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Everything posted by drzachary

  1. I think Hots has reached the 'there's really no point reasoning with him' zone. Try again tomorrow?
  2. Who wants their garbage? I want their good players (Asik, Parsons.)
  3. So true. Also true for every other team in the league, really. Eventually Wade slows down more, though, right?
  4. I still think last year's roster, minus Smith, plus Asik, wins more games.
  5. http://wagesofwins.com/2013/07/03/the-nba-offseason-list-part-1/ Pretty cool chart, there. Author's conclusion for Kyle, given the market value of a win, and KK's WS/48, projected over his expected decline for the next four years: 9.1M / 7.6M / 6.1M / 4.2M. So, by this author's analysis at least, especially in the short term, the contract is a steal Not super sure how he arrived at the decline/improvement for players though.
  6. What about Sergei Gladyr? Isn't he our savior?
  7. Does Zaza still count as a plus offensive rebounder? I mean, the Zaza Special™ is rebounding your own miss 4-5 times.
  8. Boris DiawOr we could bring back Matt Maloney.
  9. Any player the Knicks sign that takes the ball out of Bargnani's hands is a good signing for them.
  10. And he is, in a phrase, the most terrible waste of money not named Bargnani. He's the posterchild for the kind of player you don't want on your team, but for some reason people like, because YAYPOINTS (don't mind all the misses.)
  11. Which wings that can create their own shot are available? (Just for the hell of it, I looked up Batum's #s -- assisted on 77% of his shots. So there goes that idea.)
  12. I'm thinking of going to the High Museum this weekend. There's an exhibit featuring Vermeer, one of the finest painters of the Dutch Golden Age. However, now I'm reconsidering. He's one-dimensional. All he ever did was paint. Since he didn't sculpt, or compose music, or write poetry, he's clearly not a good artist. In short: why is one-dimensional bad? Being a one-trick pony is fine if your one trick is being able to fly. Those phrases are not criticisms! All KK does is shoot, extremely well, and when he does, it goes into the basket like it does for no one else. This more than makes up for his other deficiencies.
  13. Yeah, this clip is the one where George R R Martin quotes my tweet! Highlight of my year so far :)
  14. Did y'all see my tweets on Conan O'Brien and MSNBC?
  15. I haven't had a corndog in probably a year. :( been mostly on the QT hotdog tip. And I bought a whole pig yesterday, woop.
  16. Love Pek. I'd love a goofy Euro Pek-Zaza tandem.
  17. Why, because they don't fit the predefined narrative: Kyrie is a star? :)
  18. Definitely don't use PER. That's as useful as ZSSF- zacks scrabble score factor.
  19. Marvin and Batum are about the same quality, in terms of what they have produced.
  20. Swift: 3 pt shots are worth 3 pts. You need points to win games, and scoring 3 pts at a time is actually a good way to get lots of points. How is that not valuable? A 3 point shot is worth somewhere in the range of 150% of a 2 point shot. That's a lot!Do you follow?
  21. I just don't buy the argument that someone is better than KK because of versatility, when said versatility does not actually lead to wins. It would be like comparing Teague to Howard. Teague does so many more things that DH can't: drive the lane, distribute, defend points, shoot from outside, run an offense, etc etc etc. Howard does like 2 things, but he is so good at those things that he is the better player. Same with Korver: he only does a couple things, but he is world class at them.
  22. Nope. Batum is the more versatile player. I tend to define better as "leads to wins" and best 3PT shooter > average guy who does a lot of different things averagely.
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