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Everything posted by Dragitoff

  1. Love used to be one of the premier post players prior to going to Cleveland. Is his post play really that bad or a product of the current system he's playing and the current state of the NBA?
  2. It could, but I think a more likely scenario is they play: PG: Jackson (poor defender) SG: Bradley (solid defender) SF: KCP PF: Harris C: Drummond
  3. I thought of this exact same scenario except without including Plumlee. The Hawks would almost certainly have to include a pick or possibly 2 to upgrade Crawford to Kevin Love, but he's a big that would work well in Bud's system. He's terrible defensively so I don't like the fit next to Collins, but I know there has been speculation some of Collins' defensive shortcomings were due to the coaching at WF. Love wouldn't replace everything Millsap brought to this team, but it would sure help fill that void.
  4. Wow! Really thought Bradley was valued higher than that. Guess the injuries really "hurt" his value.
  5. So.....back to the original topic. Has anyone seen anything linking us to anyone recently other than Olynyk, Noel, and Reed? Seems like there was some speculation about Rocky's (Zaza) return and KB and others have went on and on about Plumlee, but I thought that was all speculation rather than substantiated rumors. One more name to toss into the "good fit" category would be Spencer Hawes. Seems like he could be had for very little and would fit Bud's offensive style well. Had some solid years. Personally, I'd rather go with Olynyk if we're going with a true stretch 7 footer, but he might be a good backup plan.
  6. And Crawford and IT would give up twice as many points as they score because they are both terrible on defense. Unless Boston gets a true paint protector, that combo would be horrible. All of this is purely my opinion, but I also believe if Boston wanted Crawford for the package you mentioned, Atlanta would've gladly done that deal and laughed all the way to the bank. Bradley is a very valuable piece to a team needing a wing stopper. On a team friendly expiring deal, he'd be extremely valuable at the deadline. Crowder even more valuable as he's on one of the best value deals in the league for 3 more seasons.
  7. That proposal also doesn't make sense for Boston from the standpoint of them giving up 2 starters for a 6th man nearing the end of his career. Bradley and Crowder are both strong wing defenders and you need that vs. the top teams like San Antonio, Houston, Golden State and Cleveland. Most importantly, they could most likely get Crawford at the vet min. if he wanted to play there once Atlanta inevitably buys him out. Why give up valuable pieces when you can have him for essentially nothing? If they did trade those two, they'll most likely get solid value for them. There's already talks that Crowder is most likely going to Utah as part of a S&T for Hayward.
  8. Looks like the Warriors are getting their Javale/Zaza replacement back. #richgetricher
  9. I don't either. Personally, I don't see anyone giving up anything for Crawford unless it's dumping another salary. Something like Crawford for Luol Deng or something like that. If he wanted to go back to NY, maybe we could be a 3rd team in a Melo deal.
  10. That would weaken their bench even more. Dieng is their primary backup big.
  11. If Boston really is in "win-now" mode, they will pull out all the stops. There's plenty of vets to fill that bench for them that would come play for vet. min. Remember the first "Big 3" in Boston? They filled that team with role players who fit the team well. Honestly, they're the team to watch going forward in my eyes and I hate Boston. Guys like Bradley, Smart and Crowder are more valuable to them than you might think if they're trying to win now. Bradley is possibly the best defender against Curry in the league and their stopper against guys like him and Irving. Smart is also a relentless defender with a shaky jumper. Crowder gives them their LeBron/Durant defender. It'll be interesting to see what they do to make all the pieces fit.
  12. Just splitting hairs with you but I don't think Olynyk counts in that scenario since they renounced him. Again, I'm all for working something out with them. There were rumors they wanted Gasol from Memphis too via trade. Maybe that's the 3rd team to take back salary like Bembry and give them a young piece to work with in addition to whatever Boston sends them.
  13. Did you know Glenda or Amy Lane? Glenda would've been a little older than you and Amy was a few years younger. Both are 1st cousins of mine that graduated from Worth County.
  14. I graduated Sherwood in '96 and also attended Darton. We live on the west side of Lee Co. (towards Sasser). Seriously small world. I know this is a Hawks forum but I swear I only know a few real Hawks fans here and most of them are not as hardcore of a fan as I am.
  15. First off all, deal me in for Crowder if we can get him for a 1st (especially if it's one of those late 1sts we acquired in trades). He can defend larger SF's like LeBron and company but also shoots well from 3. Seems like a tailor-made fit for Bud's offense. His contract is icing on the cake and I see him and Prince being bulldogs on defense and solid on offense. And all y'all talking about the Albany area had me like "whoa" this morning. I live in Leesburg and have been in this area my whole life. Small world.
