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Everything posted by Wurider05

  1. I think that they should run this promotion again this year.
  2. I stated when Stotts got fired that we should have kept him and I want to establish that again> Watch how well he does with the Bucks. Damn everyone who leaves us goes on to bigger and better things while we are the same franchise no one wants to play for. We should have kept Stotts. You mark my words on that one! Did he get fired because he didn't tank the season like they wanted him to?
  3. He's nowhere near worth the max. It is amazing how these average players are getting max money. He can score and that is about it. He has a bad habit of disappearing in games. A max contract, you got to be kidding me.
  4. Could it be done within the guidelines of a standard NBA contract or would the player's union not allow it since it could open the door for other things such has criminal behavior,arrests,etc.?
  5. I don't mean just sign a bum off of the street but rather someone who would be productive.
  6. Curry is a risk we should be willing to take but we should have a clause in his contract that if he drops dead from a heart problem we don't owe his family one dime and that his contract becomes void. He and his agents should run some of the same risks that the team who pays him run. It not fair to us or the Bulls to give him a near max contract then he can't play anymore or god forbids passes away. Everyone should share the risk. Now if he wants the big money this would be the way to go.
  7. We need to do something. Earl Watson just won't cut it.
  8. Let's be honest for a second. No one will sign with us outright. The only way that we will get anyone is to trade for them. I say we go for Marbury. We can't probably get any worse than we already are. His contract runs out before our guys become free agents (restricted that is). We are to the point where we have to take whatever we can get our hands on. No need to talk about attitudes, etc. We can't afford to be choosey. Hell we couldn't even land a bum like Steven Hunter. Hughes is not coming here, Joe Johnson isn't coming here, Dally isn't coming here, Curry isn't coming here, CHandler isn't coming here. The only way we will get anyone will be through trades. Hell, I don't see anything wrong with having Marbury here in ATL. He was a team player last year but New York sucks. They didn't win that many more games than we did with what 1/8th the payroll. There are alot of New Yorkers in ATL who would pay to see Marbury. He may have a Nash like effect here in Atlanta. If this trade is some how possible we need to do, no more chasing bums who don't want to play for us. We don't have Sh*t to loose. Let start taking chances. Remember the bulls took a chance on drafting two high schoolers and now it appears to be paying off for them. It appears to me that we aren't trying hard enough. ROLL THE DICE!!!
  9. Do you guys remember how the Pistons tricked us into signing Koncak to that fat contract thus killing us financially. If Cleveland, Chicago,Washington and Philly keep their players with near max contracts it will kill them financially. It seems that a good chunk of this year's free agent class are eastern conference players. If we just offer near max or overbid we could panic the teams into signing their players and if not we would land some good player(s). Now with that being said I do realize that this could backfire but a team does have the right to withdraw a offer sheet right?
  10. Is is financially possible for them to resign both of them and then take care of the other players in the coming years?? They are going to have to let one of them walk I am guessing.
  11. He is a pure shooter and shooters can play for a long time (ie Reggie Miller, Chuck Person, Dale Ellis, Steve Kerr) You never lose the ability to stroke it even when you lose speed and strength. If he was just a dunker or just relied on speed (Iverson) he would be the type of player who doesn;t age well in the NBA. Right now he is a shooter, a dunker, a speedster, and skillful. Father time can rob him out of all of the above except the ability to shoot the rock. Damn can he shoot the ball. That alone is priceless. If he would have been in a big market he would be regarded as a top five player in the league. Plus he doesn't like agents. He hires a contract lawyer to negotiate and pays the lawyer by the hour instead of 10 percent. I say max him out or give him more money that anyone else would he is worth it. Any of you understand where I am coming from????
  12. I hope that we don't sign him because is one of the guys who will slack up when he gets the big contract. We need to stay clear of this bum. He doesn't have enough HEART to be a Atlanta Hawk (HA HA I made a funny!
  13. I heard the show and it was Curry that they were talking about. Big time center my ass. The guy average what 5 rebounds a game. A man with a wooden leg would get you at least 6.5.
