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Everything posted by Kimsey

  1. The reason JJ wants Woodson back is because he allows the "vets" free reign to do what they want basically.
  2. Quote: Lol i stopped reading when you suggested not resigning jj. What a bunch of wackos. i actually thought you and him were the same person(or hatertots).
  3. You MW back packers are losing more credibility by making excuses for him. He was drafted number 2 to become the franchise player but most likely won't reach such lofty goals. What is his go to move? A jumper the opponent begs him to shoot. You notice they rarely contend his jump shot. He drives hard but it's awfully close to a charge when he makes contact. He's getting the calls now but the refs judgement can go either way. This team has been looking for a no. 2 scorer for the longest time but he simply not a go to scorer at all. He will defer during crunch time because it's in his nature. He is a role player, a very good one. He has a 9 foot standing reach and 7'3" wingspan(both longer than JS and AL) but refuses to mix it up down low.
  4. We're not exactly in a win now championship mode. By 2010, I would expect differently but he can gain 20-25 pounds easily by then. He has a 7'8" wingspan and an outstanding shot blocker. Time will tell but I expect him to shoot up the draft charts. I've seen him listed at 240. He may not ever be ready for the NBA but his potential is through the roof.
  5. Quote: 16. Philly 17. Toronto 18. Washington 19. Cleveland 20. Denver 21. New Jersey 22. Orlando 23. Utah Target: Roy Hibbert/Robin Lopez Center prospects the Hawks could use: Kosta Koufos 7-0 252 C Ohio St. Fr. JaVale McGee 7-0 237 C Nevada So. Nikola Pekovic 6-11 243 PF Serbia 1986 Alexis Ajinca Age: 20, 7'1", 225 lbs. Jason Thompson Age: 21, 6'11", 250 lbs. This kid right here is the one I would trade a future first or Chilldress to get in position to draft. We won't contend for the conference for another 2 years or so and by then he should be ready. Long, athletic with great reflexes, only issue is his strength.
  6. Fred Hoiberg look like his bride left him at the alter. rofl
  7. How is he a "complete bust"? I'm sure they are a little disappointed in his development but he is still 21. His stats indicate that he's improving but very slowly.
  8. He's no scrub but people are expecting bigger things. It's a moot point anyway, once the new GM decides his decision within about 14 months people will have to live with it. Let's just say is he willing to pay more/less an average SF, draft pick no. 2 type money for 5-6 years. That's my biggest issue. I don't want his contract to hinder future moves ala Claxton.
  9. Kimsey


    Impressive indeed, but somebody up and a "Chilly Mix" for comparisons sake. Hell even Zaza has one of these and it's just looking through one "filtered scope" out of many...
  10. I knew nothing about Stuck before the draft but he seems like a BK pick. A scoring pg at 6'4" without shoes with a 6'7" wingspan. He was abusing J. Nelson driving making him stumble out of bounds with no contact. What is that about, J. Nelson is 5'11" without shoes and you'll think the advantage would be foot speed against a player 5 inches taller than you. Driving and finishing against Howard while finding an open man when drawing a double. Hope i'm wrong but this me be another blown pick. If he develops range to the 3...
  11. Quote: The sad fact is Marvin and Chills can't get it done and the position needs upgraded. Marvin's points seem to be those quiet points in a game when they don't matter has much.He's got an outside shot thats his arsenal for an off game and it isn't always dialed in. Chills can't hit the open J is a bench player. The position needs more production and while I understand Marvin is young his skill level and desire or heart seems to be lacking.I don't see him getting much better get value when you can in a few yrs Marvin will be gone has a free agent. I think the Hawk's while having a ton of high picks with their current roster will be a team similar to the Bull's not having the right pieces if they don't make at least one big change and it isn't just by adding Anderson. There were way to many times where they didn't look like a team passing the ball for the open shot, to many one on one players. Woody is part of the problem but I feel the team IQ is low and it won't change with the current roster. Smarter, talented players are needed the current roster doesn't have the ability to win championships. Chilly can actually hit an open shot but opts to drive the ball just like MW opts to shoot jumpers. Unless you have a mid range game like Rip Hamilton, you need to diversity your game more. One plays the majority of the second half, the other plays cheerleader unless someone gets into foul trouble or terribly ineffective.
  12. I don't know about ol Redick. Can't fathom why he can't get any playing time for the Magic who I feel need to go ahead and overhaul there starting back court. You can't beat out Bogans and Dooling, really?
