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Everything posted by Yubs

  1. Yubs


    A friend of mine recently gave me two trial cd-keys - one offered free play for 14 days, the other offered free play for 10 day - and I was quite excited because I never played WoW before but always wanted to try it. In fact, I've never played a MMORPG before, so this was my first foray into this genre. So far... the game kind of feels like a chore. And its kinda boring. These quests the townfolk give you seem extremely unimaginative and sometimes tedious. Kill 12 of these monsters and report back. Get me 7 of these unique quest items and 5 of another unique quest item. Fun. And the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired... just walk up to a badguy and click on 1 or 2, and watch your character and monster exchange hits for about 5-10 seconds. Exciting... The graphics are neat, and the world is definetely big. But does everything else get better later on? I mean, I'm sure it does, but when??
  2. The great thing about Swingers is that it feels... "real." Its not contrived and totally dependent on random things happening, like most comedies. And its not dependent on physical/slapstick humor. Swingers is just smart, funny and pretty realistic. The things they say and the things they do in Swingers mirrors a lot of things we would probably say and do in real life. Plus, I think Swingers has one of the more realistic portrayals of friendships in a movie.
  3. Yubs

    The Descent

    Yeah, I've seen few horror movies at the theatre, but every horror/scary movie I've seen was thoroughly enjoyable. I saw the Ring, Silent Hill, and now The Descent at the movie theatre, and they all ruled. Consequently, every horror movie I rent and watch at home blows and weren't scary at all. I think the overall atmosphere in a movie theater contributes to how good a horror movie is. Big picture, loud noises, people in the crowd screaming = a better horror movie experience.
  4. I remember when Marvel and DC had their crossover special a few years back, they pitted the Hulk against Superman in a test of might and sheer brute strength. If I remember correctly, I believe Superman defeated the Hulk, albiet by the slimmest of margins. But yeah, if the JL fought the Avengers that included the Hulk, Thor and Iron Man, it would be pretty tough. But then again, if the JL had Captain Marvel and Plastic Man in their ranks for this fight, welllllllll, I wouldn't be too sure of an Avenger's victory. In fact, a DC victory may be inevitable in that case...
  5. Quote: What? You'll pick DC over Marvel?? When it comes to the tussle of superhero groups, oh heck yeah I'm choosing the Justice League over the Avengers. Seriously, I can't imagine anyone from the Avengers doing damage to Superman, Wonder Woman or the Martian Manhunter. Iron Man maybe, but thats it. Batman could probably take down the Avengers by himself, since hes 1.) a genius and 2.) at one point in the JL history, he had figured out the weaknesses of all the JL members and could have taken all of them down if he wanted to. If Silver Surfer was still with the Avengers, then I'd choose them over the JL in a fight, since the Surfer is pretty much a cosmic god. But since hes not with the group... JL > Avengers. Plus, DC heros have as much depth to their character and personality as Marvel heros do, imo. Batman, for instance, has so much depth to his character, it's insane. You could literally put him in any kind of story and in any situation and it'll work. Ditto for Superman, The Flash, etc. You should watch the DC cartoons - such as Justice League Unlimited and the Batman cartoon series by Dini and Timm - to get a taste of their rich history and character. And I am officially a big nerd.
  6. The Avengers usually had interchangeable heros, so it wasn't always the same people all the time. I think the current incarnations of the Avengers even include the likes of Spider-Man and Wolverine, two people I personally thought would never be in the Avengers. Captain America and Iron Man, however, seem to be eternally bonded to the group, since (I believe) they've been with the group since forever. So at least there is some semblance of consistency with the group. I like the Avengers, but I'd easily take the Justice League over them. Easily.
  7. Yubs

    The Descent

    Well, even if you know how it ends now (it's hard to resist highlighting the invisible ink, I know), at least you can enjoy the violence and gore!
  8. I think the fact that we're choosing only elite-level NBA players like Duncan clearly demonstrates just how good many of us think Dwight is. I doubt anyone here would pick someone like Troy Murphy, Andrew Bogut or Chris Webber over him. It's either we pick elites, or stick with Dwight, who is essentially the next best thing next to these all-world talents.
  9. PF or C's I'd take over Dwight: Duncan Garnett I may take these players over Dwight: A. Stoudemire Yao Dirk That's about it.
  10. I'd recommend Swingers. Really awesome, funny movie. Made in the 90's.
  11. Yubs

