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Everything posted by mattlanta

  1. Hmm... PG: Acie | ??? SG: JJ | Salim | West SF: J-Smoov | Chillz PF: Horford | ??? C: Miller | Ilgauskus Sixth Man: Ilgauskus I'm still new to this NBA thing, so I don't know all the nicknames. I had to look up Big Z, and I don't know who you guys mean by 'Lo'.
  2. Would of been a smart trade. This is what is so hard about the NBA trades. I've only recently started watching other teams in the NBA besides the Hawks, so I'm still 'new' to the NBA fan community, but it's really frustrating when every one just wants to trade but the salaries for both sides wouldn't match.
  3. I saw his leadership in him last night. Josh Smith committed a stupid foul that should not have happened, and Horford got on his case about it. He wasn't screaming and hollering about it, but it looked like he was talking to Smith in a calm way. I think he's a quiet leader who has a lot of leadership potential. I think him staying an extra year in college just made it better off for him in terms of developing that leadership mentality.
  4. A veteran PG or a post-offense C would be ideal for this team IMO. Veteran PG makes more sense though. How is Solomon Jones developing by the way? I don't know if that was him in the suit last night, but I don't get to watch a lot of Hawks games up here in CT.
  5. Quote: Josh Smith was amazing last night. Horford is and has the heart of a champion. Lots of other nice pieces. Just need the PG. I think they should be making an attempt for Jason Kidd. Marvin and Sheldon and a No. 1 for Kidd. Kidd Johnson Childress J. Smith Horford Not a bad 5 I don't know if I want to have Horford keep playing center. He seems to get reboudns but has problems scoring on the post. I feel that he would be a perfect PF for us. I also think Josh Smith is the perfect SF for us. While that line up looks good now, it looks like we will have problems down low.
  6. Who do you guys want to keep in the long run? I've been thinking that we have a lot of trade pieces, and I didn't know who I really wanted to trade or keep. For me, my "core" of players would be: Acie (won't be elite, but can still be a solid PG if developed properly) JJ (will improve with a better coach and/or PG) J-Smoov (great all-around player) Horford (best young PF in NBA) and if we can, Chillz is a very good 6th man. I don't really want acie to start because I don't know if he can yet, but if possible, he can play as a role player.
  7. Joe Johnson: 3-13, 0-3 3pt, 4 ast, 3 turnovers. Nice stats, Joe!
  8. You know those little letter icons on the left of a subforum that show whether or not there's a new post in that certain forum? Why is there only an icon for the forums that have new posts? I think it looks better if we have one for all of them except the forum that doesn't have any new posts in them will have a gray icon instead. It's hard to explain, and I don't know how to show you so if you still don't get it, then I guess I'll try to explain again. I'm talking about these things:
  9. A possible trade piece for Candace Parker?
  10. The only thing I really, really liked about this game was Al Horford's rebounding ability. However, he made a huge mistake when he lost that ball because that's when Detroit's momentum started rolling. 16 rebounds playing a position that he's not really fit for is very good nonetheless.
  11. There is no silver lining to all the losing except maybe every one of them a stepping stone towards the removal of Woodson and, I only hope, Billy Knight. We don't even have a first round draft pick. Ridiculous is a word that's been repeatedly worn out on this forum. I wish I had something else to say.
  12. Can someone explain to me why AJ is playing over Acie Law? I don't see any positives. Law is still very raw, bu the needs to get more playing time in order to show more of his potential and to get more seasoned. Anthony Johnson can not play defense at all, he is far too slow for this type of offense, and he just has no upside at all... I might as well throw Law into the fire to get him seasoned.
  13. Is it just me or does Woodson look bored in every single game? I mean... have some enthusiasm or something, this is ridiculous.
  14. Wow, the turnovers are stupid. They're like turnovers that middle schoolers would make... c'mon guys, pull this one through!
  15. THIS is what wins games. Getting second chance buckets to go in, getting the easy rebounds, etc. Childress is having a great game. Smith is leading the pack with an excellent performance.
  16. Wow, at the half, I went downstairs to work out a little, showered, and got something to eat. When I got back, we were down by two points, and now, we're winning... This is a great game. Josh Smith is having a great game. What a momentum shifter his blocks can be. On an another note, Marvin needs to stop trying to dunk it over every one because he's really not that good at it.
  17. Smith is the only one consistently playing on the offensive side of the ball.
  18. I don't think you'd want to see this game anyways. We're getting raped...
  19. It's televised on NBA TV channel. I'm pumped! Not every day you get a Hawks game up here.
  20. I'm being able to see the new skin because I changed my bookmark. The new skin URL is: http://dev.hawksquawk.net/forums/ubbthreads.php?Cat=0 must have the Dev before it I think.
  21. I'm being able to see the new skin because I changed my bookmark. The new skin URL is: http://dev.hawksquawk.net/forums/ubbthreads.php?Cat=0 must have the Dev before it I think.
  22. Quote: I'd take either one of them if it means i don't have to watch Lue or AJ any more. I wonder what it would take to get one of them. It would take Billy Knight some thinking, and we all know how that never works out.
  23. Will you stop complaining and be patient? Like I told you in the draft forum, there are technical difficulties that the HS staff has to fix.
  24. Diop would be a great addition to this team IMO. Thabeet would be too, I'd rather us draft Thabeet and wait for him to develop into a better player than Diop, but I fear that we will have to give up too much for that first round pick that will land us Thabeet.
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