're playing - and you do it right - you're going to be a better and more consistent team.'' Rivers also believes the Celtics are getting good things out of LaFrentz (15 points, 11 boards last night) and could get even more if they used him the way the club used to employ Walker. He noted that if LaFrentz got the same touches, his stats would be far gaudier. ``(Expletive), you give anybody the same shots Antoine got . . .'' Rivers said, his voice trailing off. ``Honestly, if I got 30 shots a game (Walker's total in Boston a week ago Friday) I'd be pretty damn good, you know what I mean? ``Antoine can do different things than Raef. He can put the ball on the floor better. He might be a little better passer. I think Raef's a way better shooter. I don't even think they're in the same ballpark on that. They're both good rebounders, but I think Raef's a better defender than Antoine. Antoine's probably more athletic, but Raef makes big free throws down the stretch of games. There's a lot of things I like in Raef. They have a lot of similar traits, but the differences are huge. Raef's a lot more efficient.'' Hawks general manager Billy Knight said last night he doesn't want to give Walker away. ``We've had conversations with pretty much every team in the league,'' Knight said. ``But Antoine's our leading scorer and our leading rebounder. Why would I just try to get rid of him?''
  4. Steve Bulpett the reporter for the Boston Globe is Danny Ainge's mouth piece and he writes an article a week talking badly about Antoine. The worse the Celtics do the more he write's negative things about Walker. Most Hawk's fans won't care because last night he took his very bitter pill out on Antoine again in a few articles. (If you go to google.com and click on news, put in walker's name and they come up) but according to my friend who called me last night to congratulate me the Celtics announcers and the news media took some pot shot's at Walker last night after the game and on the news. Doc River's is also quoted in an article talking crap about Walker who he wasn't around to see. It was pretty obnoxious stuff. Any way this is what Boston is like for those of you who think Tommy Heinson and Matt Gorman were complimentry towords Walker on the broadcast.
  5. Quote: Here's a Celts fans take from a different board. Quote: Here's how I think of this team. Untouchables the great green hopes Al Jefferson Tony Allen Movable for an impact player worth keeping, but not at any cost Paul Pierce Ricky Davis Kendrick Perkins Delonte West Movable For Reasonable Value (players or contracts) Sell for anything better than an airport figurine Walter McCarty (contract) Marcus Banks (contract) Jiri Welsch Exterminate the Brutes Dead weight and expiration date trading chips Raef LaFrentz Mark Blount Gary Payton Tom Gugliotta Michael Stewart Celtics fans? that is an oxy moron. There are no real Celtics fans anymore.
  6. Quote: The rookies and Diaw were on the court for extra practice before the game. Donta was like 1 for 10 on threes, but maybe he as just goofing around. Chillz was working on low post moves for some reason, looked pretty good. I'd most want Boston's first and an expiring for Walker. Instead of the first, Jefferson would be just about as good, Perkins close behind. I'd wait until closer to the trade deadline to make sure I couldnt get something better than Perkins. He does seem to have about as much potential as Jefferson to me but I'm no expert. Jefferson seems to have more tenacity, Perkins more size and stregth. Both solid in the post. Danny Ainge was not showcasing Jefferson or Perkins and they are not trading Jefferson. If anything they were show casing Tony Allen. I don't know why you people insist on this Jefferson idea. It is not happening. Perkins has been playing a lot more lately it wasn't just the Boston game
  7. Quote: No, i was watching the game and those guys seemed genuine in their praise of #8. There was a lot of complaining about fouls... And I would say some justified... This game was sloppy. Yet. They praised him a lot. His pass to J-Chillz was their play of the game. They reshowed about 4 of his plays... That's unusual... While they were up 17, they made fun of us... But as the game got serious... those guys started crediting #8 and rightly so. I am telling you that you are wrong. Their praise is not meant to be geuine and you would know that if you watched other games they played where they have brought up his name. I am an NBA fan and I watch games nightly and believe me they bring him up and talk about him negativly all the time. Except when he is in town and they know his mother is watching which she has done in the past. She has satalite and they used to talk about it all the time.
  8. He got a standing ovation.lol Claps on the way in and out.
  9. Quote: I can't watch Boston games because I hate there announcers SO MUCH. Can I get another Tommy Point. Ugh I hate that guy. He is horrible and always has been. Should have heard him whine about the refs tonight.
