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Everything posted by Dragitoff

  1. If we dealt Schröder, Dedmon, #19/#30, and the Bulls #7, and we are allegedly keeping Baze, Collins, Prince, what else of any value do we have? Not to mention we'd be at the cap as I outlined in my post, which means we couldn't take back more on a bad deal beyond those deals.
  2. I take any of Supes reports with a grain of salt honestly, but if Atlanta takes back Felicio and Asik, renounces all FA's, stretch Plumlee we could graze underneath the cap with Parsons, Asik, Felicio and the #4 pick. Depending on who we draft, our depth chart would be heavy on the non-mobile bigs though
  3. I wouldn't mind Young in the right situation and there's almost no situation where I'm against Doncic. I agree that I'm not necessarily seeing a good fit for both of them on the same team though. I would also prefer a defensive big or 3 & D wing player with a second pick if we're able to acquire one.
  4. With Doncic's size, I'm still in the camp he could play small ball 4 for limited stints. That would help limit some of his defensive exposure. You'd have to get a true rim protector at some point though in the rebuild or else your toast.
  5. I am a father of 6 so I spend virtually every second of every day trying to get my kids to act like decent humans. It works approximately 12% of the time. lol
  6. That's actually what I meant. You get me AHF. You really get me.
  7. If we draft Doncic, take the best defensive minded PG with one of our other picks. Doncic your primary ballhandler.
  8. Dude, you lose any credibility with me pining for Derrick Favors as the savior of the franchise. Have fun in your misery bro. I ain't mad atcha.
  9. Why are you even a fan? You obviously dislike our organization's direction and leadership to the point of what appears to be extreme hatred for Schlenk. You make disparaging remarks about everything within the organization. So I ask again, why are you even a fan? Other than trolling, I can't see why you'd still call yourself a fan if you disagree with everything the Hawks are doing, who they hire, draft, etc... You dislike and disagree with other fans who disagree with you and continuously assert your "superior mind" so again, why are you even a fan?
  10. I question the validity of it, but I'm down for it if it's true.
  11. Arrogance is not only a sign of insecurity, it's a sign of immaturity. Mature and fully-realized persons can get their points across, even emphatically without demeaning or intimidating others.
  12. I'm pretty sure KB thought he saw that horse move a little so the beating resumed. haha.
  13. I'm no cap expert, but both deals I think would have to be 'official' post-draft. You could technically do both deals IF Dennis was moved and I believe the number was around $10 million or less was taken back. I did the numbers a few days ago so I can't remember the exact numbers.
  14. Is there a button to use all your likes on a single post? haha.
  15. If we move Dennis and take back less salary than he's currently making, we could. It would seriously take some cap gymnastics which again, makes it nothing more than a pipedream. Or a wet dream? Either way, I know it's not happening. Just fun to think about the possibilities.
  16. I definitely agree. I was figuring you'd have to use the #14/#19 to maybe sneak into the top 10. Again, I know it was crazy talk. Just made me drool thinking about it though. lol
  17. I know it's crazy talk, but how amazing would it be to snag Memphis' pick and somehow bundle some of our other picks and get three picks in the top 10?
  18. I don't care about the weight. Joe was crafty and knew how to use his size to his advantage. He was also an excellent facilitator. I see those same things with Doncic. That's the only comparisons I was trying to make.
  19. I go back and forth on every one of these prospects. He's definitely got the skills to be a quality player. I think he could develop into a Joe Johnson type on offense, which is a great thing to have as long as we build properly around him. He can't be the only thing we've got and expect to be good again.
  20. That's why I said "y'all". I personally don't like either one of them. They've both got holes in their games as does every other prospect. I wish BOTH sides would take the argument to the thread that was created for that argument instead of carrying it on here and there and every which where.
  21. Will y'all please take the JJJ vs. Bagley argument to the thread that is specific to just that argument?????
  22. I thought there was a separate thread for the JJJ vs. Bagley debate? If anyone needs me, I'll be over there in the corner stirring the pot. lol
  23. Slow down there KB. I'm not on the Bagley bandwagon either. I'm simply disagreeing with your comment that he doesn't have any weaknesses or however you stated it. NONE of these guys are sure-fire generational talents. We, as fans, are certainly entitled to our opinions, but we should stop acting like any of these guys are slam-dunk prospects. I disagree with the ones who say they guarantee anyone is a bust or a star because not even the guys who get paid to evaluate these guys would put their careers on the line and state that.
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