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Everything posted by Dakin

  1. Drafting Williams obviously means Harrington will be gone. It could be a draft trade or it could be a deadline deal but there's no way he can be part of the future plans with the money he could command in free agency. Why would the hawks take up precious cap room on him with all their other needs?
  2. Just wondering, what did Josh Smith do last year to make you guys think he's gonna be capable of playing power forward next year? He's a very good rebounder but he's also got no real post game and he's not very strong or physical.
  3. how do u know he can't qualify? And who cares if he doesn't read messageboards. If people were trashing me like you are him, I wouldn't wanna waste my time reading it either.
  4. "Donta plays shooting guard." He's about as much of a shooting gaurd as josh smith. The two joshes and donta are just as interchangable at 2-3 as harrington and Williams will be at 3-4. Which sounds great until you realize they're all young and we still have no point gaurd or center. And the bowie/jordan thing is weak unless your comparing Marvin to Jordan or somebody else to Bowie. Tons of other teams have drafted for need and had great success.
  5. what if williams outplays josh smith? Do you keep smith in the starting lineup? If you sit Smith for Williams what does that do to josh smith's confidence? And what happens to danta in all this? Do we give up on him? I think it's a bad idea to have too many young guys playing the same positions regardless of talent. also, I don't think Josh smith at power forward is very realistic anytime soon.
  6. how is it the NBA draft.net gets access the hawks plan down to the last detail? Especially before the hawks have even worked anyone out. Sounds like another rumor and i would be surprised to see jack fall that far.
  7. Dakin

    Reality Time

    whats all the fuss about Dalembert? Let the sixers keep sucking with him. The Hawks should make chandler and curry an offer or go after Gadzuric or someone they won't have to overpay too much for and explore their options at center next year if he doesn't work out.
  8. A very very poor man's Garnett maybe, and even that's a stretch. not another tweener please
  9. "I don't think Grant Long is as out of the loop as some of you may think. I think he probably has had conversations with BK and knows that BK is probably not enamoured by the top players in this draft like he was with Howard last year." bahaha. do you really need grant long to tell you that? If that's inside info then i must be in the loop too.
  10. The hawks will win a title before antoine walker does
  11. anyone whos watched hawks games this year should know that grant long does not like white players, especially white big men. He constantly critisizes drobs anytime he puts the ball on the floor or does anything other than take an open jump shot, even though his skills obviously go beyond that. Meanwhile you rarely see him critisize okeezies limited game. He also makes fun of white guys around the NBA on a regular basis. he was especially brutally critical and mean spirited towards Daniel Santiago from Milwaukee, deserved or not he sounded more like a biased jock than an insightful commentator. I really can't stand the guy as an announcer. It's bad enough that he sounds uncomfortable and repeats the same cliches over and over. ANyway, its no surprise that Long wants the Hawks to trade the first pick if they get it, since the first pick will almost certainly be a big white guy.
  12. HAHA. Louis Williams will not be starting in the NBA nect year. If he does, his team will be pretty terrible.
  13. haha. first he says Bogut can be the franchise's cornerstone then that he projects to be as good as Kwame Brown? what a laugh.
  14. drives to the basket, put backs and a couple alley oops
  15. The falcons attendance is directly related to Michael Vick aka Ron Mexico.
  16. what? ivey is a point danta is a swingman. we don't need any more second round point or swingmen unless we can keep one in europe.
  17. "Why do you think Ivey is getting so much playing time now" Because we didn't pick a point gaurd in the 2nd round the year before, buecause the guy we picked in the first round the year before can't handle the point, because we have no depth at point gaurd. If we pick another point or 2 gaurd this year in the 2nd we're gonna keep them on the roster along with ivey and D. smith? I hope that eventually the idea is to fill some holes with veterans not second round picks.
  18. The hawks don't need any more 2nd round gaurds. Unless we're already giving up on the ones from last year. Thats a brilliant plan lets take a couple different gaurds every year in the second round and then let them go to get new ones.
  19. so stupid. If the NBA was rigging the lottery wouldn't they go out of their way to see that the franchises struggling the most get the top picks? Bad franchises are not good for business.
  20. yea that lineup would have gotten us the 9th or 10th pick instead of a top 4. Also, Jackson was a free agent who wanted to leave we're lucky to have anything to show for him.
  21. Dakin

    Sean May.....

    He reminds me of the big guy that played for the bulls Brian Williams? He changed his name to mohamad or something I think. Anyway, these type of players games usually don't translate as well to the NBA. I love how noone really mentioned May much all year now suddenly there's no doubt who the Hawks should pick. haha a few days ago Marvin WIlliams is a sure fire superstar now its Marvin who? and sean may is the next elton brand.
  22. hes definitely not worth a big contract so I doubt he's part of the long term plan unless he shows something next year.
  23. MArginal superstar??? THeres no way Al Harrington is even in the superstar zip code. He's a good versitile player, but thats it. He's not a star and definitely not a superstar.Who cares if he is our best player? He'd still be the 3rd or 4th option on almost every other team. If theres anyway we can get a point or a center or anything for harrington, I would hope that the hawks would consider it. SInce the Walker trade Harrington has been given the opportunity to be the man. He's been far from impressive offensively or defensively.
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