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Everything posted by TRUATLFAN

  1. Seems like I am not the only one that is somewhat dissappointed in Reef.
  2. I will tell you why I am disappointed in his play. He doesn't hussel for rebounds on a bad rebounding team. Allstars should step up in this, especially a PF. He has not shown any new moves or any improvements in keeping the ball in the post. Great players should always improve on their weeknesses. He argues with the Refs instead of getting back on Defence. I hate to see players do that, because not only did you not score but now you are given up points on the other end. Just not smart play. I do think if he is part of the team he needs to be there to support them even when his back is a little too sore to play. I didn't like that for a early game in the season. (Cheer or something) Maybe my its not all his fault and the injury is the reason he doesn't go for hussel rebounds and runs slow down the court. Remember I hadn't seen a lot of him before we got him and he hurt his back within the first few games. Really what I want to see from Reef is the same heart that JT brings to the court.
  3. If it was rest he needed then he should have gotten that before the season started.
  4. the injury that he is playing so heartless. I know he had a good game in Sac, and will continue to put up good numbers. But how much can we depend on his new 3 that he likes to shoot? How many more times is he going to get away with lowering his shoulders and running into players for the foul. This is the type of play that is good for numbers but bad for the team. Look at Karl M. that is what we are getting from Reef and he is growing to be like him. Just remember one thing Karl will never get a Ring. And If the injury is the reason he needs to sit and get it right while we can recover from the lost.
  5. I agree that JT needs to be more active in the offence but that is what the coach is for. Lon needs to call more plays for him and not use him as a back up plan. I don't see any plays for JT until the 3rd quarter sometimes the 4th when the offence is flat.
  6. I smile when Hendu comes in now. I can't belive that even happens.
  7. What do you mean get the ball more. Are you talking this season or last? If you remember correctly he got the ball on almost every play last year, even if he hadn't done anything with it. And the only excuse he has for his lack of performance is the injury, if that is the case then he needs to sit more. I thought it was really bad for him not to go to on the road with the team and then start the next night. He couldn't have felt that bad or was it he didn't care this early in the season?
  8. Reef can't pass. And doesn't see the court well.
  9. He could so so much more and I don't see the effort on the court. I know he has some good moves and goes to the line very all the time but that will not work in the post season. He needs to learn from JT and work on diffrent moves and improve on his weeknesses. He has allways lost the ball in the post, he has not improved his moves, he gets blocked almost more than anyone in the leauge. The spin move is not working anymore!! He needs some new stuff so that he won't get his shots knocked in the stands for the fans.
  10. Hotlantadude is right, Reef is soft and it is starting to show. However, he still gets his numbers night in and out. I think if he worked on a few new moves and hold on to the ball a little better he would be fine. He also needs to stop crying to the refs so much. He is not seeing the doubles and triples like last year and he is still losing the ball and not running down the court. I am not empressed with the effort that he is showing on the court and I don't see how any of you that see the games are. I am willing to accept the injury excuse for a little while longer but it has been a year since he fell on his a** and never got back up.
  11. the playoffs!!! That is when the story will be to expencive to hold from the media. We might just catch it on a "Stinger at the Half" trill. (I would really hate that) But we will find out one way or another. Think about it a come back from DJ before the playoff run!! We know the media will get their hands on the story even if it is bad for him and the team. By the way, I am back fellas!!!
  12. over 10years old. can anyone tell me where to go?
  13. How we have felt about Babs for years.
  14. I read his stuff more than any other writer. I just wish he could get compensated $$$$ from his hard work if he doesn't. Keep up the good work Jay we all need you for the real deal on the Hawks. Hey when are you going to be getting any more interviews?
  15. We knew he was a good pick up but I didn't think about the set lineup. This is one of the biggest problems that we all saw in the beginning of the season. Jay when are you going to take Denbergs job?
  16. I do agree that there are some issues that we need to be concerned with. Everybody needs a fresh start and this might be just what he needs. The media doesn't know the whole story and they like to fill in the gaps. Sometimes there is real problems there but a lot of the time there are just reg issues that we all have.
  17. Ira, must know that his demand power has decreased and he might be willing to take less money now. I would like to see him here as well, but with Bigdogs salary he can't get what he is asking. Let him shop if he wants that kind of money, my bet is he won't get it. We will see him again!
  18. Bigdog! Snow is OK but cant score and he is having problems on those Knees. And I think AI helped alot of his stats. I don't know to much about ERob but I have a problem with 5 year deals nowadays.
  19. to all that helps make this site as good as it is. Chillz I know you are doing your best and I like the results. I have no complaints so far and know that if I do find anything that can be improved it will be done better than I could have dreamed. Well, thanks again and keep up the good work.
  20. AI and JT in the backcourt would be the smallest ever. Yes they would have a lot of steals, but with steals come fouls (except for MJ of course). JT gives in to scorers and would not look to shoot anymore and his passing game is still developing. As much as I love JT he would become a none factor. Reef would be freed up for more shots so that is a plus but JT can/ has/ and will fill that role without AI. And we know we couldn't get AI without given up JT or Reef or both. It is just not worth it for a undersized gaurd when we have one. We don't need AI except for ticket sales and wins can solve that problem.
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