  10. Quote: If you are a star player, one expects for you to play in the fourth quarter where games are usually decided... and if you are shooting 52.7 percent from the FT line... YOU ARE LIABILITY... it's almost a like a "turnover" of sorts.. like i said before in regards to antione: "addition by subtraction"... My guess is you don't watch Walker much. Tonight was a great reason why he can be on a good team and needed. He hits big shots when you need them. Obviously free throw % is the only thing you can complain about.
  11. Quote: They really talked very nicely about Employee #8. I found that odd.... Because these guys were real Homers... Yet, they said very very nice things about Walker and they also said one good thing about Smith after he blocked a shot but was called for the foul.... I think that there's a definite soft spot for Walker in Boston. I watched Boston's broadcast on NBA TV and they did the exact opposite. All Tommy Heinson did was whine about the refs. What you don't get is when they talk about him taking 3's and laugh at his wiggle they are not trying to be kind. They are making fun of him.
  12. Here is an article about how Al needs to be a leader. It is from the AJC so you have to sign up. Maybe it is me but it looks like someone is being prepared to be a leader. I hope I am wrong. http://www.ajc.com/sports/content/sports/h...05/21hawks.html
  13. Quote: Antione's 10-14 FT night is a one night anomoly.... Even after that 10-14 "explosion", he is STILL hitting only 52.7% of his free throws.. This is truly pathetic, especially for a nine-year NBA veteran... I heard you the first time. Does it matter to you AT ALL That he works on it daily? first at practice and last to leave, probably not huh? If he didn't work on it THEN I could see the hate fest but for someone who continually works on the kinks of his game to get no credit for that? ah days of reading Celtics message boards. FYI, I guess we pick on the 3's and FG% next but after that, no discussion. zzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
  14. Quote: Additionally, I don't think it's a pass at all for J.Smith, I think that we're seeing glimpses of what true athleticism can bring to a team. The other pieces I think are truly taking too much time to emerge, but this team is a work in progress. Knowing this, we lean on what we believe is a salvation of a lost season somewhat (other than young player development). I don't blame Hawks fans at all for giving Smith leeway. He's done more than any one of us expected even if we thought he was lottery material. I think it is a free pass for Josh but I don't have a problem with that. He is a rookie learning the ropes. My problem is he is the only one NEVER called out and others take all the blame for it. Childress has his own bash threads but Smith never does. It just isn't fair.
  15. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZ The same old stuff and after a good night for him at the line you show your colors. Sign up today and 2 posts, please Hello the truth. Quote: The Hawks are 7-30 and the trade deadline is coming up shortly, but if the Hawks are going to truly improve as a team the organization needs to trade or "give" Antione Walker away... Antione Walker has been in the league NINE SEASONS and I don't know of a perimeter player who is a veteran who shoots such a low percentage at the FT line.. IT IS A DETREMENT TO THE TEAM... I know the Hawks are desperate on finding talent, but a "standard" needs to be set.. HIT YOUR FREE THROWS, PLAY DEFENSE... and Antione can't fo either consistently... To me, letting him go, would be "addition by subtraction"... Someone had suggested trading Antione for Desmond Mason.. Mason may be another guard, but Mason plays with heart, and great finisher in the open court and can hit FT's (80%+ this season) and plays defense... I had wondered why Antione had bounced around so much, but how can you be a "star" player, if you can't consistently hit free throws down the stretch of a ball game... Coach Woodson needs to set some "standards", and Antione Walker needs to be first example... trade him now...
  16. I love Josh as much as the next guy but dunks and blocked shot's do not a team make. Everyone else gets belittled and nit picked to death but Josh. It is not fair. It takes a team to win and a team to lose.
  17. So all those so willing to get rid of Walker just get that out of your mind. It is not happening. There is no deal that would happen including Al Jefferson. I read this on another website some of you might be interested in about Walker traded back to Boston and this person quotes a personal e-mail about a trade converstaion. For those who don't know Grande is the Celtics radio announcer. http://www.geocities.com/anoinewalker08 I also have to laugh about the other thread saying Ainge wants Walker back and his interest is honerable. That is just a complete lie. I can guarentee if Ainge wants Walker back he has a plan to get rid of him again or treat him like crap and get the press off Pierce's back.
