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Everything posted by EazyRoc

  1. What’s people’s beef with Magic Johnson ? Are we going to pretend like he didn’t flip a team from bottom scrubbers to contenders in a couple of years ?
  2. I’ve already responded to you somewhere else about this topic. I don’t feel like just re-writing what I posted in the other thread. He gambled on lottery success by putting together a piss poor roster. If you don’t have success in the lottery, then he should be held accountable for his failed strategy. I don’t get why that’s so hard to understand.
  3. No! Not at all. The Eddielives guy did. It’s not that big of a deal. I just want to either see some consistency or an apology for the inconsistent heavy hand that was applied to me. I’d prefer the latter.
  4. I’ve already debunked your assertion that it’s merely about lottery results. You have no interest in a real debate. Just veiled (and very weak ) insults. Now go find someone else to stalk fella, we’re done here.
  5. How about you just go away and stay away ? That’d be even cooler.
  6. True but unlike Wiseman and Anthony, we will have a full season of game tape to really evaluate him.
  7. Edwards really is the only safe bet in the bunch. Wiseman and Ball are big time gambles. Don’t know enough about McDaniels and Ok-whatever. Anthony has a knee injury right (don’t know if it was serious one).
  8. Magic Johnson had a good run as GENERAL MANAGER/PRESIDENT of the Lakers. You should research before you open your mouth so you don’t make yourself look ignorant & loud. You fire him because Schlenk shouldn’t have gambled on the lottery in the first place and actually do his job. His job is to IMPROVE THE ROSTER. I put emphasis to help you understand since you seem to have difficulty understanding the basics and would rather throw lame ass accusations and result to name calling.
  9. Well Jaybird I know you’re the ultimate optimist, but by getting rid of quality vets and not replacing them with anything close to what left is sending a clear signal that you’re not trying to improve the team. So if the plan isn’t to improve the team, as the GM, then logically you must be playing for a good draft pick. If, after all of this, we do not end up with a valuable draft pick then he needs to be held fully accountable. Not for the where the lottery balls fall but for betting on the lottery in the first place.
  10. Listen guys, the lottery “game” just got harder. The modified Philly approach to rebuilding is a HUGE gamble, but it just got even riskier. We need veteran structure now more than assets or the assets we have won’t develop as well as they should. This 2K/Armchair GM approach to building a team will not end all that well..
  11. Yes I would. If we don’t end up with #1 or #2 Schlenk needs to be fired and we need to beg Magic Johnson to turn this dumpster fire around.
  12. Except no one is trying to push a comparison but his closet groupies.
  13. 🗑 🗑🗑🗑 This weak arguments has been debunked 1000 times over. You have to actually watch both to even understand. You’re still quoting stats. To quote @NBASupes 1 Star Post!!!
  14. I’m sorry but this whole post was a load of garbage. You’re a better poster than this. And I wasn’t making an overall comparison; I was rebutting your false premise about Luka being a better playmaker. Actually..I’m not sorry. That was some real deal trash.
  15. Carlisle is better than Pop IMO. Didn’t he knock off the “Bad Guy” Heat their first year with old ass Dirk and old ass JT ?
  16. See..This is true and wasn’t what I was trying to dispute when his jock riders came out of nowhere to defend him. What I’m saying is his fan boys over at 2K are jumping the gun rating him at a level typically reserved for guys who are more PROVEN superstars. I actually watch Luka and he is very nice and the way he plays literally remind me of the snippets of Larry Bird I’ve seen. How he creates space and the level of confidence he plays with is absolutely surreal. But what is saying after 2 months is that he’s a Top 3 player in the league and he isn’t.
  17. Yes because they don’t watch games. Number guys are going nuts because hell his stats are crazy. But his team concedes a lot of rebounds to him. His team also plays REALLY well together with or without him. Mavs coach (Adelman?) is really slept on..
  18. That’s all I was saying before his secret fan boys blew their wads. We haven’t even gone 2 full months in the season yet. Jesus.. and yes. Trae is an 89.
  19. No he isn’t. Trae is clearly better. It’s like comparing Steve Nash (Trae) and LeBron (Luka). FTR, Someone has already de-bunked his rebounding numbers and that Mavericks team kept rolling pretty smoothly without him. Eye test says he’s a Top 10-ish player in the league while his numbers say he’s the best in the league.
  20. Not saying they’re the same quality player but Russ avgd a triple double and he didn’t get a 96. Plus, we haven’t even reached the halfway point in the season.
  21. Cam has, SO FAR, played a little worse than I anticipated. Hunter is as expected. I underestimated the loss of Baze, Prince, and Deadmon. I didn’t think we would be great, but I felt like 30+ Wins was a conservative estimate. This ish got real ugly real fast.
  22. If we don’t get a Top 2-3 draft pick, Schlenk needs to be fired. Period. It’s obvious he had intentions to tank this season when you cut through the BS. As much as I enjoy watching Trae and JC, these Hawks are totally unwatchable.
  23. He’s literally a top 3-5 offensive player in the league in year 2. Imagine if he had guys who could hit shots. Dude would be at 28/11-12 per game.
  24. Nah of course not. In other news, I played 2K20 this weekend for the first time and saw Luka was a 96 and damn near threw up. Kid is good but gtfoh.
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