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Everything posted by ATLSmith

  1. That sounds great, but are you just pulling that Gallanari trade out of thin air? Last I heard Phoenix was the trade partner for Sap if it happens.
  2. Do you mean for this year in terms of keeping Horf/Sap? For sure. But the Hawks knew that when they signed Baze so there's something else at play.
  3. 17.5 mill per year... Weren't other teams offering 20 mill? Seems like he took a bit of a discount. While this deal won't look too bad in a couple years, Baze has to be more productive than last year.
  4. Yea, starting to come around to the idea. All depends on Horf at this point. You have to wonder if the Hawks have a SF in mind to replace Sap (other than our recent draft picks of course.)
  5. Probably because they'll be playing 4 vs 5 every game.
  6. This is nuts. Are the Hawks rebuilding? I would assume they let Howard in on the plan before he signed.
  7. He's been talking a good game and needs to execute on it. But yea, I'm optimistic he can be very good for the Hawks.
  8. Just pointing out that the report was posted at 2:46 PM. And of course they'll offer him the max.
  9. Right now I'm like: If we can keep Horf too I'll be like:
  10. I know right. For once I want to read something like this : "Well, we just looked at each other in awkward silence for about 2 hours. Then somebody farted. Nobody claimed responsibility but we all knew it was Coach." Apologies for the grade school humor.
  11. Ouch! Well clearly you don't. lol. I'm not arguing if Wade is good or a star in this league, because he is. I just don't see him as a good investment for the future.
  12. I'm not sold on Wade. I think he has one more year left in the tank. Then what do we do with him?
  13. Boston hasn't done crap. They keep leaking info that they are interested in everyone. Looking pretty desperate.
  14. "Are you trying to sell me on Wade or his wife?" "Did somebody say photo bomb?"
  15. I think the Hawks would need to be pretty clear on who they are going to spend the $ on. But, maybe, I guess?
  16. I actually like that move for the Nets. Just wondering how much he's getting.
  17. Also the Lakers are in rebuild mode which will take a few years. In 3 years, after the cap goes up a few times, Mozzy's deal won't look that bad.
  18. Yea, that is pretty bold. Wade certainly has something left in the tank but not many teams would be willing to give him a long-term deal.
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