  13. I think the op meant it as a rumor but probably just created it himself. Thinking on it, I don't think they can trade their first rounder anyway since Chicago acquired one from them last year. Dallas is trying to sign and trade for either JS or Shawn Marion. They would probably just max out JS.
  14. Take this for what it's worth (from a football forums out of all places). Atlanta Offers Solomon Jones Marvin Williams Zaza Pachulia Knicks Offer Eddie Curry and First Round Pick top 3 protected There you go, chew on that fat. It initially flabbergasted me at first but it's not that appalling as I thought. His contract is not as bad at first glance and the pick seems extra crispy. If we threw in Speedy, I would probably go ahead and squeeze the trigger. Not making excuses for lard ass but no one plays hard in NY for some reason and us fully expected to contend for playoff "supremacy" in the for see able future could change the outlook/desire of Curry. On a side note, what the hell is Mark Cuban up to involving JS in a sign and trade. The phuck, they have nothing whatsoever that could make that happen. ASG grow some balls and don't let Cuban manipulate the league with his "monopoly money" stealing our players.
  15. Quote: Quote: anyone who can make a jumper would be a very welcome addition. Exactly. The fact that he's 7 feet and could occupy another team's big man is just a bonus. Ding! Ding!! Ding!!! Opponents will have to respect his shot according to his scouting report. Nobody says he will come in like Yao and just dominant. Just need about 15-20 minutes from him. Via DraftExpress CSKA Moscow vs. Tau Vitoria This one looked like a much slower, more thought out game than the up and down pace of the previous game. Tau Vitoria jumped ahead to a surprising 39-33 lead in the first 20 minutes, mainly behind the inside presence of Tiago Splitter (10 points, and 6 missed free throws), and the surprisingly aggressive play of Zoran Planinic. Ramunas Siskauskas carried CSKA early, making shots and creating opportunities for Matjaz Smodis, but foul trouble limited his play, as well as Langdon’s—with 3 fouls each. Tau’s defense did a great job early on of forcing CSKA into taking bad shots, and the Russians clearly lacked a spark off the bench from their once great playmaker, Theo Papaloukas. He’s been fairly invisible so far, not trying to initiate anything, and clearly lacking the athleticism to get by anyone or finish when he did. This was not a pretty game in the first half, and the atmosphere clearly fell off a bit once Maccabi’s fans exited the building to begin the celebrations. CSKA is relying too heavily on JR Holden to carry them offensively, which is making them a bit predictable. The second half was an all-out war, as both teams pounded on each other incessantly inside, on every drive, post-up and box-out for rebound, while there were only so many fouls that the ref could have called. David Andersen was excellent for CSKA, scoring 12 points in the half (16 total) on a series of mid-range jumpers, being particularly clutch in the closing minutes when his team took the lead and held onto it until the very end. He played nearly the entire second half, and did not miss a shot inside the arc the entire game, going 8-8 from the field. His last basket might have been his biggest, a huge put-back dunk off an offensive rebound to put CSKA up by 7 with just over a minute to go. We wondered if the Hawks would be here, and indeed the man responsible for drafting him seven years back, Mark Crow, was in attendance and looked quite pleased with the way he played, as he should have been. Theodoros Papaloukas woke up in the second half, reeling off 8 points to finish with 10, and stringing together two huge transition baskets in the fourth quarter that were extremely important to his team’s win. Ramunas Siskauskas finished with a “quiet” 16 points, always within the flow of his offense, slaloming in between defenders and finishing either hand, knocking down shots, drawing plenty of fouls and knocking down 7 of his 8 shots from the line, including two huge ones at the very end to seal the game. The final score was 83-79 CSKA. The Russians are going to the Euroleague final for the third straight year in a row. This is their sixth straight appearance in the Final Four. They had five players finish with double digit scoring. Tiago Splitter had 17 points for Tau on 5-7 shooting from the field. He was terrific with his back to the basket inside, commanding double teams and finding the open man, using nice pivot moves and even hitting a pretty swooping hook shot in the lane. Maybe the 7-14 he shot from the free throw line will convince him to work on getting rid of the ugly hitch he has in his mechanics from the line, but regardless, there is no question that the San Antonio Spurs got a huge stud—a player worthy of a top 10 pick fall to them at the end of the first round. Zoran Planinic was solid with 17 points, and Igor Rakocevic had 19. Who is the hell is Mark Crow? I thought Babcock drafted this dude.
  16. Yeah um, he has won numerous championships in a PROFESSIONAL league . Not saying it's NBA but it is battle tested none the less.
