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Everything posted by AlHorford

  1. At first thought after seeing this trade, I said... really? But after looking at it... I like it... but don't love it for the Cavs. They still lack a reliable #2 option to go with LeBron. However, Gibson when he gets back from injury and Wally on the perimeter gives you 2 40+ percent 3 point shooters and Damon Jones is good from range too. Joe Smith still has a very consistent jumpshot. Not to mention they were able to keep Z. That should give them a pretty decent committee to be the #2 option. But the team defense is going to be absolutely amazing when they all get used to playing together. Big Z and Wallace clogging the paint is a scary thought. West plays very solid defense for a guard as does Pavlovic whenever he gets back. This team is also BUILT for the playoffs. A frontline of Z, Wallace, Varejao and Joe Smith is pretty damn good.
  2. Quote: Quote: Are you going for the Guinness World Record for most horrible posts on a message board in a year's time? His posts may be pretty terrible, but I understand his pain... who would have thought we would be this bad after five years of "rebuilding".? I guess I'm just a fan of people who sit back and take some time to think about what they're saying rather than posting on emotion and thus over-reacting. The guy has been a part of the team not even a week. There's going to be some adjustments to make early on. Blaming the timing as if it's easy to pull off a trade in professional sports at ANY time, is irrational and dumb. Since you don't like the timing of it, would you rather that they sat on their hands instead? I'm assuming there would be a thread b****ing about how the deadline went by without a deal and it "cost us the playoffs."
  3. Are you going for the Guinness World Record for most horrible posts on a message board in a year's time?
  4. Quote: This guy is awful. Even the other players around the league know it's a joke that JJ made an all star game and Kobe exposed him for the 2nd/3rd rate SG that he is. JJ is so slow and has such a limited game on the offensive end. His idea of offense is to pound the ball and jack up long distance shots. I guess that is all he can do since he has no "blow by" ability. There was no difference in his game tonight than what we have seen before. It's ashame that JJ is going to eat up cap space for a few more years.
  5. Quote: Sorry, someone had to say it. I hope this is not a bad omen. Bibby needs to gel with this team and that ain't happening if he is getting DNP-injury's. Sorry for the serial thread starting tonight, my Hawksquawk brethren, but I am feeling a rush of erotic emotions with this whole Bibby arrival thing. Erotic, huh? Somebody really gets into these games.
  6. Quote: Quote: Childress for Diop and a Rd.2 is something I would try to get done. Even without the Rd. 2 possibly F that don't trade Chill. he is playing. Trade Marvin. He is doing nothing. Well, here's the thing... Childress is probably gone next year anyway assuming that the team locks up Smith instead... so he's the more logical decision as a trade chip, even though he's currently playing better. Diop is off the books after this year too, but you can at least see if you can make a run with him manning the middle.
  7. Childress for Diop and a Rd.2 is something I would try to get done. Even without the Rd. 2 possibly
  8. Interior defense. That is the name of the game.
  9. Kind of hard to read with the background graphic in the text box. edit: i see now you can change it up though, so all's well
  10. Quote: That's understandable. Personally I like PHPBB the best but UBB is what we use here. That may change in the future but there isn't much reason for it right now. If you wouldn't mind, what are some of the things that you like about vBulletin? There might be some things we can do to make changes to this. It's nothing major really, just some of the little nuances in how things look. I'm not a big fan of the collapsing threads, but it's something fixed with a button click. Basically just the general layout, PHPBB is good also like you said. I like having a little more spacing between threads and whatnot. I think the way it is currently makes the board look cluttered. I can live with it, I'm just picky to a fault over dumb things lol
  11. Quote: What do you mean? You consider these forums sloppy? I suppose it's just the nature of the software. I'm more of a vBulletin fan myself, I think they look much better. It's not horrible, I'm just particular with things that don't matter to 99% of people.
  12. I assumed you were changing the software or something major to take away some of the sloppy look, not just some graphical changes.
  13. Quote: LOL what are you talking about? idiot. i have no idea who this prick is Via AIM: [DELETED] he just killed any reputation i had on that place Feel free whoever is willing, to check for an IP match. It should be interesting.
  14. Quote: Seriously--do you have a life? These threads are getting so cliched and trite. How does JJ not shooting help us? On behalf of the whole board, I request you get a life and not post one of these again. Thanks. This poster is also known as Bhayley. Apparently he doesn't have the balls to speak his mind on that name, so he uses an alias. Have a nice day, [DELETED] P.S. Nice thread. P.P.S. The OSU girl on the right has a nice bosom.
  15. He's built to play the 4, but he's adequate as a center.
  16. Quote: Id say after the 1st couple games it was over reacting or emotional as you say. Now its just plain contempt that this guy tries to be a one man gang every time he gets the ball. Its getiin to be ground hog day with Smoove. My God at least Al Harrington could make shots. Like I said I dont know enough about Biedrins but something has to be done. I guess we can wait til Acie comes back and hope that a rookie pg will make the differance and keep Smoove in his place on offense. If he cant then it may be time to MOVE SMOOVE. lol How old is he? How often is a player fully developed offensively by the time they're 21 years old? He needs better coaching, obviously, if he's allowed to have such horrible shot selection, but why trade a great raw talent?
  17. The Warriors would thank you kindly. Does anyone on this site not get overcome with emotional over-reactions before posting?
  18. Quote: Quote: The Hawks have an ownership? It's a trio of Bad ownership, Bad coaches, and Bad players. The Hawks are the new Clippers. New? The Hawks have been the Hawks for years...
  20. Quote: Quote: Quote: I would have thought if they had agreed to it then yes, that game tonight would have been perfect timing. But with their coming back and winning it makes me wonder if the players were either sending a vote of confidence for Woody or they were saying "we're not going to tank to get him fired" to the players who were talking about it? Or maybe this "conversation" never "happened." And maybe you are not the real "Al Horford"? OH NOEZ! I JUST FLIPPED IT RIGHT BACK ON YOU INTERNET TOUGH GUY!! And the funny thing is, I have just as much credibility.
  21. Quote: I would have thought if they had agreed to it then yes, that game tonight would have been perfect timing. But with their coming back and winning it makes me wonder if the players were either sending a vote of confidence for Woody or they were saying "we're not going to tank to get him fired" to the players who were talking about it? Or maybe this "conversation" never "happened."
  22. How can you live with yourself calling another grown man "smoove?"
  24. Got an interesting phone call tonight. A guy told me to post fake insider info on an internet message board to seem important.
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