    The Descent

    Hightlight: Almost. In the U.S. version, the movie ends right after she sees her friend in the car. She escapes, but it doesn't show her waking up, back in the cave. Her waking up from her dream, only to find herself still in the cave and seeing her daughter are omitted from the U.S. ending. None of that happens in the US version. Just the escape part.
  12. Yubs

    The Descent

    Highlight los spoilers: I actually enjoyed both endings. Screw the noise about the US ending being more happy. They're both equally sad. The UK ending gave it a sense of closure, with the lady hallucinating about her daughter one last time before she meets her end. The U.S. ending was a bit more grim imo, since she now has to live with the guilt and anguish of murdering not only a bunch of f'ed up, weird creatures, but ending the life of one friend and leaving another (albiet former) friend behind. But I agree, it does change everything around, since both endings are vastly different, despite the US version only subtracting the last scene out. The US ending prolly opens the movie up for a potential sequel.
  13. Yubs

    The Descent

    **SPOILER ALERT!!** Highlight text to see changes between US and UK ending... Nothing actually changed between the US and UK ending, except for the fact that the US ending didn't have the "waking up" sequence right after she screams in the car. The US version ends after she screams.
  14. Yubs

    The Descent

    I love watching (good) horror movies in the theatre, especially with a crowded audience. Not only do you have the privelege of watching a movie on a huge screen with awesome surround sound, but audience reactions add to the experience imo. Especially when something bloody, gorey or scary happens, and the entire audience yelps/gasps/cries out "oh my god!!" almost simultaenously. Awesome.
  15. Yubs

    The Descent

    If you haven't seen this movie yet, check it out asap. This movie needs to be seen, especially if you appreciate horror movies. Really intense, edge-of-your-seat kind of stuff. Oh, and many of the scenes were shot in the dark, in really cramped and enclosed spaces. So if you're claustrophobic, be prepared...
  16. What an ugly mishmash of egos and top-dollar contracts. With that said, I wish we had an owner who's willing to drop $200 million into our Braves team.
  17. Not surprised at all. Chipper going on the D/L a few times every year is pretty much tradition now. Betemit being gone is going to haunt us. He stablized the leadoff spot while Marcus was hurt, and he stablized Chipper's spot in the lineup while he was hurt. Not to mention he was a valuable bench/utility guy. Betemit was Mr. Versatile. If Billy Knight was a baseball GM, Betemit would be the type he would drool over. I hope Aybar can emulate Betemit's versatility. If not, 2007 can't come fast enough.
  18. Yubs


    I've had a longstanding interest in the fine art of archery, and now that I've got some free time and such, I've finally decided to try my hand at it. Does anybody know of a good archery range/school in Georgia? I'm a noob obviously, so I'll need a place that'll teach beginner classes on a consistent basis. I found one in Kennesaw, but they seem to only teach beginner classes once a month, which is odd. So, anybody know of a place?
  19. Seriously, we need the pacman logo back. I loved that logo. Instant classic.
  20. Quote: I don't want to trade Smith or Marvin but Chill is definitely the odd man out here in Atlanta. He will never start over JJ or Marvin so why not trade him for a huge hole at center, upgrade at point or a big upgrade at PF? Because there's a chance that Magz will be nothing more than just a one year rental. Whereas Chillz can give us solid production as our sixth man for a few more years.
  21. Now, I don't enjoy getting phone calls from telemarketers either, but I don't go on a bloodthirsty verbal tirade like this woman does... you have got to listen to this... http://www.ebaumsworld.com/audio/crazy-lad...lemarketer.html (Warning: not work safe. Got some pretty abusive language in here.) It's incredibly funny to hear this woman going off on this poor guy, who manages to stay totally calm and cool throughout the whole thing.
  22. http://www.apple.com/trailers/wb/teenagemutantninjaturtles/ (quicktime required) Next year is a year of greatness. Transformers, Spidey 3, TMNT.....
  23. 20 blown saves?? Didn't realize it was that much. God... if we managed to even save half those blown saves, we'd be 55-40, rather than 45-50.
  24. Poo.... a couple weeks ago in my fantasy league, someone had offered me Chipper for Ivan Rodriguez. This was before Chipper became God, when he was just a mere mortal, so I declined. I'm hitting myself over the head now because McCann was still on the waiver wire back then, free to be picked up by anyone, so I could have just swooped in and nabbed McCann while trading for Chipper.
  25. Quote: Quote: No, the Mets aren't that great. Didn't the AL spank them pretty bad aswell? [/indent] Not just spank my friend... rape. The AL raped the Mets. I'm going to enjoy watching Detroit/Boston/Chicago rip apart the Mets in the World Series.
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