  14. Since we are a weak rebounding club why not have Chill start at the 3 he is the best rebounder on the team!!!
  15. Why must we always trade our best player. I think that is why the franchise has been in the shape it is in for the last decade or so.Here are a list of superstarstar players that we have traded away (I may have forgotten a name or two): Dominique Wilkins Steve Smith Dikembe Mutombo Jason Terry Rasheed Wallace Antoine Walker Shareef Abdul Rahim Stephen Jackson (he maybe a stretch but he was on his way) The Paul Gasol Pick (he would have been our best player for sure) and now everyone wants to trade Al Harrington. WTF is going on here!!!!
  16. I feel that these group of players may be the most effective bunch we could put on the floor at one time pg-Boris Diaw (can guard the opposing 2 guard) sg-Salim Stoudamire (can guard the opposing guard) SF-Josh Childress PF-Josh Smith/Marvin Williams/ C-Al Harrington/Josh Smith This would support our three forward system. We would play alot of zone defesnse. Maybe Marvin can play some of the 2 guard since he can shoot the ball so well and has no post game. The funny thing about this is that Childress has proven that he is our best Small forward but yet he is the two guard??? Maybe Salim has some pg skills that we aren't aware of. This is going to be an interesting season to say the least?? I think that we will win at least 25 games next season. What do you guys think about this lineup!!!
  17. Don't be surprised if we get him. If there is a desire to trade Al our lineup could be this: pg-#13 pick, Free agent sg-Gerald Green SF- Josh Childress PF-Josh Smith C-#13 pick (if not used on PG), Free Agent If you trade Al then we could feel in the blank with whatever we get get for him. If not we could run the Three Forward Theory with Josh Childress instead of Marvin Williams.Josh Childress is probably the best rebounder on our team and he needs to be in the frontcourt to rebound. Gerald Green is alot better shooter that Childress. I just hope that we can get somebody in free agency. Anyone think that this won't be a possible scenario. I really don't feel that we will keep the 2nd pick or Marvin Williams.
  18. I like his game but he is going to need minutes this year. Do we have an option on him for the 4th season. I personally think that we can make him something special. Should we give him one more season here in atlanta??
  19. I really don't know which mold we are trying to follow here.
  20. Sure an undersized center can get the job done on most nights but his theory out having Smith, Williams, and Harrington in the lineup would be crap unless we can accomplish one of these three things: 1. We sign or draft and PG who can shoot the lights out. 2. CHillz improves his outside shot enough where the opponents respect it. 3. We accomplish both 1 and 2. A shooter would open the floor up big time and then we could use could the system more effectively.
  21. Why does almost everyone seem to think that Smoove is going to be so much better than Chillz. I am not saying that it won't be the case but did anyone notice the improvement of Chillz from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. I think that right now CHillz is a much better player than Smith but it seems as if Smith gets all of the love on this site. I know that he won the Dunk competition and is a highlight waiting to happen but don't crap over CHillz. I think that he is going to surprise everyone before it is over with. I like Smith as well but with his Skill set Chillz can easily become a grant hill/pippen type of player. He does need to work on his jumper especially playing the two but we all know that he is playing out of position and would be one of the best SF in the league if they left him there.
  22. Damn I was hoping that we could have got our hands on him. Will the Knicks have any decent big men on their team next season. DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!!
  23. Who's to say that Marvin Williams won't be a bust. I think that is maybe 60/40 tha we won't bust but don't you guys think that we get players who have a defined position. I read that someone thinks that he can play the two. If Bogut falls to number two that would make things so much simpler for us. We don't need another Small forward playing out of position.
  24. My two cents: Why role the dice again when you know what you already have. I mean if J-Smooth never becomes a allstar he still will be a productive player so why take a chance on the fourth pick. J-smooth and J-chillz are hopefully here to stay.
  25. I am 27 and I have been a Hawks fan all my life. GO HAWKS!!!
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