  16. While some may overate Paul's skills, I think you're undervaluing him. I'm not necessarily advocating re-signing him at all costs. Just pointing out this team is much different without him. Look how poorly Atlanta performed in the games he missed last season. Sure, we could replace some (or all depending on who we bring in) his production, but it'll be tough to replicate all of what he delivered on both sides of the ball.
  17. he can't shoot 3's and is TO prone. How is that an upgrade to Delaney?
  18. You took 1 trade and "assumed" what the plan is when in reality NONE OF US really know. You could be 100% correct, but you could also be 100% incorrect. That's the beauty of the offseason. It's excited and frustrating all at the same time. We very well may miss the playoffs, but we could also win it all. I really love/hate being a Hawks fan. Just depends on what day of the week it is. Cheers!
  19. It honestly cracks me up how so many armchair GM's know the inner workings of the organizations despite having never spent a single day working for a professional team at any capacity (no, selling hot dogs doesn't count). As with all things in life, hold your final judgment until you see the finished product. For all we know, FA's and trade targets were interested in coming here but didn't want to play with Dwight. For all we know, Paul wants to re-up at a discount but not as long as Dwight was in tow. Sure, we could easily be facing a lengthy rebuilt, retool, or re whatever. Point is the draft is tonight, Free Agency doesn't even start for almost 2 weeks and so many are already claiming the sky is falling. Chill out, enjoy the offseason and then we'll figure out what the REAL plan is.
  20. Did you not see his comments following his PT in the playoffs? Did you not see his lack of rotations on Washington's PnR vs. us in the playoffs? He was giving us half an effort in that series and got benched for it and then lashed out whining about his touches and PT. I like Dwight, even now, but he needs to realize his current place in the NBA is a rebounder and shot blocker. He can get his points off putbacks and crashing as the PnR man. Sorry, but you're obviously viewing Dwight through rose colored glasses at this point and like him, failing to see his flaws.
  21. Think about your comment though. If Miles is a good screen setter and can play even decent PnR defense, he's a better fit since Dennis prefers the screen to free himself up rather than using the screener as the roll man. We all witnessed how horrid Dwight was on the PnR defense in the playoffs vs. Washington. I definitely don't think Miles is a better player by any means, but could he be a better fit? Time will tell.
  22. I don't necessarily agree, although I think a rebuild is definitely the direction it appears we're heading. What if everyone realized in today's NBA how poor of a fit Dwight was, especially with Bud's offense and they are moving to correct it? What if Atlanta plans on re-signing Millsap and Ilyasova and go with the lineup they went with late in games? Schröder THJ Prince Ilyasova Millsap That's a small lineup and we go back to having problems rebounding, but it's definitely a more athletic, better spacing team. It's absolutely not a contending team so I don't see the point in it, but I'm just trying to make sense of all the noise out there. I will say the current state of the NBA is disappointing as a fan. I don't mind my team rebuilding as I came back to the Hawks during that dreadful 13 win season, but when players dictate when and where they want to play after they've committed to playing for one team for a set amount is frustrating. It's essentially 3 or 4 legitimate teams and the Washington Generals for the rest of the league. Sure it's entertaining, but we all know the Globetrotters win at the end of the day.
  23. Tim Legler just proposed on NBA Radio that the Celtics should offer Bradley, Brown and the #3 pick for Paul George and Indy's 1st. If that's the market for George, Atlanta would have to give up a lot more than we'd want to, especially if it means Baze's salary goes to make it match. It was just his speculation from what I heard so take it for what it's worth. Could you imagine a starting 5 of IT, Hayward, George, Crowder and Horford though? That's pretty stout.
  24. You do realize you said their roster was garbage and then just said they have the best player and arguably the best facilitator?
  25. Although I see your logic, you also have to see the flaw in it as well. If your chances are, let's say 65% of making the finals in an inferior conference vs. 30% in a tougher conference, your chances are better at winning a championship just because you're more likely to be in the championship round. Winning teams draw quality players who are willing to take less $ to play for them. The odds are they hit it big at least once more, and they did win it last year with many of those same players, so it's not like those guys just fell off a map. They are a team that relies immensely on the 3 and GS is a good perimeter defending team that has challenged them on defense and has the firepower to hang with them on offense.
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