  17. Quote: I honestly don't get all the hype with that David Andersen guy. The "hype" is the "promise" of the a dude that is 1. A big 2. A big that isn't Zaza 3. A big that can shoot which this team desperately needs 4. A big that is battle tested 5. A big that compliments Al and JS perfectly. Al has to work on a more refined post game. JS has to develop his handle better. Particularly his right, more so than his jump shot IMO. He could be our best big since Deke or even Joel Pryzbilla. The latter may not say much but we just need big bodies regardless. I'm assuming the Euro 3 is more than 20 feet and he shot extremely well from there. Centers will have to respect his jumpshot and that should open up things better for the playmakers.
  18. Quote: Quote: um so u can predict the future knowing how good Acie will be? lol don't let him fool you, he says he was an NBA scout, notice the awesome grammar/punctuations? :
  19. Kimsey

    David Andersen

    So when do you think he will join the team and how much will his reps ask for? Any reports on his measurements (wingspan, standing reach. etc.).
  20. Quote: Quote: Quote: Have called Marvin Williams the "Most unathletic brother in Sports"... 2livestews.com, they are voting. 2 Live Stews rarely have anything factual to say. Just a bunch of opinion that is often times misinformed. I just loved how they tried to play the color card and inflame half the city with the Martt Ryan pick all of last week. (SARCASM) Talk radio in the ATL, for their time slot, is just about inflaming the listner to respond. Kincaide is the same way on the other station. Last week it was the Matt Ryan selection. This week they will both (Stews and Kincaide) be dissing the Hawks who just shocked the city with a 7 game series vs. the best team in the NBA...... Only in Atlanta where misinformed sports fans dominates talk radio.......Other cities would be supporting the Hawks Suprise Playoff Run and the city's new QB. However, all we seem to get from Kincaid and the Stews is some immature hatin'. That is why I am so looking foward to the Bill Shanks show where some one who thinks like an adult and will interview a person close to the team, Steve Hollman. Shanks is no homer. He calls them like he sees them but he actually keeps it reel at the same time. I wish professional guys like him could make it in Atlanta. YOU HAVE MOS DEF NOT LISTEN to the 2 Live Stews. They are the biggest Hawks/BK/Woody supporters. They piss me off sometimes refusing to say anything bad about Hawks. Ryan is the one person I remember saying pick CP3 over Marvin. He calls Marvin 'Duck Booty.' He even said it to Marvin on the phone one day. lol RYAN did not like Sheldon. He called him 'slumlord.' Other then that there is nothing but love for the Hawks from the Stews. For the record I was for picking Deron Williams over CP3. The Marvin pick did not get me up set.... BUT NOW... I admit I was wrong about Marvin. Back to the Stews... I must admit They are REAL HOMERS when it comes to saying anything bad about the Hawks. They really love BK and Woody... Sometimes make me sick with it. lol I wouldn't say that. They poked fun at BK's interview skills mocking his mannerisms. Quite funny, they also said he looks like a motorcycle cop.
  21. Let us not over react, we overachieved in the playoffs and underachieved during the regular season. It's Boston's time, not ours. We fielded 22 year old 6'9'' and 6'10" FORWARDS as catalyst with basically no depth behind them THE ENTIRE SEASON. WE NEED AN OFFENSIVE MINDED HEAD COACH. The 5 or so assistants can handle defensive schemes... Individual players J. Chill - A few teams should inquire and we should entertain reasonable offers... J. Smith - Let the market determine his value and match. Bibby - Not impressed at all and would let him walk to save 15+ million. Zaza - Look above. MW - Do or die up coming season for him.
  22. MW had an outstanding game, no doubting that. But 1 out of 6 (possibly 7) great games does not quiet down his critics. He was huge but Chilly was just as important and has been consistent the whole season. You can't tell me a "second tier" free agent like Maggette or Posey couldn't fill out similar numbers like this more than every once in a while. http://scores.espn.go.com/nba/boxscore?gameId=280502001 Chilly and MW had nearly identical numbers it's just that MW surprises every so often with a good effort and everyone is all riled up.
  23. Sighs... Both these coaches are in unfamiliar territory but we have to change whatever we'll been doing the last 3 games in Boston. We have been losing by a wide margin and the game already decided by the 4th quarter. I hope they go back and look at what is going wrong and try some different things to atleast give us a chance like Boston has been having in Philips.
  24. Golly MW came to play today. Without him I think we lose this one. It took until game 6 but he finally has received the invitation to the party. One point I'll like to make, let Mario match up with Cassell or Pierce at the start of quarters. We don't have anyone that can match up with them. I'm confident he'll give both fits and get them off their rhythm long enough to keep them off balance.
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