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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. Is he worth 8-9 million a season for 3 years. I read that he wants a contract for more that 3 years and he wants more that 6.1 million dollars. His veteran leadership would be priceless for our young team.
  2. My point exactly. If they let AL walk then they are trying to run the team on the cheap!!
  3. They all have Ex-Hawks in their starting lineups or bench giving them solid production. While we pray for a good pick in the damn lottery: JT Delk Diaw Walker R. Wallace (he is a ex-Hawk even though he playe donly one game). Who says that BK can't build teams that can't go deep into the playoff. Hell he should have be given a ring for Detroit's championship because without R. Wallace they would not have won it.
  4. They actually stated that the ATL spirit maybe trying to trim payroll next season. So Al may walk and we get nothing. The guys stated that their is a good chance that Belken may end up getting the team. They reported that the different factions of ATL Spirit don't get along and that is why BK is running wild.I listen to the Mayhem inthe AM guys everyday but there were furious as hell with this rumor. They went on a rant about how much a jerk BK is. Man if that is true we are in trouble or are we?? If they let Al walk we still got MArvin to take his place and his salary won't be near what Al will be asking for. The Dark DAYS maybe upon us brothers!!!
  5. that they will pull the trigger on the AI trade!! It would mean instant revenue. Hell I think that they are going to do it just so they can sell out Phillips and hopefully turn a profit.
  6. Since we don't know who the number one pick is we may be alright after all. The lower the pick the less of a chance we blow the pick. Maybe things will fall into place by the time we pick.
  7. I agree with you there Billy has never messed up a draft.
  8. I hope to god that this thread doesn't have to be used after the draft lottery. But just in case here it is.
  9. T-Mac will never play a full season again. That back problem of his is never going to heal. I wouldn;t touch him with a ten foot pole.
  10. Lebron can not play man on man defense. He cherry picks too often just like Iverson. People always talk about how many points he has but what about the man he was suppose to guard. Jordan dropped 50 on you and then shut down the opposing 1, 2, or 3. Don't give me that he is young crap which is the excuse everyone will use when he comes up short or messes up. Lebron James is a damn good player but the media and some of you guys are giving him too much too fast. People are already starting to crap on Jordan's legacy. Another thing --JOrdan was unstoppable no one could play d on him.
  11. Harry the Hawks was in a high drug area. He might be on that stuff!!!!!! LOL
  12. Yeah right. Morrison has bust written all over him. Using your logic Diesel you have just justified why BK took Marvin over Chris Paul. IN YOUR OWN WORDS DUDE YOU HAVE JUST SHOT DOWN WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN PREACHING ABOUT FOR ALMOST A YEAR!!!!!!
  13. You are right. That is what I have been trying to tell these guys. Bem Wallace is already slowing down and he will probably want a very big contract this summer. You don't give an aging big man a big long term contract. Can we say franchise killer!!
  14. Damn he dunks without any effort what-so-ever. But what about the rest of his game. I don't follow college ball he is good or what??
  15. Jefferson was going to be our 2 guard. I forgot that he played the 2 spot until Vince got to town. NBA.COM has him listed as a guard/forward. He is only 6'7 so BK maynot be interested. He does have a nice inside outside game. JJ R. Jefferson Marvin Smoove ZAZA This is a good line up in my opinion. Or maybe RJ isn't that good but rather he is average but plays with Kidd.
  16. I doubt the we let him walk away especially with his value.
  17. No he is means Richard Jefferson from the Nets. I just read on ESPN.com come that the Nets maybe interested in AL to bolster their inside game. If we do that than Smoove or Marvin would be out of here.
  18. How many of you guys feel that once the 2006-07 season starts in the fall that this franchise will have taken care of all the business that we need to in order to have a sucessful season ending with a possible playoff run. By that I mean : 1. Use our draft picks wisely 2. Deal with Al one way or another 3. Use our capspace wisely 4. Make trades that help our team. If BK can pull these things off then we can be successful next season. Personally, I don't think that he will. But this is one time I hope that I am wrong. I just won't accept going into another season scratching my head wondering WTF!!!!
  19. We seem to forget the fact that he is only 21 years old. How much better can he get in you honest opinion?
  20. I wan just wondering how did we do against that teams that made the playoffs in the Eastern conference. I know that we owned Indiana.
  21. Damn fine point Keith. A good coach finds a way to use the talent around him. Woody had no system. Anybody who watched the Hawks knew that Diaw could play and that he had talent.
  22. We didn't have Joe Johnson when Josh was a rookie and don't forget that Josh started nearly every game after the allstar break because we traded Walker. It is amazing how soon people forget. Josh productivity should have been higher he played way more minutes and there were alot more shots and opportunity to go around. You can't compare their situations. When MW started he put up better numbers than Josh (outside of the blocks). Bottom line whether you like Marvin or not he wasn't given the same amount of play time as other rookies but when he did start you saw what he could do especially after the allstar break.
  23. You are right. Marvin probably has the best jumper on this team so why would he need to work on his outside shot. The only thing that he has to really work on is his post moves. I hate it when you guys try to demean him.
  24. We would be getting ripped off because Magloire is heading back to his hometown pf Toronto when his salary expires.
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