  18. Quote: I thought you love the guy? I have said this before. He does this on multiple message boards. He thinks he will fit in if he critisizes him. He even admitted on one of them that he did this but I can't remember which one.
  19. And judging from that Walker article I just posted, we could be seeing AW being shipped along with Boris to Beantown...for who? I don't know.. (I PRAY THAT I'M WRONG THOUGH...I WANT WALKER TO REMAIN HERE! this team needs STABILITY) Drob....Man! What can you say about this guy? This man was nothing more than an afterthought when he arrived here....But now he's one of our best Inside SCORERS!! 6-9 FOR 16 POINTS???? TERRIFIC!! Overall, A Great effort and WIN all around by the Hawks! Now where is that poster DAKIN? He said that he would acknowledge Walker's good games, especially the ones we win... WELL??? Dakin is no where to be seen like usual. Stop saying Walker should be traded to Boston. Are you aware of how badly he was treated there? I hope the more you say it that it does NOT happen because if it happen's I am blaming you. On a serious not he will only be traded if the Hawks are dumb enough to take on a contract because Danny is a punk and Doc River's in the worst coach in the NBA. He really pissed me off with his comments last night.
  20. Quote: He said before the game that he will always have a special place in his heart for Boston and would never rule out a return there and then with a smile he said the trading deadline is a month away and we will have all the answers then. I kinda have the feeling that he knows he is going to be moved before the deadline and that he is okay with it, judging by the smile on his face as he said that last part. I know the qyotes were true but what else did you expect him to say? He was interviewed several times through the night and also said he wants to stay with the Hawks, then they asked him how the team would do if he was traded back to Boston and he said "Well it depends what and who the trade is for" He smiled because he is home sick but I don't think for a second he really wants to come back to Boston and be the scapegoat. I think his comments about being traded back and the smile meant he hoped it wouldn't be for Pual Pierce. (Don't get your hopes up there is no Pierce discussion Walker is just being smart where Danny the liar Ainge is concerned. The man should not be trusted. The Herald and Globe go out of there way to start trouble. I bet tomorrow's papers are full of insults because he isn't in town to see them anymore. The Boston announcers say negative things about him all the time but you should have heard the kisisng up they did when they new he could see their comments.
  21. Quote: You ever notice how everyone's creditional's get questioned everytime Big Walk is brought into question? One nice thing about it he is traded, maybe this Board can get back to what it once was, a decent exchange of basketball knowledge and information, instead of "As The Toinne's World Turns". Every single one of your whopping 31 posts has been about how everyone sucks. You have nothing positve to say at all. Blaming Antoine for people having an opinion now that doesn't prove your case. Again your 31 POSTS, Please don't even try and say you are a poster who has talked basketball. Your mostly a trouble maker who never even mentions the good.
  22. Why don't you show me the posts where I have critized anyone? You can't find any. There is critizing and there is blaming. If you can't see the difference then oh well. I really don't care what your opinion is until it turns to unfair blame. Walker had an amazing game yesterday except for the shooting and even that can be explained but it wasn't the reason we lost. AT leats not the only reason. Quote: Why would I post here and watch every Hawks game if I'm a Celtics fan? I love the HAwks but I'm not gonna lie and say that they're any good right now. "Your not a fan because a fan takes the good with the bad and you want to only see bad." ha, yea well I havn't seen you start any JAson Collier appreciation threads. Why is it ok to constantly critisize collier, diaw, and anderson, but Walker is off limits? When Walker has a good game I acknowledge it, especially if the team wins, but last nite he was terrible. Please stop calling me a Celtics troll. I've posted about alot more than not liking Walker's game, get over it.
