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Everything posted by Dakin

  1. yea, do we get both of utah's picks too?
  2. Now Highschoolers have another reason to skip playing college ball
  3. CRITISIZE THE WHOLE TEAM??? I've critisized walker, diaw and collier when they've had bad games. There's nothing wrong with critisizing a player's performance. Its ok really, you dont have to take it personally, that's what fans do, especially ones who care enough about the team to waste time on a messageboard. When I say walker had a horrible game or Collier is a terrible player, Im saying it cause it's the truth. Its sad that I have to explain all this to you. really. When you have the worst team in the NBA there's going to be more critisism than compliments. Harrington doesnt have the offensive skills walker has. But Harrington isnt as turnover prone, he's not the horrible free throw shooter walker is (though hes not great) and he doesn't try to do too much as Walker does on a regular basis. I'm a big fan of Harrington.If he starts playing any differently than he has all year who knows maybe he will get critisized, but maybe he'll deserve it.
  4. yea, Deisel doesn't know if Bogut is worth the #1 but Daly is worth overpaying. I don't get it. I gurantee Bogut will score more than 7 ppg after 3 years in the league.
  5. when have i ever critisized harrington? If Harrington is 10-30 with 8 turnovers or something,and we lose by 25 and the rookies are standing around not taking shots, then maybe i'll critisize him too
  6. maybe, but the hawks arent gonna gurantee jack anything. to do so would be foolish.
  7. bogut is more of the consensus #1 at this point
  8. celtics fans seem to think the pick is a lotto protected 07 pick not 05.
  9. paul and lue. short and shorter.
  10. The hawks had better not take paul over bogut.
  11. maybe theyll resign kenny anderson
  12. i take that back about wanting the celtics to win the east. That damn city has won enough.
  13. I liked walker, but he wasn't right for us right now. I hope the Celtics win the east this year.
  14. well Tip, its all good. We should get along fine now.
  15. Is Danta actually hurt this time?
  16. yea employee8 is alright. Tip on the other hand is probobaly on the celtics board attacking people who critisize the trade and talking about how bad walker was treated by hawks fans.
  17. Game's not over yet. THis guy seems to be a beast on the boards.
  18. childress is having a nice game tonite.
  19. yea i think it would be a huge underststement to say this is a better deaal for philly than dalembert for walker.
  20. BUt they should have the resources once they let kwame walk.
  21. i havent read the whole thread but no way washington lets hughes walk.
  22. woodson is obviosly encouraging smith to keep shooting. I wish he had the ballhandling skills to put the ball on the floor and take it to the rim, but that just doesnt seem like his game. Thats why that jump shot is so imortant if he's ever gonna become a real scorer.
  23. I wanna be optimistic but it's hard when you're talking about trading someone like Harrington, who doesn't really hurt the cap space and could help lure those free agents. If we're thinking about trading him we better get something to make it worth our while.
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