  23. Both the Herald and Globe are tabloids. I wouldn't believe a word they say not to mention they have been bashing Antoine for years. Quote: Walker open to Celts sequel By Matt Kalman Saturday, January 15, 2005 As Hollywood binges on recycling old television scripts, rumors are circulating that Celtics general manager Danny Ainge is thinking about reviving an old hit sometime before the Feb. 24 trading deadline. Three-time All-Star Antoine Walker [news] returned to Boston last night as an opponent with the Atlanta Hawks instead of as a Celts trade acquisition, but rumblings around the NBA have the Hub as a possible destination for the former C's first-round pick. A free agent after the season, Walker formed a formidable duo with Celtics captain Paul Pierce [news] before being traded to Dallas following the 2002-03 campaign and led Boston to the Eastern Conference finals in 2002. Before the Celts dispatched Atlanta, 106-94, last night, the Hawks star said he wouldn't close the door on a return to the FleetCenter later this winter or over the summer. ``It's interesting,'' said Walker, who had a hostile relationship with Ainge and even called the GM a ``snake'' after the deal that landed the 6-foot-9 forward in Dallas. ``I'm a free agent at the end of the year, so I'm open. Right now, I'm with the Hawks and hopefully I'll stay here. I know our record (6-27) is nowhere near how good we can be. ``I like the situation that I'm in, but obviously I've got to look into my future as well. It's interesting. I can't say no more. It's surprising.'' While Ainge's reported interest may confuse Walker, one look at the numbers shows the nine-year veteran is lifting his stock in the league. Before last night's action, he led the Hawks in scoring average (20.2), rebound average (9.3), steals per game (1.44) and minutes per contest (40.2). He notched a double-double last night with 21 points and 17 boards. Often criticized for his constant firing from beyond the arc, Walker is averaging just 5.4 trey attempts per game, down almost two attempts per contest from his last couple of seasons in Boston. ``I know I'm going to play 40 minutes a night,'' said Walker, who played less down the stretch in Dallas. ``I loved Dallas, I loved the system I was playing in. It was a great system for me as a player individually. Here also is a good situation for me. It's being in a leadership role and having the ball in my hand most of the time. It's great for me as well.'' As Walker waxed poetic about his old team from the visitors locker room, Doc Rivers was asked whether the impending free agent could fit in the Celtics' new up-tempo system. ``He could fit in, but the thing he wouldn't like is that we're a low 3-point shooting team,'' Rivers said. ``He's probably had more 3-pointers for himself than we've had as a team this year.'' Not quite. Walker's 178 trey attempts are roughly a third of the Celtics combined 544 attempts. But Rivers' point was made. Pierce, the closest Celtic in terms of attempted 3-pointers, has 142. ``But Antoine is a great post-up player,'' Rivers said, getting to the crux of the issue that has confounded followers of Walker's game. ``He doesn't like being fouled, because that means he has to go to the line. That's why he hasn't played down there in the post more. But I think he could be a great post player.'' I'm sure Walker is very confused as to why Ainge has suddenly shown interest in the man...But I hope he realizes that Ainge wants him for his Expiring Contract more than his skills since Danny never liked Walker's game to begin with. That said, I hope BK tells Ainge that unless we're getting Al Jefferson in return for Antoine then you can go stick your 16 championships up your butt.
  24. Quote: Quote: NO! I DO *NOT* WANT THAT SONOFABITCH SPREWELL ON THIS TEAM!!!! If we do trade him, get Dalembert. Otherwise, let him walk at the end of the season(or resign him if he REALLY IS TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT WANTING TO REMAIN HERE)... who cares if he wants to be here? I hope HAwks management is smart enough to see that the weaknesses in walker's game (turnovers, free throw shooting, poor shot selection, lack of poise, poor defense, etc.) overshadow his 20 and 10. No doubt the guy's got skills but he's not a great bball player. Sprewell's deal is up at the end of the year and he won't be coming back to play in Atlanta. My guess is he wouldn't play here under any circumstances. He wants to win and he wants money something that won't happen in Atlanta any time soon.
  25. Quote: "1)There were SEVERAL TIMES throughout the game where he took one up, missed it, rebounded it himself, tried again, missed, rebounded it, over and over- til it went in. To me, thats going 1 for 1 (as long as he does it over and over until i goes in, on 1 possession). lol. but seriously, this happened several times as the hawks COULD NOT MAKE easy baskets in the paint. " If anything, that makes his rebounding numbers misleading, now doesn't it? No ne says you have to like, love, tolerate or care about Walker but you are proving the Celtic troll thing. If it makes you feel better to think Walker's 10 for 30 shooting was really 10 for 23 and he had only 10 rebounds then so be it because that is at most the differential. Why do you insist on knocking down the slightest good anyone saw in this game. Your not a fan because a fan takes the good with the bad and you want to only see bad.
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